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  • #46054
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    I have a some experience with graphic design

    Here’s some of my previous designs. 🙂

    Another post with pictures

    Animated Video




    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
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    Who’s been the victor in these Battles? Is there a top crew or different each time?

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    Personally I have rarely ever used the warps before because they are very close to the Cove. So I get where you’re coming from.

    I do however feel that we have the best of both worlds at the moment. If you make more warps, people are going to teleport even more often than they already do. This A) makes other forms of travel completely redundant and B) creates more “red zones” where no one will want to build a base, simply because having people able to teleport right on top of you is a complete pain in the neck. Players are more likely to use these new warps as locations for shops. It is debatable what kind of effect this would have on the server.

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    Hi everyone!



    Been a pending issue to some people on here that they want to travel around the world faster, or constantly non stop saying the world is to big (i like its size) do you think we should ask to add more warps, like warp north and warp north 2. There can be a main warp north then to go out further north warp north 2 but like you spawn in a house or something.


    I call it Quick travel and make it easier for people to teleport raid pillage and things like that. Or some aspect that can be added to make world traveling quicker? I don’t know its just something i have seen a lot of and felt is should be addressed. Thanks again and take care.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Welcome, pirate captains, already established nation rulers and those wanting to create their own Empire. Today, I want to perhaps give advice or just give you an entertaining read.


    I’m sure that most people here have dreams of absolute power or being an important figure on the server, but without the necessary knowledge you’ll only have a crumbling wreck of a tribe. So, I’m gonna give you my knowledge and experience of a year and couple month’s worth of running crews.


    Chapter 1: Monarchies


    When I left Delta following the destruction of SeconDeath’s vault, I seceded and formed my own crew. The Ashikagan Navy, which I’m sure you’ve heard of. I wanted a peaceful crew with the population to fill a small town, hidden in the Japan-shaped southern most continent at the time. I always believed in an absolute Monarchy and I always gave myself absolute power. From my time as Monarch of the Ashikagan/Tokugawan Shogunate, I learned only 2 things. Stop being salty and don’t turn it into a Kleptocracy.

    However, in the later days after my ‘revolution’, I created the Russian Empire which was very short-lived, but during the time I remember how hard it was because the crew members always expected you to manage the farms, build the houses and construct the military. Even if you specify rules, they do their own thing. By being King, Queen or Emperor, your nation’s people expect you to be the only one to uphold the Kingdom. There is no sense of King and Country when you’re the Monarch, ironically.

    During my recent ventures in the People’s Republic of China and Imperial Japan, I found that It’s also a matter of crew theme. For example, when NitrogenGaming77 or whatever his name is right now decided to join Japan, he did not agree with it for obvious reasons if you study history. Anyway, with those two crews I experimented with fanaticism, but failed miserably.

    Chapter summary, Monarchism and fanaticism doesn’t work in Piratecraft.


    Chapter 2: Ensuring People’s Loyalty


    Throughout my adventures in other servers with factions or some spin-off of the nation system, I’ve found that the biggest challenge is people’s loyalty and keeping them active. The easiest way to ensure loyalty is get their Skype if they have one, but if they don’t, you gotta be a good friend to them. You must give the people a reason to be loyal and active. I’ve found that promising them great wealth if they build this and that is the best way for activity and loyalty if they do not have Skype. Yes, it may seem wrong and corrupt but with the things they gather themselves, they’ll be under the false illusion that they are in a prosperous nation.

    Activity of the people also depends on your activity. If you recruit a bunch of guys, become good friends with them and say Goodbye and don’t get on in weeks, then chances are you won’t see them again or they won’t be in your nation by the time you get back. That is why I recommend putting people you trust in power before you leave.

    Chapter summary, be good friends with your nation’s people and make sure you have someone to be in power if you need to go and won’t come back in a while.


    Chapter 3: The Art of Diplomacy


    Congratulations, you’ve managed to create a nation with a sustainable population and good economy. But you have no soldiers, you suck at PVP and the nation has no resources for good weapons. Time to get into the dirty work of Diplomacy. As a person who struggles with PVP and keeping the resources to create good weapons and armor, I often rely on allies to protect me. Many times, an ally has saved one of my nations from impending doom.

    When negotiating with other leaders or diplomats, you must be as kind and formal as possible. You’ll get nowhere by acting un-enthused and rude, unless if you’re talking to an enemy.

    When negotiating with an enemy, one should act calm and not overreact when the hostile attempts to demoralize you. A good negotiator would use some form of emotional appeal. If you are talking to someone a part of a civil nation, then appeal to their intelligence and kindness. However, if you’re negotiating with a pirate, just somewhat give into their demands. Put your best valuables in an ender chest or secret chest.

    When negotiating with pirates, not much advice can be given. Most pirates that I’ve encountered either want it all or just kill you for weeks on end for something they call ”lulz”.

    Chapter summary, stay calm, collected and attempt to manipulate the person you’re negotiating with to further your own interests.


    Chapter 4: Nationalism

    The best way to secure a nation is with Nationalism. On every faction or whatever server I’ve been on, the best and most successful have been either extremely wealthy or Nationalistic. For example, the Roman Republic and British Empire get it right. Roman and British banners fly in every single household (that I’ve seen) and every street. It gives a sense of pride and national unity. This is why that Arstodskan themed nations (the fictional nation from Paper’s Please) seem to be quite popular, due to the fact that the nation is built around Nationalism.

    (can elaborate if youwish) Short chapter summary, give your nation culture and a sense of pride.


    Chapter 5: Government System

    I know I’ve already covered Monarchies, but I felt that I should cover other ideologies.

    This is going to be short and simple. Anything but Communism. Fascism, Anarchism, Capitalism…Anything, just no Communism.

    Chapter Summary: Communism is bad, m’kay.



    I’ve spent too long on this. If anyone wants a sequel where I go into more detail, just ask. I hope at least one of you gets some assistance from this.

    Hell, I’ve probably made tons of mistakes but I can’t be bothered reading it through.




    Paramount Leader of G.U.C.S and founder of Colrainism
    I can't stand vinegar

    Crazy Pirate
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    Weird. I never liked Paul’s post #45871, but it seems I’ve automatically liked it and cannot unlike it. Weeeeird.

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    Maybe since it is the north, we can include the mountains. Im thinking something along the lines of a fight to take the mountain castle or tower, with destruction at the bottom of the mountain, but a shiny victorious castle at the top.

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    I added a new master forum to the forum index; “Community build projects”.

    This is a place to send people if they don’t know what to do, its a place to advertise and organize people to build something together, its a place to advertise your website group to the community to see if you can get some more people to join your community project, its a forum for server projects, the server projects will be stickied to the top of the forum for quick access; this will include things like, Cove building, Spawn building, Market, Warps etc, I think people could even post in this forum if they are free to help out with a community project aswell!

    We may need some guidelines for it, but for now it should make sense 🙂

    Community Build Projects

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    Hello Everyone, I thought I would make an official Introduction on the introduction forum.

    I’m GodsDead, Real names Tom. I have been playing on PirateCraft since 2012 and Live in England.

    I created PirateCraft with @supergl back in 2012 as a means for us to mess around in minecraft together, we originally hosted the PirateCraft server on 2 separate ancient desktop machines, we had one each and alternated hosting the server for when we wanted to play together, we experimented with many crazy plugins back in the day, There’s one plugin I can still remember using back then that allowed you to create radio towers and devices to pick up the radio signal, so you could leave a message to be broadcast around a proximity area of the map by picking it up on a crafted device.

    I get asked a lot where my username originated, I have had the alias GodsDead for about 12 years, I created it when I was about 15/16; I was really into Nine Inch nails at the time, and fell in love with a track called Heresy, I coined the name GodsDead from its lyrics which went:

    Your god is dead and no one cares
    If there is a hell I’ll see you there

    Full lyrics: Song on youtube

    I don’t listen to NIN any more, but the name stuck, when it came around to creating a minecraft account, I just went default and picked my online alias.

    I’ve always been a fan of creating community’s, this isn’t my first gaming community, I used to run a Counter Strike Source server years ago, and before that I have hosted a few bespoke forums that were active, I still play Counter strike from time to time and even with 10+ years playing I still suck!

    I love creating things, and a project like PirateCraft keeps me constantly busy, website design and development, system Ops, graphic design, video editing, script writing, The main reason I love running PirateCraft is the community, seeing other people enjoy things you have built is amazing to me, every time I see a large player count I get exited, even after all these years!

    I work full time and run PirateCraft as a hobby in my spare time around other hobbies, Im a massive fan of weight lifting, snowboarding and music. I’m listening to music all day every day from when I wake up until I sleep!

    Favorite proper drinks are Rum and Ale.

    Why did I create a Pirate themed minecraft server? Because Pirates are awesome. Yo ho ho bitches!

    Whats my favorite gif of all time? Literally impossible to choose 1, but I absolutely love this one, gets me every time.

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    Okay, hold shit, this one is cool: And this! So, godsy, you can make something like this that will update using the information available from /crew profile (members, alliances, wars, etc?). A live infographic showing us the piratecraft world, that we can interact with? This is sounding too good to be true.

    Yeah man, data is raw in MySQL so I can just pull that into a web frontend, I was going to just do a big searchable table and top lists and whatnot, each crew will have its own webpage and list all their stats and stuff online, and then now I have been shown this graph I could easily connect whos allies with whoa and whos enemies with who using just 2 colored lines, since all the hard works been done creating the graph, I just need to plug in the data.


    • Topics: 6
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    As a co-leader of pirate quest…I’m declaring war on the Phantom crew for tp killing me. Happy Hunting

    Why are you, a tp killer, complaining about tp killing, this is an unnecessary war that you caused, how could you not know that when, I, someone dumb enough to get 3 warnings, can see that you caused it. Sorry for the salt on this post but you’re declaring war on everyone for no reason other than when it’s a massive battle, it doesn’t matter who you hit. Sorry, Jusa, you’re good at PvP but this is too far

    Where tf is this coming from? I’ve never tp killed…

    1) The war’s over. My crew mates had friends in phantom and really didn’t want to go to war with them so I settled my personal dispute with their leadership.

    2) Even if I was declaring war on everyone for no reason…that’s kinda what pirates do. I pvp and a majority of my crew does as well. We don’t need a reason to target and attack people.

    3) Get off my forum post. K? Thanks.

    Death to da Brits
    Death to da Elves
    Death to da Fruits

    Heck..Death to Everyone 😀

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    This is going to be good.

    While on paper it may seem good. Reality shows that once JUSA and Java log off, the PirateQuest squadron of Usaid, Cottage, cocky trash talking son of a gun Leon, and others will crumble under the true communicative power of not only PHNTM, but other crews who have become equally annoyed at PirateQuest as well.

    Hate to do this but if you touch Usaid, Cottage, Leon, or Rapid I will make sure that revenge is had.

    btw before anyone posts calling me names or something like that i probably won’t read it until next week so please don’t create any drama or anything i just wanted to let people know not to kill leon or pq crew <33333333

    • Topics: 8
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    I’ve been having issues with Java too. I don’t remember the exact error message but it is something like “Java has stopped working” and the minecraft launcher comes up. I have reinstalled Java, Optifine, updated my drivers and all that but nothing.

    I’m not sure if this is related but my graphics card will occasionally just stop outputting a signal to my monitor (this happens even when Im not playing minecraft). My monitor turns itself off like it does when you sleep/turn off your computer. I have to restart my PC when this happens. The monitor also turns off then back on again when Java crashes so maybe it is something wrong like my graphics card is randomly shutting off that is causing Java to crash. I doubt its the monitor because the monitor shouldn’t affect Java running. My monitor is of course plugged into my graphics card. If anyone has had a problem like this, help would be appreciated. 🙂

    Maybe I can recreate this to narrow down what is causing the problem? Should I try to turn off my graphics card while I’m playing minecraft to see what happens? And how would I do this if I should?

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    Sup Palmergeddon.

    Sounds like when you shut down the computer when it was doing an update you screwed the OS a bit, maybe there’s some dodgy cache left over somewhere. you should never power down the computer during an update, you can just shut the laptop lid without powering it down when its doing updates.

    I googled “Java(TM) SE Binary Not Working” and this video came up, looks like its worth a shot.

    Or if you cant watch a video here is a webpage that tells you how to clear the cache

    If this doesn’t work, I think the best thing would be to fully remove Java and re-install it.

    Be careful with what you find from the search results, a lot of the errors are back 6-7 years ago when Minecraft ran inside a browser and there related to Java inside the browser.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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