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  • #36348

    In reply to: BE is now BVP?

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    This can simply be answered by looking at our current active laws, that applies to ANY British member:

    §3 Must not engage in PvP with peaceful players. An engagement counts as entering combat mode or damaging a fellow player through any means.

    To further explain the clause:


    §3.3 Must not engage in PvP with foreign players who are not in conflict with the Empire unless the Minister of War, Vice Prime Minister or Prime Minister has granted this.


    The Minister of Justice is the player responsible of bringing British members, whom do not obey this law, to justice, fine them accordingly and determine if it is appropriate to banish the BE member altogether.

    And currently our Minister Of Justice is BGraph, so if there is anyone who feel like there are British members out there abusing their power, Let him know and he will deal with it. Do note that you are required to bring some sort of evidence of the episode taking place. If you just come in and say this and this killed me, but idk when and where and how, then your case is very weak and we will reserve the right to reject your claim.

    Please provide evidence of the kill even taking place by screenshotting the chat. IE “Godsdead was beheaded by Bislo1”

    Also, chat history of the event, witnesses to back it up, or even confessions from the BE member are all things that help your case.

    We have made these laws to protect BE members from each other, but we have also made them to protect innocent foreigners from British members, so please don’t hesitate to report them, but please take your time to gather enough evidence, otherwise there is a good chance your case will be rejected. We can simply not work with “HE KILLED ME, IM SO MAAAD, PLIS HELP!”

    might it be a good idea for you to open a forum topic in the British Embassy group for everyone who is not BE to post if they have something to report?


    Founder of Port Hope


    In reply to: Nbiwe Hacking

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    @Elijah this topic is just meant for reporting one person, if you want to report another person, you should probably make a new forum topic about it. Also, I could be wrong, but based on the person’s name that you provided I would assume it is xxholyarcherxx


    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril


    In reply to: BE is now BVP?

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    First, thank you for bringing this to our attention.  I want to assure you that aggressive behaviors by BE members toward innocent players are disallowed by the crew.  If any BE players have been attacking new players, they are breaking long-standing rules and traditions of the crew.

    If you can privately send BGraph, Bislo1, or CaptainCrackerz names and screenshots/videos of the players who are committing these aggressions, it will be easier for us to take disciplinary action to stop their behavior.


    To all members of the BE who may be reading this,

    Our crew has a long standing reputation for peace and justice on the server.  Be conscientious of your actions, as they reflect not only on you, but on the crew as a whole.  If you think this forum thread is about you, and that there has been some misunderstanding, please come forward privately to the BE leadership so we can attempt to minimize the server-wide repercussions that these disputes have caused.


    – Edori_an

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    Following on from a post I made in the LoN a few months back that got lost in the archives, and what I mentioned on my version of the Piratecraft Map, I thought i might revive my idea of World Wonders and Places of Interest.

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    Now, there are many epic builds across the server; some have won the BOTM, some have won recognition across the server, and some have still yet to be made and discovered. I felt that we need some way of documenting these amazing builds, truly ‘wonders’. Sure we have the screenshot forum, and the recognition from winning competitions, but I would love to put them on my map and have them all in one place.

    However, its not as straight forward as ‘people who are good at building get to have their own world wonder’.  This is where the crews come in. My suggestion is, that each crew on the server should be limited to one ‘Place of Interest’ each, and the top 7 (or more) will be classed as a ‘World Wonder’. It would be nice, in my eyes, to see each crew have their top attraction listed and put on my map. There is almost no difference between having a ‘Place of Interest’ or a ‘World Wonder’, except only the top of the top would be picked for the ‘Wonder’ status.

    So why only one each? Well it would not be very special of each crew was allowed to have several. Furthermore, you could argue that some of the larger crews such as the Elves would have far more to ‘show’ than the smaller crews. If each crew put forth their best build, it would make it reasonably fair.

    Why bother in general? Well why not. I realize ‘tourism’ is not really a thing on this server, but i would still be interested to see what crews have to offer, after all a big part of being in a crew is to stick together in a little community, so a little recognition for the builds of the smaller crews goes a long way . Obviously you don’t have to take part or share your build.

    The Rules:

    • Only one entry per crew (you will have to decide this among yourselves)
    • The ‘Wonder’ must have been built by a member(s) of that crew
    • There are no size limitations
    • A player, animal, mob or any other mob does not count as a ‘wonder’
    • An item also does not class as a ‘wonder’
    • The ‘wonder’ must be more or less finished. Obviously it is hard to judge this but my point is I don’t want outlines or future structures, or tales of ‘ancient structures that once existed’. Unlike the real 7 wonders of the ancient world, there must be a build of some sort to see.
    • The build can be anything; a statue, a fort, a boat, a lighthouse. Anything that you feel represents your crew, and that members of your crew have agreed on.
    • If the member of your crew who own the ‘wonder’ leaves the crew, then the crew will have to seek another attraction, if they wanted to do so.
    • Anything that is just stupid, such as a dirt hut will just be ignored


    How to ‘enter’ (if you want to call it that):

    Post in this forum:

    • The name of your crew
    • The name of the build
    • The coordinates of the build
    • (Optional) A description of the build, (eg: Why was it built? When was it built? How does it represent your crew). The more creative, the more interesting in my opinion.


    I’m not quite sure how I will sort out who gets the top 7 picks of ‘world wonder’, maybe I can sort something out with the media team @paulonfire . If there are only a few entries, i will not hand out the ‘World Wonder’ thing, and just stick to ‘Place of Interest’.

    This is for every crew, no matter the size. The more entries, the better, so get posting! I value opinions and suggestions too, so if you have any, be sure to share.

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: Nbiwe Hacking

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    Some clients have commands instead of a menu to set keybinds, commands are done using the full stop (.) and the command, in the screenshot he just forgot to type the full stop.It’s pretty clear he is using a client.Jesus is also a term hacking clients use.

    Also reptaria, the screenshot you showed is a simple visual glitch, nothing more.Let me remind you that Nbiwe rage quitted after getting raided.It wouldn’t be surprising if he is using a client.

    JDM Cars are the best


    In reply to: Flags

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    I was right about to add the CC, USE and Verner flags, when I noticed I did not have the “Edit” button in the first main post. This means I can not update the collection and unless somebody suggests me a way to update the topic somehow, the only solution could be starting a new forum topic, which would cause spam and confusion. Same happens for the Map and Timeline threads.
    For now, I will seal the flags here.

    Verner Expedition

    The Defenders

    United States Empire

    • Topics: 66
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    I like the Iborian Sea 😀

    I know it’s not fully up to date, as I sent you another update of ‘territory’ which I see hasn’t be implemented, but it doesn’t matter right now 🙂


    Also, for the names of the settlements.

    From the top clockwise:


    -Lost Faythe

    -Port AceMunch

    -Imperial District

    -Forest Lake


    Then there is the other Red Sand island called Iron Sands, after the red sand being red. A trait usually linked with Iron. (e.g. Mars)

    There was also the bit inland which is Fort Mead, owned by @hewwy & he also has a more Northern island settlement which is growing gradually called Mango Sands.

    There was also the canal on the map also & there is what I believe already in the newly thought-out territory MrStratus’s Island.


    Apart from that, this map is fine 😀

    • Topics: 50
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    @PaulOnFire because of the following reasons:

    -Laziness (dont wanna deal with council/senate/house meetings, votes, etc.)

    -Connotation, which sounds more powerful? A Malt’lakian (made up name, to emphesize that you know nothing about this nation) Republic, or a Malt’lakian Empire?

    -Power, people generally dont make groups to be a cog in a system, they wanna rule over people

    -Popularity, empires, monarchies (monarchae?), and the like tend to be represented in mainstream media as apposed to republics, only republic I can think of in a popular mainstream media is the galactic republic from star wars, and that only existed for half the series (4/7 if you count the reformed republic in the new addition)

    -Centralization, by nature some humans simply want an A and B answer, person A tells you to do B and you do it, as apposed to you and person A elect person B to be a Representative in government structure α which includes person B, C, D, E, and F where there is another government structure β with persons G, H, I, J, and K, and at the top in government structure γ they have president L. G,H, and J pass an order through the first structure to the second, they send it back for a re-vote and then the same thing happens, and you get the point.

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

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    *Edit: Map will not be update for a week or so. The file has glitched and the program has completely drained my memory. I have tried every way possible to fix it, with little success. I’m going to re-make the map, and copy over the 382 layers, so give it at least another week.


    This topic is in no way indented to copy that of AppleJK; this is a project i have been working inactively on for the last 6 months, Apple’s post just gave inspiration to finish my map*

    So, as the title suggests, i made a map too. It took much much longer than i expected, as i got side-tracked, so sorry to those who wanted this a little early.

    Link to full screen version:

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    As i have already said, this is not a copy of AppleJK’s map. It may look similar in some ways, but i only used his map for one thing; for the ‘Havanna Sea’. All of the other information was taken from people replying to his map, or people sending me their territories via skype or private messages. Obviously there may be some discrepancies over land, but let me know how i can amend mine if that is the case.

    The fill’s for the crews are their respective flags, if i could find them. I started adding this before Apple made his post about flags, so him making that post helped out a lot.

    As far as town icons, that should be pretty straight forward. there is a key in the top right corner. The larger the icon, the larger the respective town. Ports, well anything that looked like it had a few boats and a wooden dock was given the anchor symbol.

    The territories are more or less up-to-date, however the actual map is still that from mid May, so sorry, ill fix that at some point. Apologies if part of the map are blurry and/or names unreadable. I will try to fix that.

    Territories Included:

    • Metropolis
    • Templar
    • Khaos
    • Hydra
    • Entarian Alliance
    • Viper
    • New Roman Republic (I added it seperate from the VRE/VR so just tell me if you want it merged)
    • Solis (Probably a few errors there)
    • Luteus Republic
    • Iborian Empire
    • 13 colonies
    • Crusaders of the Void
    • British Empire
    • The Defenders (Not included Whiteridge until i get an official statement)
    • Admin
    • Elven Empire
    • Ender
    • Verussian-Rohan Empire (Ill change your name to VR later)
    • Xenon Empire

    As far as town names, anything labeled with a [ – ] is where i don’t know the name of that town/area. Seas, well i added a few that i know, the rest are made up. If you have better names for the seas/oceans let me know!

    * Edit: Sorry that the description seems rushed with all the ‘ill fix that later’. This map has given me many long nights of frustration, i just wanted to get it out there for now. Also, don’t be puzzled on the ‘world wonders’ bit. I got a forum post about that coming shortly.

    – Maximus_Terragon

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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: Souldin1/Bentas

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    So i will first off start by saying. Kelly talked to me about this issue, no action was done as there was no proof anyone glitched a door and we won a siege on the claim so Kelly told me not to worrie about it and move on, as we did so. This is a moderator saying this, the fact Crazy went to make a Forum post after this has been handled by a MOD is straight not liking how a Moderator handled a issue.. As per my conversation with crazy, The door for some reason was glitched when the siege ended. ontop of that issue when you siege someone and win you get access to buttons  and switches. as we were walking around the claim after i WON the siege looking for doors to open with buttons we found this door. This door was only half way visible witch is a glitch as this has happened to me at my base, and i had to remove and replace the door. And at no time did anyone try and glitch the door. as you can see in his pics he has no pics of anyone breaking a door just someone who is standing by a door. We WON the siege witch give us the rights to look at the claim and take from chest. As Godsdead has said many times. YOU NEED TO LOCK YOUR CHEST. I did look in the chest yes as i WON THE SIEGE so for that reason i did not break any rules, you were mad at the time of this and started to cuss me out in chat because of the siege. the logs can be shown at any time. but i dont need to post them as this post is useless.  Crazy the fact you have came on here to start more issues after a moderator has handled this issue is just sad. You need to take what the mods say and do and agree. Per rule 2. Anything any members of staff says. Goes. you have failed to understand that rule. As far as i am concerned this issue has been resolved and Closed by a game Moderator.



    In reply to: Nbiwe Hacking

    The Queen
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    Nbiwe is indeed NOT hacking in any sort.

    Let me shed some light on this, the JESUS client hack is an in depth hacking client allowing a player to walk on water undetected.

    Once you download the hack, it scatters itself into any folder in the .minecraft pack. (%appdata%)

    Now if you so much as try to delete the client itself then you will be screwed over. It shows missing pieces of the minecraft gaming experience.

    Now if he kept the client active it would look like this:

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    Also to top that his XYZ bar would be erased in F3 mode!

    This is his

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    Questions arise why the funky text? No idea but from analyzing his screen he sent me and his gameplay he does not show the signs of it.

    Now this is a accusation not full on proof that it is. I do know though, from this point on for a while he will most likely be watched by staff members.

    *NOTE* Signs of him using the client are

    -Staring down alot

    -Hitting into mid air while in water

    -shifting while crossing over or before he gets to water.





    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: £15 crew home charge!

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    Ha! I said to all staff when I pushed the Crew update “I bet within the hour there’s a crying post on the forums about cost“.


    Personally I preferred the bug that crew homes expired, this was a bug in the old plugin for a while that actually turned out to be my favorite feature.

    It is quite funny, that people bitch and whine about people using teleport, and as soon as I implement a fix to stop abuse its all a fuss!

    1. I was going to set it at £25 and got talked down
    2. This is the same cost as the /warp N/E/S/W (once I put the cost back on to the ones that are a WIP)
    3. It took me about a YEAR to remove existing player owned warps, the last thing I want is a way for players to set their own custom warps for players to use/abuse/setup shop at.
    4. This makes crews think twice about being dicks; Aka setting a crew home near someones base for an evening to torment them.
    5. Just because crew homes exist, it does not mean that we want to make it easy for everyone to use, its completely the opposite, you are not understanding the purpose of crews, crews are luxury for long time players, not for every person to use.
    6. /tpa and /tpahere are FREE! You just need one person to pay the £15 and then use tpahere? Donators can even /back for free!
    7. People have insane balances, but they never want to spend anything, they just want to take take take take and not actually spend a penny, take our entire server balance for example, Yes that’s combined balance of three million, two hundred fifty-three thousand, eight hundred fifteen.
    8. People have so much money they can afford to drop 10k on bounties (I know the player left that had that crazy balance):
    9. “But It went from 0.50 to £15!” Yeah, and you gained a TON of crew features in the process, you are now paying for them in-game. Again a case of lets take take take and not give back. Cheap asses.
      1. Nothing is ever set in stone, hell, I never wanted crew homes, I only enabled it as it was there and wanted to trial how it was used, to see if it was abused, Then when we did the refresh, we re-looked at everything in detail and were like, Holy HELL we messed up with making that so cheap, You’re lucky I didn’t get my way with it being £25 bitches, Im not even fond of having a custom warp crews can set themselves…
    10. I don’t know if any of you listen or read the forums, but for months Ive been trying to get my ass into redoing the Eco (I haven’t started), when this ball finally drops (If mojang ever stop releasing useless updates breaking everything and wasting my time) Then people will have even bigger balances, we need to clear out some of this insane wealth that’s already been accumulated by piss poor decisions on my behalf Aka Player owned warps creating a 1% of insanely wealthy players.. Oh wait its almost like that’s the point of stopping players having controlled personal warps!?


    After writing out my points, Its made me want to increase the cost of using it!


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    Thought I’d sjust stop by the forums and all…. :p


    In reply to: £15 crew home charge!

    The Queen
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    Palm…your Thomas the train profile picture scares me, if you move your head the eyes follow


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    This is a quick (hopefully) 10 step tutorial on how to build a small-ish fort that i designed as a small outpost for everyone to use and get a bit of inspiration from.

    My aim was to create a small outpost that fits into a 21 x 21 area (441 claimblocks), that uses about a chest of materials, and can be built in approximately 3 hours. Whether to be used as a simple expendable outpost, or to give to a deckhand, or for aesthetics, this build is meant to be multi-purpose while still looking good.

    This is a guide on how-to, not what-to-do so if you want to use different materials, sizes or whatever, go for it. Also, this design is not entirely siege proof; my guide uses siege-proof blocks, but if you get sieged don’t rely on it to be secure without modification.

    The black and red wool are to help you see how long each section is, they are not part of the build. If you want to save yourself resources and time, make the walls only a single block thick. This will reduce the number of blocks you need significantly.


    • 21 x 21 area of preferably flat land (with siege-proof blocks as the floor if possible)
    • 441 Claimblocks

    Resources required (approximates):

    • Just under a single chest of your primary building material (I used stonebrick)
    • About 2 stacks of slabs of your building material (I used stonebrick)
    • About 2 stacks of slabs for walkways (I used cobblestone)
    • 12 ‘window’ blocks (I used oak fence)

    1. Dig out or mark out a 21 x 21 area on a flat surface. Place stonebricks around the outside of this area, leaving a gap of 3 in between each block as shown:

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    2. Keeping the blocks you have placed down, place a square inside of those blocks, forming a 19 x 19 inside the blocks you have already placed. In the top left corner, place blocks as shown. This will form a 9 x 9 square that will be the keep (The large tower):

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    3. Keeping the blocks you have already placed, place blocks as shown on the inside of what you already have. This will form the foundations for the 3 wide walls. If you want to save some resources, keep the walls as only 1 block wide. Mark out 5 x 5 squares in the remaining 5 corners, these will be the smaller towers. For your entrance, mark out a 3 wide section in the middle of the wall as shown:

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    4. Add 4 blocks to everything you have built giving the structure a total height of 5 blocks:

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    5. Raise the height of the three towers and keep by 2 blocks. Add fence posts as ‘windows’ for the towers, and leave an entrance into the the towers from the walkways as shown:

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    6. Give the entrance an archway, i stuck to a basic one but you can be creative. Add ‘walkway’ slabs to fill the gap in between the walls to create a 1 wide walkway. Remember to add fences so you can get up to the towers, and an entrance at the bottom of the towers for people to get in them:

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    7. Add decoration to the top of the walls and towers. I did this by alternating slabs and full blocks to give it the appearance of a medieval castle walls:

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    8. Extend the height of the keep by 7 more blocks, making it 14 blocks high in total:

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    9. Add a ladder up to the top of the keep, and fill in the top with the ‘walkway’ slabs. Add decoration to the top of the keep, and make an entrance at the bottom of the keep:

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    10. If you wanted to go the extra step and make this a quaint little fort, then this is the time to do it. I added a house, a well, an area to hang people, a flag, and a dirt path, but you can do what you want. The walls are still very plain and basic, but i would personally make them more fancy if i would build this on the server:

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    I hope this helped anyone looking to build a small outpost for their crew or for themselves. Its not meant to be fancy, or special so feel free to modify designs, and go crazy on creativity. If anyone does build this in survival, be sure to show me because i would love to see it!

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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