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  • #37155

    In reply to: Crew bank/balance.

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    hmm, i believe godsy said no to this in the past, but could there be a way to track a crews total money from all the balances of the crewmates? it would be a good way to find the top richest crews lol


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    As you all know – Iodiwankenobi is leaving the server, we will all remember him as a famous player, who changed the pirate life of many players. (95% of the time in a really bad way)

    His choice to leave the server makes me cry – especially because he is leaving an ugly box (you wont belive it) in my claim…

    We all like that player in diffrent ways, and many of us want to take a last look at his box before he is leaving the server. Here’s my ideas of what we can do to get rid of this ugly box, that have been annoying many of us though the time (again, especially me)

    So, lets have a vote right here, in this topic.

    1. turn /claimexplosions on and let everyone raid and blow it up

    2. /trust all and let everyone do what the *** they want

    3. Ask staff if they could regen the ugly thing. (I hope this could be done anyway after 1/2)


    For everyone who did’nt get it yet – i own his box and i’m in my right to do this, and if you choice to stay odi, you you will have to pack your things really quick, before @Cysteen shows up.

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    I told GodsDead that I didn’t duplicate anything and that I did siege myself while playing around with Bengsten. I jumped off my farm and tried to end siege by walking didn’t work so i chopped a tree down and crafted a chest put everything in the chest and logged off. One last thing I sieged myself only once whilst playing around with my friend on ts (Bengsten) and this was today not yesterday and it only happened once stop mixing up the story please.

    Proud member of the British Empire.
    Also known as Salty_Shay 🙂

    • Topics: 12
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    I don’t 100% remember but I do believe I saw DeadpanGuyman being sieged a lot by “friends” of his. Might be a false alarm :P.

    No, I killed DeadpanGuyman a lot because he annoyed me. He left Outlaws too, so I started making a massacre with one person. Also my two and a half stacks of diamonds doesn’t equal 13 stacks lol. It feels so sad to be poor ;-;

    I only did it once too, LetSquirrel has Sieged him everyday, breaking new land, Deadpan’s house was just a hole the last time I saw it. The only land I broke was the stuff next to his house to find entrances. LetSquirrel blew up the city.

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
    ~~~A Proud Outlaw~~~
    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
    ~~~^Too Many Crewz^~~~


    In reply to: Jailed Unfairly

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    Sounds like Dagersh was just playing, and just because he was staff you decided to get angry and call staff abuse because you lost a fight, your attitude is disgusting, you were JAILED TEMPORARILY for your poor disguising attitude, if you acted that way with me it would have been a lot worse.

    Commodore’s do not have vanish, they don’t have any gameplay abilities as it is clearly stated on the website

    You are breaking rule 1 and 2.


    For your very poor attitude, I am temp banning you 24 hours.

    Read this.

    Butt-hurt and Complaining



    In reply to: Jailed Unfairly

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    So many things wrong with this post…

    1. Did you have to write an essay, Jesus.

    2. Moderators don’t have /v

    3. He jailed you for a few mins chill.


    4. Java isn’t staff

    5. Could it be possible that Daggy was underwater? So you couldn’t see him on map.

    6. I think you need this link

    Proud member of the British Empire.
    Also known as Salty_Shay 🙂

    • Topics: 17
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    Just asking, what is it with the extra heart? Might just be outdated with the new update(s) 😉

    I wonder if its a custom power that comes from the sword? 😮 Might be a little off-topic tho.

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    I 100% agree

    (we’re not declaring independence anytime soon, but I agree it should be be on the fourth Rep ;D)

    fun fact, the decleration of independence was ratified by congress on the 2nd, distributed out through the press on the 4th, and not completely signed until August/September. In not entirely sure about the dates, but I think it’s something along those lines. John Adams believed the second would be Independence Day as he explained to Abigal at home in a letter. Sorry off topic, my bad! Will move dissuasion Wilson ;D

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    I thought  was being clever with most of the things you mentioned. I see now that i’d come further by just being normal. like i said ingame i really thought i was banned from the forums so i thought that was a no go, Sorry about the bypass attempt stupid and immature to try  and break the system. Sorry about reffering to you using your real name, i was trying to be clever which im obviously not. I saw youre name on my email and therefor assumed everyone knew it. I was not trying to threaten you in any way at all. Im on this “vacation” and im gonna be here for 30 days. I’ve been searching for servers non stop today and can’t seem to find a good one. You’d really make someone really happy and i appologize for acting like such a douche. It’s not really who i am.

    Ps: My ingame name is Arlong_


    In reply to: Whats Up!

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    I would be interested to read a public historical account of the last months too, I suggest to not move this topic to a closed group.

    Edit: Too late I guess

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    USE is practically dead again 😛

    If anyone’s interested, I was planning on doing a Fourth of July firework show at my colony in progress either above the fort or on a ship in the water. I have some fireworks, but if anyone wants to make a donation, the more the merrier!

    If we want this to happen, I’ll make a seperate forum topic discussing it in more detail ;D


    In reply to: SSuperLLion Glitching

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    off topic, but that tp trapping nonsense is total !@#$%^&*() as well. glitchers, cheaters, and tp trappers are just the worst.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-


    In reply to: I might be quitting

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    PrincessCraft, seems fit with 90% of the complaints I get, I like it. Thanks @Kitsune_X Im going to use this for the whiners from now on!

    As for finding your place, maybe you just haven’t found the right people to play with, The age group of minecraft in general has fallen dramatically, which sadly brings with it the ignorance of a very young crowd which I can’t change.

    As for building, GriefPrevention is king, protection is solid, people cant destroy land that is claimed, claim a large enough area and its yours to do with as you please, a lot of people make the mistake of not claiming enough land around their builds to stop other people screwing up the land, there is a forum thread to request this to be regenerated.

    • Topics: 25
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    Hey all.

    Yes, you read the topic right. I might be quitting. Why? Well, I will get to that in a bit. But I need to discuss some things first.

    First of all, I am neither writing this to get you to beg me to stay so I feel appreciated, nor am I writing this to fish for compliments or to get attention. I am just letting you know in advance about something that may happen. Second, I am not here to complain. I know how the game is played: you kill and get killed, steal and get stolen from. It’s how PirateCraft works (as one of my sayings goes, “It’s PirateCraft, not PrincessCraft”).

    Now, I’m sure most of you can go on and on about how great this group of people is. I hate to be the one to rain on the parade, but this group of people simply isn’t as wonderful as you think. Now, I am certainty not going to rant about how terrible the server is and everyone in it because I joined ten minutes ago and can’t find my way out of Spawn, because it definitely is not that bad. 😉 I have interacted with many players who are nothing but kind and honorable, but I have also found that some players have a slice of malice in their character, and wish harm on others. As far as the actual server goes, it is one of the best in have ever found. I like how it has some mods, but not too many to make it complicated. I like the shops and economy, PvP plugins, and ranks. I have searched a while, but I don’t think I could ever find a server just as balanced as this one. I enjoy it greatly.

    That being said, I feel as if my efforts are being wasted. I tend to put a lot of dedication into the things that I do, and that probably isn’t a good thing in a game where all your work can and will be destroyed or taken from you. Maybe this style of game just isn’t for me. This July will mark my one-year anniversary on the server. And what do I have to show for it? Only an apparently ugly little castle filled with worthless junk. I don’t even have any money. :p I just feel that for all the time that I’ve put into this server, I’ve only done what most could do in a month.

    Another thing is that I don’t really know my place in PirateCraft. I’ve tried being the benevolent emperor, the loyal crew member, the solo player, and even the lawless rogue. But, I don’t seem to fit any of those exceptionally well, and again, I feel that my efforts are just being wasted…

    TL;DR: I feel like my efforts and my time are both being wasted, and that I might not be cut out for this server.

    Remember, I just said might. I have a lot of thinking to do.


    - Solo player -


    In reply to: French Defeated

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    No, no, I got that; enjoyed it actually. I was just pointing out the inaccuracy of your statement about USE being in good terms withe British on piratecraft. If you stopped at the Thirteen Colonies, you would have had an accurate comparison which would not have needed correction ;D

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