[server project] /warp north – Up for grabs!

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  • #45896
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    The current town at warp north is a random schematic I pasted in just for something to put there years ago, It hasn’t progressed since!

    We have had major success with /warp south and /warp east with allowing players to build in a safe area that cant be sieged or PVP, so I’m offering up our last warp for a group of builders to take on a project, the warp north warp can be moved around to that area to better terrain.

    This thread will stay open for ideas, we will need a project leader to trust people on to the claim that they won’t get board with an abandon half way through the project!

    So ideas! go!

    The Queen
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    We’ll warp south is a sort of Spanish/ tropical feel to it. Let’s do an abandoned castle, but it has been ravaged over by pirates. Broken cannons, cobwebs to show smoke, fire, and also a large court where the main battle took place? Idk random but it’s a start.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    ~ xMadMonkey ~

    «Godfather of La Famiglia»

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    Maybe since it is the north, we can include the mountains. Im thinking something along the lines of a fight to take the mountain castle or tower, with destruction at the bottom of the mountain, but a shiny victorious castle at the top.

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    I like the idea of geographical themes for the builds! Maybe /warp north can be a French Colony in Canada, small town acting as a garrison/trade route perhaps?

    The castle idea would be epic too!

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
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    Crazy Pirate
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    Colonial themes would be quite good. A French or Portuguese colony would be cool; South is Spanish, East is sort of native ruins, West is a shipwreck, so I think North should be a colonial town. Dutch, French, or Portuguese would be my guesses.

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    If you go south from /warp north for a bit, theres some really nice terrain that I already cordoned off that would be a better base for /warp north, and its still north.

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    I like this! Maybe the East could be Asian themed? Like chinese junks and pagodas? Just a thought.

    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
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