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  • #44878
    • Topics: 15
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    Now! That is certainly one of the greatest replies to a forum topic in quite some time. How easy communication can become these days?

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 107
    • Total: 113
    • ★★★★

    To Submit your application, Respond to the topic below. If you want to privately apply, Send a private message to jusaplayer1 and unic0rnjunk101 1. What your in game name? 2. How long have you played Piratecraft? 3. What is your current rank? 4. Who are you currently aligned with? 5. Have you been involved with drama? (Have you pissed anyone off) 6. Whats your in real life name (Optional) 7. What is your favorite color? 8. What timezone are you in? 9. Do you use Skype, teamspeak or discord? 10. List your skills 11. List things needed to improve 12. Why do you want to join Piratequest? 13. Do you promise to stay loyal through trying times and all hardships? 14. Why should we choose you? 15. On a scale of 1-10 how well do you know the server and game mechanics? 16. Will you treat allies with respect and not piss them off? 17. Add anything you feel to add

    quoted from java’s forum post on recruitment. much respect for those allies yeah? kinda cute on how being a hypocrite is perfectly fine when it conveniences you, but isn’t when it complicates you. I’m just so tired of the drama and bs, and complaining (from everywhere, and before someone calls me out for complaining, I know I do that a lot. I complain a lot. deal with it).

    So let me get this straight…youre calling us out for being hypocrites while admitting you’re being a hypocrite? That makes sense…it’s a friendly war, get over it. Never thought you’d be one to whine about a war…regardless though…DEATH TO TAS 😉

    Death to da Brits
    Death to da Elves
    Death to da Fruits

    Heck..Death to Everyone 😀

    • Topics: 13
    • Replies: 434
    • Total: 447
    • ★★★★★

    To Submit your application, Respond to the topic below. If you want to privately apply, Send a private message to jusaplayer1 and unic0rnjunk101 1. What your in game name? 2. How long have you played Piratecraft? 3. What is your current rank? 4. Who are you currently aligned with? 5. Have you been involved with drama? (Have you pissed anyone off) 6. Whats your in real life name (Optional) 7. What is your favorite color? 8. What timezone are you in? 9. Do you use Skype, teamspeak or discord? 10. List your skills 11. List things needed to improve 12. Why do you want to join Piratequest? 13. Do you promise to stay loyal through trying times and all hardships? 14. Why should we choose you? 15. On a scale of 1-10 how well do you know the server and game mechanics? 16. Will you treat allies with respect and not piss them off? 17. Add anything you feel to add


    quoted from java’s forum post on recruitment. much respect for those allies yeah? kinda cute on how being a hypocrite is perfectly fine when it conveniences you, but isn’t when it complicates you.

    I’m just so tired of the drama and bs, and complaining (from everywhere, and before someone calls me out for complaining, I know I do that a lot. I complain a lot. deal with it).

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-


    In reply to: Too many forum groups!

    • Topics: 46
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    Anyone remember when Inventor John made those useless groups like the vegetable one and then the Prisoon Saloon?

    I gotta correct you it was club prison and that was hilarious in my opinion

    I have to correct you. It was actually “Club Prisoon.”

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 133
    • Replies: 1221
    • Total: 1354
    • ★★★★★★★

    Charter of the Commonwealth of Nations


    The Commonwealth of Nations (CoN) serves as a political and military alliance of like-minded crews on the PirateCraft server. It is managed in-game, on the official PirateCraft forums and through various other online communication channels on demand.

    Article I – Membership

    To apply for membership, a candidate crew must present the following filled-in form in the CoN Embassy forum group:

    Name of crew:
    Names of active settlements:
    Number of active crew members (login within one week):
    Names of active crew members:

    Every application will be assessed by the representatives of CoN through a vote. If a two-thirds majority is in favour of admission, the applicant joins as a member on equal footing. If the two-thirds majority is not achieved, the applicant is rejected.

    Any member crew is free to leave whenever they choose without fear of reprisal provided that a resignation on the forum and all outstanding debts are discharged. The announcement must be made a week in advance in the CoN forum group and all debts must be paid off. Upon departure, all positions and access rights of the former CoN member crew members will be revoked.

    Article II – Organisation

    CoN is run through the Commonwealth Secretariat. The head of the secretariat is the Commonwealth Secretary-General. He or she is responsible for publishing CoN broadcasts, representing CoN on an international level and mediating conflicts. The Secretary-General holds the ability to freely create and dismantle Commissioner roles (with the exception of the Election Commissioner). These new government positions lawfully wield the powers granted by the Secretary-General.

    The elected Commonwealth Secretary-General may appoint a Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General belonging to any CoN member crew upon taking office. The Deputy is responsible for fulfilling the same duties as the Secretary-General in his or her absence.

    The Election Commissioner is responsible organising votes in a fair, lawful and timely fashion. He or she is independent from the Secretary-General.

    Each CoN member crew is represented by its crew leader and one CoN ambassador who may be elected as the crew sees fit. These two individuals are referred to as the crew representatives.

    Commonwealth Secretariat members are promoted to forum group administrator status. CoN crew representatives are promoted to forum group moderator status. Upon relinquishing a representative or Secretariat position, all group administration and moderation rights are revoked.

    The Commonwealth Secretary-General is elected for a four month term by the CoN crew representatives. The Election Commissioner runs the election. Each CoN member crew may put forward one candidate. The CoN crew representatives may vote for any candidate they please save their own. The leader and ambassador of a particular crew are not obliged to vote for the same candidate. After a seven-day voting period or once a decisive amount of votes are cast, the candidate with the greatest number of votes is appointed the Commonwealth Secretary-General.

    The Election Commissioner is elected for a four month term by the CoN representatives. The Secretary-General runs the election. Any CoN member may propose themselves as a candidate. After a seven-day voting period or once a decisive amount of votes are cast, the candidate with the greatest number of votes is appointed the Election Commissioner.

    A player may serve no more than two successive terms as Commonwealth Secretary-General or Election Commissioner in a row. There is no limit to the total number of times a player may serve as Commonwealth Secretary-General or Election Commissioner.

    A no-confidence motion may be launched to remove an existing Commonwealth Secretary-General or Election Commissioner before the end of his or her term. This may become necessary due to inactivity, corruption or other causes which are to the detriment of CoN. The vote of no-confidence may be initiated by any CoN crew representative and passes with a two-thirds majority. A new election must take place three days later, which is run by the representative who launched the no-confidence motion.

    The resignation of a Secretary-General or Election Commissioner immediately sparks an election process after a three day period.

    Article III – Voting

    All official votes in CoN must be held transparently. There will be no hidden votes or straw poll votes. If no one wants to become the Election Commissioner, the Secretary-General may choose someone in CoN to take on the role.

    Any CoN crew representative may present a proposal to the Commonwealth Secretariat. After a three day discussion period, the Election Commissioner is obliged to run a vote if no resolution or decision could be agreed upon in the discussion thread and the representative who presented the proposal wishes to pursue it. The vote must be presented in an official voting thread within a timeframe of seven days after the discussion ended.

    All crew representatives are granted an equal vote and may cast it once per topic. The Commonwealth Secretary-General and his or her Vice do not generally participate in votes unless they are also crew leaders or ambassadors. If the result of a vote is undecided, the Secretary-General may cast a deciding vote.

    The result of a vote is determined by the representatives who cast their vote. Uncast votes do not count towards the total tally.

    Votes pertaining to everyday matters are run for three days and pass with a simple majority vote.

    Votes pertaining to changes within CoN’s structure are run for seven days and pass with a two-thirds majority vote.

    A new resolution may neither be conflict with any existing resolution nor the with the charter.

    Article IV – War

    Under no circumstances may a CoN declare war against a fellow CoN member crew while a member of the alliance. Committing a crime against a player of another CoN member crew shall be treated and dealt with as a crime committed against one’s own crew. Self-defence is permissible.

    Offensive calls to war are voted upon in the official CoN forum group. If the simple majority of CoN representatives is in favour of war, every CoN crew must declare war. If the simple majority of CoN representatives is not in favour, no crew is required to join, but any willing crew may do so.

    Defensive calls must always be answered by all CoN member crews. A declaration of war against a single member crew counts as a declaration of war against the whole alliance. If a member crew has had war declared upon them, all other CoN members crews must strive to provide aid to the best of their abilities.

    Article V – Intelligence

    All members of CoN are obliged to share any information that may be of importance to its fellows. No CoN member crew may share vital information with any foreign nations nor may private information be made public without the unilateral agreement of all CoN member crew representatives.

    Article VI – Conflicts and Justice

    Any player that commits transgressions against CoN member crews shall be expelled from their respective crew and/or punished unless otherwise negotiated. Failure by a CoN member crew to fulfill compensation agreements for damages committed against a fellow CoN member crew may be counted as a violation of the Charter during the time where the damage is relevant.

    An crew may in principal only be expelled if all the member states are unilaterally in favour of expulsion. Exceptions may occur in the following situations:

    1. A CoN member crew that violates the Charter may be brought to justice. The appropriate punishment will be negotiated between the relevant parties. If a guilty crew refuses to comply, the protection of this Charter shall no longer apply to them and they may become a military target. They may also be expelled through a simple majority vote.

    2. If multiple CoN member crews are at variance with each other, their conflicts must be aired on the official CoN forum. A nation that refuses to comply with this regulation may be expelled through a simple majority vote.

    3. If multiple CoN crew member crews wish to expel each other, a vote must be held to decide the member status of each involved crew. A simple majority is required to expel a crew in this case. The cantankerous crews shall only be expelled after all the votes have been evaluated.

    An member crew of CoN may NOT be brought to trial for a crime committed that is no longer relevant or was solved at the time.


    President of the Thirteen Colonies

    Grand Master of the Templars

    Supreme Master of The Xanthian Order

    Queen of the Elves

    Prime Minister of the British Empire





    • Topics: 133
    • Replies: 1221
    • Total: 1354
    • ★★★★★★★

    Charter of the Commonwealth of Nations


    The Commonwealth of Nations (CoN) serves as a political and military alliance of like-minded crews on the PirateCraft server. It is managed in-game, on the official PirateCraft forums and through various other online communication channels on demand.

    Article I – Membership

    To apply for membership, a candidate crew must present the following filled-in form in the CoN Embassy forum group:

    Name of crew:
    Names of active settlements:
    Number of active crew members (login within one week):
    Names of active crew members:

    Every application will be assessed by the representatives of CoN through a vote. If a two-thirds majority is in favour of admission, the applicant joins as a member on equal footing. If the two-thirds majority is not achieved, the applicant is rejected.

    Any member crew is free to leave whenever they choose without fear of reprisal provided that a resignation on the forum and all outstanding debts are discharged. The announcement must be made a week in advance in the CoN forum group and all debts must be paid off. Upon departure, all positions and access rights of the former CoN member crew members will be revoked.

    Article II – Organisation

    CoN is run through the Commonwealth Secretariat. The head of the secretariat is the Commonwealth Secretary-General. He or she is responsible for publishing CoN broadcasts and representing CoN on an international level, mediating conflicts and for organising votes in a fair, lawful and timely fashion.

    The elected Commonwealth Secretary-General may appoint a Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General belonging to any CoN member crew upon taking office. The Deputy is responsible for fulfilling the same duties as the Secretary-General in his or her absence.

    Each CoN member crew is represented by its crew leader and one CoN ambassador who may be elected as the crew sees fit. These two individuals are referred to as the crew representatives.

    Commonwealth Secretariat members are promoted to forum group administrator status. CoN crew representatives are promoted to forum group moderator status. Upon relinquishing a representative or Secretariat position, all group administration and moderation rights are revoked.

    The Commonwealth Secretary-General is elected for a six month term by the CoN crew representatives. Each CoN member crew may put forward one candidate. The CoN crew representatives may vote for any candidate they please save their own. The leader and ambassador of a particular crew are not obliged to vote for the same candidate. After a seven-day voting period, the candidate with the greatest number of votes is appointed the Commonwealth Secretary-General.

    A no-confidence motion may be launched to remove an existing Commonwealth Secretary-General before the end of his or her term. This may become necessary due to inactivity, corruption or other causes which are to the detriment of CoN. The vote of no-confidence may be initiated by any CoN crew representative and passes with a two-thirds majority. A new election must take place three days later, which is run by the representative who launched the no-confidence motion.

    Article III – Voting

    Any CoN crew representative may present a proposal to the Commonwealth Secretariat. After a three day discussion period, the Commonwealth Secretary-General is obliged to run a vote if no resolution or decision could be agreed upon in the discussion thread and the representative who presented the proposal wishes to pursue it. The vote must be presented in an official voting thread within a timeframe of seven days after the discussion ended.

    All crew representatives are granted an equal vote and may cast it once per topic. The Commonwealth Secretary-General does not generally participate in votes unless he or she is also a crew leader. If the result of a vote is undecided, the Secretary-General may cast a deciding vote.

    The result of a vote is determined by the representatives who cast their vote. Uncast votes do not count towards the total tally.

    Votes pertaining to everyday matters are run for three days and pass with a simple majority vote.

    Votes pertaining to changes within CoN’s structure are run for seven days and pass with a two-thirds majority vote.

    A new resolution may neither be conflict with any existing resolution nor the with the charter.

    Article IV – War

    Under no circumstances may a CoN member crew declare war against a fellow CoN member crew while a member of the alliance. Committing a crime against a player of another CoN member crew shall be treated and dealt with as a crime committed against one’s own crew. Self-defence is permissible.

    Offensive calls to war are not subject to a vote. No CoN member crew is required to join an offensive call to war, but any member crew may do so of its own free will.

    Defensive calls must always be answered by all CoN member crews. A declaration of war against a single member crew counts as a declaration of war against the whole alliance. If a member crew has had war declared upon them, all other CoN members crews must strive to provide aid to the best of their abilities.

    Article V – Intelligence

    All members of CoN are obliged to share any information that may be of importance to its fellows. No CoN member crew may share vital information with any foreign nations nor may private information be made public without the unilateral agreement of all CoN member crew representatives.

    Article VI – Conflicts and Justice

    Any player that commits transgressions against CoN member crews shall be expelled from their respective crew and/or punished unless otherwise negotiated. Failure by a CoN member crew to fulfill compensation agreements for damages committed against a fellow CoN member crew may be counted as a violation of the Charter during the time where the damage is relevant.

    An crew may in principal only be expelled if all the member states are unilaterally in favour of expulsion. Exceptions may occur in the following situations:

    1. A CoN member crew that violates the Charter may be brought to justice. The appropriate punishment will be negotiated between the relevant parties. If a guilty crew refuses to comply, the protection of this Charter shall no longer apply to them and they may become a military target. They may also be expelled through a simple majority vote.

    2. If multiple CoN member crews are at variance with each other, their conflicts must be aired on the official CoN forum. A nation that refuses to comply with this regulation may be expelled through a simple majority vote.

    3. If multiple CoN crew member crews wish to expel each other, a vote must be held to decide the member status of each involved crew. A simple majority is required to expel a crew in this case. The cantankerous crews shall only be expelled after all the votes have been evaluated.

    An member crew of CoN may NOT be brought to trial for a crime committed that is no longer relevant or was solved at the time.

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    I’ve actually discussed this with Admins before. It may of changed since I did it myself but at the time they said there was no issue with me using cannons to kill in the above mentioned areas if I happen to find one that is still in working order. There aren’t many that are by the way. Also when I built a tower outside of cove with cannons on it they found this acceptable as well as long as the platform was not claimed. Seriously i did it for an hour with admins watching me and fought several people who came to try to stop me. I don’t know how admins will react to this at this time. My opinion on the matter of minechat is if you are gonna use it have a dark place to tp to so you can’t be seen on the map. much better than relying on the “No pvp” areas. I’ve killed and been killed by cannons at cove. I feel for you not being able to talk to everyone Rave but don’t feel Witcher did anything against the rules. Edit: almost forgot. Get Hyper chat. has an option to respawn if you die while on it. Works great.

    CAN we get an official ruling PLEASE??? @godsdead @calliemav

    Official ruling on cannon use or minechat?

    Covered both, but heres a recap;

    • Spawn killing in general if frowned upon. This includes using a cannon to spawn kill.
    • Minechat, if you decide to log into the server without being able to see whats going on, or move, then thats your own damn fault if you get killed your just asking to be shanked. This should be common sense and shouldn’t need to be told! If you really want to chat then make yourself a god damn safe room with a home in it! Or request to use the discord chat to in-game chat or reques to use the web chat from the map.

    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

    • Topics: 111
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    • Total: 781
    • ★★★★★★
    Shop at Wog's
    <p class=”wp-caption-text”>WogWorld’s old provisions shop</p>

    I remember.. you walk in and to the left is a sell shop, straight ahead is stairs, right is shop. Top floor is still shop. 3kaj guarded that shop lol



    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

    • Topics: 50
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    • Total: 404
    • ★★★★★

    @wogworld how in the world did you get redstone torches on top of glass?,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

    • Topics: 42
    • Replies: 420
    • Total: 462
    • ★★★★★

    I’ve actually discussed this with Admins before. It may of changed since I did it myself but at the time they said there was no issue with me using cannons to kill in the above mentioned areas if I happen to find one that is still in working order. There aren’t many that are by the way. Also when I built a tower outside of cove with cannons on it they found this acceptable as well as long as the platform was not claimed. Seriously i did it for an hour with admins watching me and fought several people who came to try to stop me. I don’t know how admins will react to this at this time. My opinion on the matter of minechat is if you are gonna use it have a dark place to tp to so you can’t be seen on the map. much better than relying on the “No pvp” areas. I’ve killed and been killed by cannons at cove. I feel for you not being able to talk to everyone Rave but don’t feel Witcher did anything against the rules. Edit: almost forgot. Get Hyper chat. has an option to respawn if you die while on it. Works great.


    CAN we get an official ruling PLEASE??? @Godsdead @Calliemav

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    • Topics: 42
    • Replies: 420
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    • ★★★★★

    why is there a moose floating right there in the picture (middle top)

    Tuo marcio cavallo

    Nice event, I want one of those mountains !!


    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    • Topics: 17
    • Replies: 76
    • Total: 93
    • ★★★

    why is there a moose floating right there in the picture (middle top)

    Do not horse

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    PirateCraft Xmas update #2!

    If you haven’t already, look up PirateCraft’s XMAS update #1.

    To add to this, we have a PirateCraft advent kits! Every day up till Christmas open your advent calendar kit! This was an idea from @Palmerageddon and what an amazing idea it is! @chailey is the man behind creating all the custom items for the kits! So thank you Chailey for doing the legwork on this and making all the kits!

    Now giving out a kit per day was a bit of a tricky one, but I bashed together a custom script to pump out a new kit every day for every at 00:05am (GMT) so that should be about 7:05pm EST. This will alert you in-game that a new advent kit is available, it will only be available for 24 hours! So once its gone, its gone! These are just silly custom items to open up each day 🙂

    if you would like to get a live push alert when the kit is available follow PirateCraft on pushbullet channel

    install pushbullet on your phone, and follow that link and it’ll notify you when new kit goes live! (pushbullet is fantastic for a range of other things, check it out)

    Happy Christmas!

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    Christmas is upon us! in PirateCraft fashion we have released an Xmas event for PirateCraft!

    This year we have an entire Christmas city world with custom mobs that drop custom loot!

    Get yourself down to /warp event (Located at /warp south) and enter though the Xmas portal!

    For now the entire world is PVP free (For now) this will change in a week or so (the spawn point will be PVP protected to stop campers)

    This is a quick post to notify, a detailed blog post will follow!

    You can see the world rendered on our live map

    Credit goes to @CallieMav for creating yet again an amazing set of custom mobs and loot for Xmas, CallieMav is pumping out some awesome content for PirateCraft events, and none of this would have been done without him! So giant thanks to Callie for the hard work for XMAS 2016 PirateCraft!

    Map credit; To speed up the release of XMAS event, we picked a pre-made XMAS map from planetminecraft by Reawakens, It was unfinished so a big Shoutout goes to @Riverwood202 @cysteen and @ArtificialDemon for fixing up the world, building and decorating it ready for Xmas!

    Get yourself down to /warp event!


    In reply to: Welcome to Embassy

    • Topics: 17
    • Replies: 76
    • Total: 93
    • ★★★

    Okay so, this is nice and all but, for example if I was to stroll through your borders, who would be there to stop me?
    And mostly how will this prevent attacks? People will just walk in and if they meet resistance (which I doubt they will) it will be even worse of a massacre. And how will you know when a person is trespassing. Unless it’s a clueless deckhand, anyone going to walk to try and attack you will most definitely be invisible.

    Do not horse

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