Claim Adjustments near spawn

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    There is large island east of the spawn ship that been a problem for some time…

    (see pict)

    I’ve removed 30 or 40 nerd poles from Ragnnarok’s castle on numerous occasions. Aside from this, this island is a constant location of griefing or newb claims that are never built. Several shops have shown up here as well 🙁

    To end my misery, I’ve gone postal on the claims on this island…

    – Your claims where adjusted to be seamless and gaps where removed. Some claims that where only there work around nub claims have been adjusted to take over the removed nub claims.

    @Cosmic_Kitsu – You had a claim that wrapped around Ragnnarok’s on the northern shoreline. This claim was removed. You and Ragnnarok now share build perms on the northern coastline, so you can continue your project. The eastern shoreline is still claimed by you, but your claims were expanded to encompass the land.

    IamTheReaper’s claim was expanded to encompass most of the island that was not already claimed. The northeastern corner is temporarily claimed by me. Other existing smaller claims may have been adjusted or expanded as to ensure that the entire island is now claimed.

    The entire island is now claimed to ensure this does not continue to be a problem. Those that already have active and established claims here, feel free to stay and build. If you have any objections to your claim changes, feel free to address them here or directly with me in game.

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    Im really glad you made this topic, I have personally regenerated this island 20-30 times in the past, Ive removed claims without warning, but its the closest hotspot from spawn. Is there anyone that is permanently setup here?

    I would love to take the entire island as part of spawn and get some builders to build something amazingly pirate/ruins/secrets to explore on this island for new spawns, being in the spawn it would be PVP free building to make something epic for the entire community.

    This entirely depends on the residents of the island. I am willing to move anything to a new location.

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    @MCShovel – First of all, thank you for what you did to spawn! It has not looked this nice in at least a year, and makes it a lot easier to expand. I haven’t had the opportunity to check out the claims on the island yet; I’ve only gotten on a few times since you edited them and only to work on the landscaping on the mainland. I am sure that it should not be any issue at all. I am building a village primarily for new players, and am planning to build a few small buildings on the island that would be useful (armory with an anvil, library with an enchantment table, etc.), and where that happens to be can be flexible. However, if you would rather use the island for other purposes, I completely understand. I will hold off building on it for a bit until a decision is made.

    – I think that including the island with spawn and having pirate-themed builds for new players is a really cool idea, and I’m totally fine with that. I was planning on building a few small things there, but I can easily change where that will be as nothing is built yet (except for the bridge, which will be easy enough to take down). Just let me know what the ultimate decision is!

    - Solo player -

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    The island has several well established players. I think it’s great to build stuff new players can use there. No shops of course, but maybe a food source and the like.

    Go nuts @MoonKitsune

    Just keep it claimed and looking nice/pirate themed.

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
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    @mcshovel – First of all, thank you for what you did to spawn! It has not looked this nice in at least a year, and makes it a lot easier to expand. I haven’t had the opportunity to check out the claims on the island yet; I’ve only gotten on a few times since you edited them and only to work on the landscaping on the mainland. I am sure that it should not be any issue at all. I am building a village primarily for new players, and am planning to build a few small buildings on the island that would be useful (armory with an anvil, library with an enchantment table, etc.), and where that happens to be can be flexible. However, if you would rather use the island for other purposes, I completely understand. I will hold off building on it for a bit until a decision is made. @godsdead – I think that including the island with spawn and having pirate-themed builds for new players is a really cool idea, and I’m totally fine with that. I was planning on building a few small things there, but I can easily change where that will be as nothing is built yet (except for the bridge, which will be easy enough to take down). Just let me know what the ultimate decision is!

    We have regenerated all around spawn 3-4 times in the last year to completely fresh land. So has CallieMav. Im glad our hours and hours doing this went noticed :/

    So @MoonKitsune you live on this island, do you own that big castle on it? Who else lives there? Would be good to figure out whos active there.

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    The large castle belongs to Ragnnarok. Ashimto and Cosmic_Kitsune (moonkitsune) are right across from the castle towards the aqueduct.

    The smaller claims are:
    queenjessie (115 days gone, 22hrs play)
    Firetomalex (104 days gone, 2 days + 19hrs play)
    Sven_Yorgen (11 days gone, 4 days + 22hrs play)
    jasonz09 (1 day gone, 11hrs play)
    SeanyBoo (3 days gone, 16hrs play)
    OdinGungnir (4 days gone, 12 days + 13hrs play)


    Thank you so much for recognizing the 100+ hours I’ve poured into your area and nearly everything west of you for 1500 blocks. This has been my sole focus in game for over two weeks now. I can say I am very happy with the results and I’m glad players are noticing 🙂

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
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    @mcshovel its that kind of effort that really does make a 2 year old map stay alive! I hate new players walking out of spawn and just seeing trashed land.

    An option that we talked about is getting west up and running as a second spawn, so they can be alternated between as spawn to fan out new players.

    This also brings up that topic of having a tutorial area on it.

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    Great idea godsy! I would love to see this happen would be awesome to have a shipwreck island at warp west 🙂

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