£15 crew home charge!

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions £15 crew home charge!

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    Hello Pirates,

    I just wanted a chat with everyone in regards to the £15 charge to do /crew home.. What does everyone think, is this too much or do you think it is fair?

    My opinion is that it is too much.. I’ve been trying to build in Solis crew home recently and it’s getting extortionate TP’ing back and forth from my home, every time I need building materials it costs me £15 to get back! I think a sufficient amount would be £5 or at least £10.

    +-+ Templar - Squire +-+

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    I completely agree, ever since the update, BE home (whiskey peak) has had no visitors or activity, literally none. I think a dollar would be fine, even 5 is pretty hefty.

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    The Queen
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    lol, went from 0.50 to 15.00 🙂


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    I have to agree with Rep, the scale of change is a bit large, and I know there are reasons, but perhaps it can be scaled for crews started by higher ranks, or just require a more senior rank to start crews?  Just a thought.

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
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    :/ this is why I never go to crew home, the money should at least go to the leader for making a bloody 500 dollar investment XD

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
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    Yeh exactly, I’ve barely seen anyone in my CH. It used to be a social hub but now it’s just empty.

    +-+ Templar - Squire +-+

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    Considering that deckys only begin the game with 20 or so dollars…this price is insane. I miss how active crew homes used to be 🙁

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    *cough* @mcshovel *cough*


    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
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    The Queen
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    Palm…your Thomas the train profile picture scares me, if you move your head the eyes follow


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Ha! I said to all staff when I pushed the Crew update “I bet within the hour there’s a crying post on the forums about cost“.


    Personally I preferred the bug that crew homes expired, this was a bug in the old plugin for a while that actually turned out to be my favorite feature.

    It is quite funny, that people bitch and whine about people using teleport, and as soon as I implement a fix to stop abuse its all a fuss!

    1. I was going to set it at £25 and got talked down
    2. This is the same cost as the /warp N/E/S/W (once I put the cost back on to the ones that are a WIP)
    3. It took me about a YEAR to remove existing player owned warps, the last thing I want is a way for players to set their own custom warps for players to use/abuse/setup shop at.
    4. This makes crews think twice about being dicks; Aka setting a crew home near someones base for an evening to torment them.
    5. Just because crew homes exist, it does not mean that we want to make it easy for everyone to use, its completely the opposite, you are not understanding the purpose of crews, crews are luxury for long time players, not for every person to use.
    6. /tpa and /tpahere are FREE! You just need one person to pay the £15 and then use tpahere? Donators can even /back for free!
    7. People have insane balances, but they never want to spend anything, they just want to take take take take and not actually spend a penny, take our entire server balance for example, Yes that’s combined balance of three million, two hundred fifty-three thousand, eight hundred fifteen.
    8. People have so much money they can afford to drop 10k on bounties (I know the player left that had that crazy balance):
    9. “But It went from 0.50 to £15!” Yeah, and you gained a TON of crew features in the process, you are now paying for them in-game. Again a case of lets take take take and not give back. Cheap asses.
      1. Nothing is ever set in stone, hell, I never wanted crew homes, I only enabled it as it was there and wanted to trial how it was used, to see if it was abused, Then when we did the refresh, we re-looked at everything in detail and were like, Holy HELL we messed up with making that so cheap, You’re lucky I didn’t get my way with it being £25 bitches, Im not even fond of having a custom warp crews can set themselves…
    10. I don’t know if any of you listen or read the forums, but for months Ive been trying to get my ass into redoing the Eco (I haven’t started), when this ball finally drops (If mojang ever stop releasing useless updates breaking everything and wasting my time) Then people will have even bigger balances, we need to clear out some of this insane wealth that’s already been accumulated by piss poor decisions on my behalf Aka Player owned warps creating a 1% of insanely wealthy players.. Oh wait its almost like that’s the point of stopping players having controlled personal warps!?


    After writing out my points, Its made me want to increase the cost of using it!


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    Personally, I have had a very positive experience since the removal of warps and the increase in the price of crew homes.

    It’s forced me to travel more on foot, and experience the PirateCraft world in a way that I never did when everyone /warped everywhere they wanted to go.  For the first time in my two years on the server, I find myself every day riding horses through mountains and plains, and sailing ships across the oceans.  I’ve bumped into awe-inspiring builds that I would have otherwise never seen, and I’ve found ores and treasures hidden away in areas that were previously less traveled.

    We have always had a few roads on the server, but they ended up as mostly decoration in the era of /warps.  Lately, large crews have been building roads between their towns and cities that are actually being used, and everything on the server just feels so much more connected.

    So even though the $15 /crew home price is expensive, I think it has made the server a better place overall.  I fully support and agree with staff on their decision to stand ground on the price.

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    Personally, I have had a very positive experience since the removal of warps and the increase in the price of crew homes. It’s forced me to travel more on foot, and experience the PirateCraft world in a way that I never did when everyone /warped everywhere they wanted to go. For the first time in my two years on the server, I find myself every day riding horses through mountains and plains, and sailing ships across the oceans. I’ve bumped into awe-inspiring builds that I would have otherwise never seen, and I’ve found ores and treasures hidden away in areas that were previously less. We have always had a few roads on the server, but they ended up as mostly decoration in the era of /warps. Lately, large crews have been building roads between their towns and cities that are actually being used, and everything on the server just feels so much more connected. So even though the $15 /crew home price is expensive, I think it has made the server a better place overall. I fully support and agree with staff on their decision to stand ground on the price.

    *high five*

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    The end of the/warp era gives people the possibility to make “The East India Company” Dutch Trading Co. Etc….

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    Gods and Eph got it spot on in my opinion, they hit the nail on the head.

    Fistly, yes the cost may be high, yes it’s annoying for those who don’t have much money, but it’s essentially another set home, just more permanent and for the whole crew. Furthermore, if you don’t have a secure income to finance TP’s to your crew, well then set up a shop. There are almost always people at ae0’s town, so you can set up a shop there, and rely on reasonably good business.

    Secondly, I’m just going to echo Eph. TP’s, although I use them a lot out of laziness, don’t let you see some of the most amazing builds on the server, and how they are linked into a spider web of roads. Pirates back in the day did not have TP’s, or ‘crew homes’. For all those who don’t like the cost, you’re lucky to have TP’s, and they are free.

    Thirdly, regular sethome is free. When I first joined, I thought sethome would cost about £5 or more, but no. Once again, a luxury. Crew features are awesome how too, so as Gods mentioned, we’re all paying for that now.

    Lastly, think of how crews are meant to work. A group of people that work together. Now, most people have taken the idea of crews a bit further and into established empires, with large ports and towns, markets, and trade ships. Most people don’t use ships to trade anyway, due to general TP’s, but you can use that to your advantage to teleport customers to you, and make money. Among one of several factors that makes a crew great and lasting, it’s it’s economy. Work together to export goods to other crews, crew members can set up shops and stalls at the crew home (that could be a market). Your £15 is just your stall fee in this case.

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    I think the economy issues and crew home TP costs are two very separate issues. The insanely rich 1% aren’t the ones feeling the impact of the £15 crew home charge and it’s not going to resolve it. I just feel that when crews have busy exciting crew homes that is only a good thing for Pirate MC and giving people incentives not to go to their crew home can’t be a good thing.

    But I’ve said my opinion and it seems the matter is settled, thanks for reading GodsDead!

    +-+ Templar - Squire +-+

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