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  • #36507
    • Topics: 4
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    A nation and its citizens have the right to defend themselves against attacks. It seems to me that the members of BE who perpetrated the attack did not communicate their intention with anyone in SPQR. What would you do if you saw an undeclared, decently sized, well armed force moving into your land, especially with the history of raids and killing this server has? I know the response of SPQR citizens, because it was made plainly obvious by their retaliation, and I know the response these BE members would have had, seeing as they chased this guy across the map because they found him near one of their bases. If you see a group of armed players moving toward you, you don’t ever think,”Oh, these guys must be after our newest recruit, who must have some history with their crew or them that we didn’t know about, I’m sure we can just let them in, then they’ll kill him and leave.” No, you would be thinking,”Oh no oh no oh no these guys have God gear, I can’t compete with that, I gotta grab my bow and kill them before they reach my house and proceed to raid and kill everyone that lives here.” A nation and its citizens has the right to defend itself against attack, but neither a nation nor its citizens have the right to move into and attack another nation without justification and/or communication. You saw what happened in real life the last time this kind of situation happened: World War II. Now I’m sure the matter will be dealt with without further escalation, but I implore everyone to realize intentions and histories are not always clear, so if you have issue with someone or a group, declare it before moving onto someone else’ land. Otherwise, you will obviously be criticized and have to deal with attacks, hostilities, and the strain or collapse of various friendships and alliances. I’m not trying to further escalate the situation, but I do wish to share my viewpoint on this topic.

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    Oh, well that changes things. I misunderstood how it intended to be.

    Sorry Crazy.

    ….What I don’t get is why build claimed to be looking around and watching and was shot when he did nothing, when in all reality he killed maiz 2 times or more

    How about we stop trying to sugar code the entire situation.


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 25
    • Total: 44
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    Sir_Croc0dile and Galaxy219 speak most of the truth. Maiz did come to my base, so I teleported Sir Croc, Galaxy, and Xboy123 into my base just in case if there was going to be trouble. Sir_Croc0dile, is correct when he said that we fired warning shots at Maiz, yet he continued to circle around my base. Since he did that, Galaxy and Sir Croc got in boats and pursued him up to the island, which is apparently called “Rome”. Once they got near there, Sir Croc and Galaxy teleported both Xboy and me. We eventually went up the mountain where we were met with flying arrows from some of the other crew members. Now, I do recognize where the crew members of Verussia and the just the other people around there may have thought that we were attacking them specifically, so I apologize for that. However, at the time we could not say that because everyone there was attacking us. Now, the reason we siegedΒ  that area was because we believed that Maiz was being hidden and that the members of the Verussian empire was hiding him. So, we decided to siege and possibly get him out in the open. Now, I apologize for some of the excessive amount of killing that we did, it is just we were trying to kill Maiz, but many of the other crew members kept getting in the way. Eventually, Salty_Shay was brought to the fight where he professionally brought it all to an end. The killing was to stop and the whole fight was just to end and to be sorted out. Yet, at some times in the discussion of alliances, we were being hit by none other than an invisible Maiz. So, I watched for him and eventually I saw him holding out an axe. So, I kept shooting him until he died and that was all we came for, and there were other instances where I was attacked when it was supposed to be all over. That is what really happened at “Rome”. Now for the attack on Xxatu and the other person (sorry I cannot remember the name), Galaxy, Sir Croc and I wanted to get Xxatu’s partner’s bounty, but so did Salty_Shay. So, we all sieged him and because of how the base is laid out, many of us were stuck in the base and were not able to get out. That is why the siege took so long. From now on, if we stay aligned, we will tell OfficialIRS and Buckmaster if Maiz bothers us, and we will expect something to be done about it. There was really no communication in the attack and I apologize for it, but I will not let Maiz or really anyone get away with coming on our territory and being forced off by people in god armor. I do not want another attack like this, something I am very sorry for and wish for it to not happen again.

    By the way, for Design Crafter who thought I was cheating in the fight, I do not cheat, never have and never will. I look down on cheaters, the reason why I was able to kill many of the people in the attack was because I was using a God bow.


    I hope we can look past this attack and become closer allies from working together.


    - Raven228
    Hey everyone ΖΈΜ΅Μ‘ΣœΜ΅Μ¨Μ„Ζ·

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    Both sides were wrong no one is itocent in this. Attacking back in a larger sense does NOT get your point across it only makes it worse for you.

    From talking to Michty this was not ordered on behalf of the British government. It was individuals such as Shay, build, Galaxy, river , croc few others to attack. Now he told me the BE would handle it and I can concur this investigation will be handled greatly.

    Just so you know the knowledge of attacking nations is poor on how it was conducted. The “retaliation” could have been handled in a better way

    I Understand retaliation,

    Using elytras, cannons and other massive tools to attack that fortress was over done.

    It could have been solved rather than a full on attack.

    If you knew you were going into another nations territory that is where you stop and report it not almost cause a war between two major nations and thanks to Michty (great man and really fun to talk to) for being the only BE member on at the time to solve this all, I mean he did an amazing job. I can really say Michty saved it from going any further. πŸ™‚

    i hope everything works for the best.

    BTW: They stole RS God set from killing him or one of people there. I’m sure he can tell you for sure, but that will play a major role in trying to solve all of this.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: Apple Massacare

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Falc_Eagl3 Hacking

    Just so they don’t get lost to the forums.


    In reply to: Apple Massacare

    • Topics: 12
    • Replies: 86
    • Total: 98
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    First, you could just post the videos as replies in the previous topics. Secondly, I wanted to point out this. Quote of Riverwood in cubecreeper’s ban thread: Yesterday Shay, Ice, Browe, and I went to go visit apples crew, and we caught cubecreeper0 hacking with kill aura. It happened many times to have people coming in our bases, standing there without permission, waiting for a punch and then killing everybody. That’s called provocation. It’s a new, different topic that should be understood by everybody. Anyway, this is the reason why we do not allow people in our towns unless invited. And this is the reason why β€œvisit” is a very, very inappropriate term in your quote. You went in our town to raid, not to take a look. Please avoid subtle modifications. Apart from that, I hope the people hacking get banned as soon as possible.

    Nobody visits people…

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
    ~~~A Proud Outlaw~~~
    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
    ~~~^Too Many Crewz^~~~


    In reply to: Recruiting

    • Topics: 12
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    Is it okay if my crew joins? Jedihunter’s killed Ventura, lagging or not. Blackular’s been a really good member for reasons I’ll need to say in private. Luke_Skywalkerx is new but that doesn’t stop him from having PvP in his veins and me of course, we’d also like to keep are rank names as centaurs because it’s funny πŸ™‚ I know it’s a lot to ask for four people to join one crew. It seems your crew is built to be a raider crew? How about we all 1v1 you in my arena πŸ˜€ you can see our skill.

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
    ~~~A Proud Outlaw~~~
    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
    ~~~^Too Many Crewz^~~~

    • Topics: 3
    • Replies: 67
    • Total: 70
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    _Maiz_ caused this whole thing, as he was creeping around Raven228’s base and we fired warning shots at him and when he didn’t leave we chased him out, eventually chasing him into S.P.Q.R. territory (which is where _Maiz_ started his “sailing trip” to Raven’s base). When we finally caught up to _Miaz_, we found several S.P.Q.R. troops who opened fire on us so we fought back and killed them. Then they started saying how we were allied to them which is not true (for reference check the BE’s crew profile). Later on many people came there and someone from S.P.Q.R I believe Β fired some flaming arrows from a mountain top and he was killed. After that an S.P.Q.R. citizen got a huge bounty hand he was hiding out in xxatu’s place and there was a big rush for his bounty so that explains the siege on xxatu. That is what really happened today.

    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 76
    • Total: 86
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    This is all true. Β But would also like to add that a high standing member of BE did put a stop to it.

    Founder and Princeps Civitas of SPQR.
    Owner of the city of Rome.
    Server Staff
    Nos Ava Caesar Morituri te Salutamus!


    In reply to: Apple Massacare

    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 98
    • Total: 117
    • β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    First, you could just post the videos as replies in the previous topics.

    Secondly, I wanted to point out this.
    Quote of Riverwood in cubecreeper’s ban thread:
    Yesterday Shay, Ice, Browe, and I went to go visit apples crew, and we caught cubecreeper0 hacking with kill aura.

    It happened many times to have people coming in our bases, standing there without permission, waiting for a punch and then killing everybody. That’s called provocation. It’s a new, different topic that should be understood by everybody.
    Anyway, this is the reason why we do not allow people in our towns unless invited. And this is the reason why “visit” is a very, very inappropriate term in your quote. You went in our town to raid, not to take a look. Please avoid subtle modifications.

    Apart from that, I hope the people hacking get banned as soon as possible.

    • Topics: 20
    • Replies: 163
    • Total: 183
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    Today, all of the pirate MC people who had god and were online, teamed up on Apples hackers, even if they are enemies. Some might be hackers, some might not.

    Beware: There is some strong Language.

    Important times:

    9:40 Β – We win the siege

    13:08 Β – We discover an AFK pool

    Update: IΒ have found that is it Cubecreeper0 that has been using the AFK pool, who which is already banned.

    Links to the forums of the hackers:

    Fire Brother Hacking

    Falc_Eagl3 Hacking



    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

    Crew history:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison

    • Topics: 50
    • Replies: 321
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    After the closure of the player owned warps, piratecraft has been lacking in shops. Players have sold mostly through forums or chat and, whilst this is fine, there is a certain charm in going to an ingame shop that these methods of sale do not have. There have been a few attempts at the creation of a new shopping centre, though none have been anywhere near as succesful as Aeos island which recently experienced a business boom.

    The island, owned and setup by Ae0, allows any player of rank cadet and up to create a shop for no rent and sell whatever they like. Pvp is banned except in cases of self defence, bounty hunting (a player must return items after taking the bounty) or mutual agreement. This is enforced by the offending player being placed on the Kos board and, if they have one, their shop being blocked off and the player losing permissions to the plot. This system works quite well in that most players are reluctant to risk losing access to the only active shopping centre on the server and shop owners especially do not want to risk losing their income.

    Situated near the old warp trade (Port Hope) Aeos island has real character and aesthetic appeal. From the top floors of shops players are able to look out of windows across rooftops and see the stunning veiw of a busy port complete with plenty of ships and a charming lighthouse. The fact that a lot of players like to build their own shop means that the town is made up of a number of different styles leading to a delightful overall look which is further complemented by the rugged landscape of the island chosen.

    Overall, with the town growing in size and population each day, it looks like Aeos island will (if not already) soon become one of the most popular destinations in piratecraft.


    Ex Prime Minister of the British Empire

    Crew History: TEE, Delta, Enigma, BE


    In reply to: cubecreeper0 Hacking

    • Topics: 2
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    I watched the vid 2 times or so and I am positive that he was using legit aura. For all who don’t know legit aura is extremely hard to detect. For all who don’t know what this hack is its when the person actually looks at the person before he locks on. I too have another recording of the same hacker at the same time, please stand by this recording isn’t on my laptop which I am using right now.

    Proud member of the British Empire.
    Also known as Salty_Shay πŸ™‚

    • Topics: 794
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    First of all.


    Nuked the clusterbomb

    Secondly, none of this is cannon related. We have discussed this many times, there are at least 10 threads about “How to fix ships” every one of them is wrong.

    The entire issue is teleporting, as I have said on every one of these other threads, I have a solution, as I have stated 100 times throughout the forums to get ships used. I will not repeat myself again and again.



    In reply to: BE is now BVP?

    • Topics: 67
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    Rep, I have been confronted many timesΒ with ” I was killed by BE, do something, you are supposed to be friendly!!”. How can I act on that? there is no evidence that the person is even telling the truth or is just trying to milk me for some money or what not.. I ask, when you report something –Β Please show me the screenshot of BE killing you, it’s not hard. I’m not saying otitoes is doing this, but the point of this thread is to ask why we are killing innocents, so I tell him that we are not, I give an example of how you should not report these kinds of incidents to us and I’m telling you how to report them instead for future incidents, since I often get confronted with someone being butt hurt about being killed by BE, but they do not contact BGraph and report to him so that he can punish the wrongful BE members. We are trying to control our members as good as we can, we have a system of which justice will be served to rogue BE members if they indeed break our laws and violate foreigners, but it is not helping if the ones being killed are staying silent or just moaning to the server for pity, but not really giving any useful information to us. It is not aimed at otitoes to mock him of any sort.

    Build, Law is not VPM anymore, that’s the end of it. He never rejoined, nor has he gotten any government positions after he left. Stop spreading wrongful rumors, your behavior has been quite inappropriate these past few weeks, so please think before you post wrongful information anywhere.

    Founder of Port Hope

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