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  • #46513
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    Yep! in a (well worded) nutshell!

    Maybe the rank prefix could go on top of the player (Like they used to show health in *redacted*, if anyone plays) and the Crew Prefix would go Right before the name



    [B.E.] AndrewLukuzpanda

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Charter of the Commonwealth of Nations


    The Commonwealth of Nations (CoN) serves as a political and military alliance of like-minded crews on the PirateCraft server. It is managed in-game, on the official PirateCraft forums and through various other online communication channels on demand.

    Article I – Membership

    To apply for membership, a candidate crew must present the following filled-in form in the CoN Embassy forum group:

    Name of crew:
    Names of active settlements:
    Number of active crew members (login within one week):
    Names of active crew members:

    Every application will be assessed by the representatives of CoN through a vote. If a two-thirds majority is in favour of admission, the applicant joins as a member on equal footing. If the two-thirds majority is not achieved, the applicant is rejected.

    Any member crew is free to leave whenever they choose without fear of reprisal provided that a resignation on the forum and all outstanding debts are discharged. The announcement must be made a week in advance in the CoN forum group and all debts must be paid off. Upon departure, all positions and access rights of the former CoN member crew members will be revoked.

    Article II – Organisation

    CoN is run through the Commonwealth Secretariat. The head of the secretariat is the Commonwealth Secretary-General. He or she is responsible for publishing CoN broadcasts, representing CoN on an international level and mediating conflicts. The Secretary-General holds the ability to freely create and dismantle Commissioner roles (with the exception of the Election Commissioner). These new government positions lawfully wield the powers granted by the Secretary-General.

    The elected Commonwealth Secretary-General may appoint a Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General belonging to any CoN member crew upon taking office. The Deputy is responsible for fulfilling the same duties as the Secretary-General in his or her absence.

    The Election Commissioner is responsible organising votes in a fair, lawful and timely fashion. He or she is independent from the Secretary-General.

    Each CoN member crew is represented by its crew leader and one CoN ambassador who may be elected as the crew sees fit. These two individuals are referred to as the crew representatives.

    Commonwealth Secretariat members are promoted to forum group administrator status. CoN crew representatives are promoted to forum group moderator status. Upon relinquishing a representative or Secretariat position, all group administration and moderation rights are revoked.

    The Commonwealth Secretary-General is elected for a four month term by the CoN crew representatives. The Election Commissioner runs the election. Each CoN member crew may put forward one candidate. The CoN crew representatives may vote for any candidate they please save their own. The leader and ambassador of a particular crew are not obliged to vote for the same candidate. After a seven-day voting period or once a decisive amount of votes are cast, the candidate with the greatest number of votes is appointed the Commonwealth Secretary-General.

    The Election Commissioner is elected for a four month term by the CoN representatives. The Secretary-General runs the election. Any CoN member may propose themselves as a candidate. After a seven-day voting period or once a decisive amount of votes are cast, the candidate with the greatest number of votes is appointed the Election Commissioner.

    A player may serve no more than two successive terms as Commonwealth Secretary-General or Election Commissioner in a row. There is no limit to the total number of times a player may serve as Commonwealth Secretary-General or Election Commissioner.

    A no-confidence motion may be launched to remove an existing Commonwealth Secretary-General or Election Commissioner before the end of his or her term. This may become necessary due to inactivity, corruption or other causes which are to the detriment of CoN. The vote of no-confidence may be initiated by any CoN crew representative and passes with a two-thirds majority. A new election must take place three days later, which is run by the representative who launched the no-confidence motion.

    The resignation of a Secretary-General or Election Commissioner immediately sparks an election process after a three day period.

    Article III – Voting

    All official votes in CoN must be held transparently. There will be no hidden votes or straw poll votes. If no one wants to become the Election Commissioner, the Secretary-General may choose someone in CoN to take on the roll.

    Any CoN crew representative may present a proposal to the Commonwealth Secretariat. After a three day discussion period, the Election Commissioner is obliged to run a vote if no resolution or decision could be agreed upon in the discussion thread and the representative who presented the proposal wishes to pursue it. The vote must be presented in an official voting thread within a timeframe of seven days after the discussion ended.

    All crew representatives are granted an equal vote and may cast it once per topic. The Commonwealth Secretary-General and his or her Vice do not generally participate in votes unless they are also crew leaders or ambassadors. If the result of a vote is undecided, the Secretary-General may cast a deciding vote.

    The result of a vote is determined by the representatives who cast their vote. Uncast votes do not count towards the total tally.

    Votes pertaining to everyday matters are run for three days and pass with a simple majority vote.

    Votes pertaining to changes within CoN’s structure are run for seven days and pass with a two-thirds majority vote.

    A new resolution may neither be conflict with any existing resolution nor the with the charter.

    Article IV – War

    Under no circumstances may a CoN declare war against a fellow CoN member crew while a member of the alliance. Committing a crime against a player of another CoN member crew shall be treated and dealt with as a crime committed against one’s own crew. Self-defence is permissible.

    Offensive calls to war are voted upon in the official CoN forum group. If the simple majority of CoN representatives is in favour of war, every CoN crew must declare war. If the simple majority of CoN representatives is not in favour, no crew is required to join, but any willing crew may do so.

    Defensive calls must always be answered by all CoN member crews. A declaration of war against a single member crew counts as a declaration of war against the whole alliance. If a member crew has had war declared upon them, all other CoN members crews must strive to provide aid to the best of their abilities.

    Article V – Intelligence

    All members of CoN are obliged to share any information that may be of importance to its fellows. No CoN member crew may share vital information with any foreign nations nor may private information be made public without the unilateral agreement of all CoN member crew representatives.

    Article VI – Conflicts and Justice

    Any player that commits transgressions against CoN member crews shall be expelled from their respective crew and/or punished unless otherwise negotiated. Failure by a CoN member crew to fulfill compensation agreements for damages committed against a fellow CoN member crew may be counted as a violation of the Charter during the time where the damage is relevant.

    An crew may in principal only be expelled if all the member states are unilaterally in favour of expulsion. Exceptions may occur in the following situations:

    1. A CoN member crew that violates the Charter may be brought to justice. The appropriate punishment will be negotiated between the relevant parties. If a guilty crew refuses to comply, the protection of this Charter shall no longer apply to them and they may become a military target. They may also be expelled through a simple majority vote.

    2. If multiple CoN member crews are at variance with each other, their conflicts must be aired on the official CoN forum. A nation that refuses to comply with this regulation may be expelled through a simple majority vote.

    3. If multiple CoN crew member crews wish to expel each other, a vote must be held to decide the member status of each involved crew. A simple majority is required to expel a crew in this case. The cantankerous crews shall only be expelled after all the votes have been evaluated.

    An member crew of CoN may NOT be brought to trial for a crime committed that is no longer relevant or was solved at the time.


    President of the Thirteen Colonies

    Grand Master of the Templars

    Supreme Master of The Xanthian Order

    Queen of the Elves

    Prime Minister of the British Empire





    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★
    • Topics: 133
    • Replies: 1221
    • Total: 1354
    • ★★★★★★★

    Greetings, everybody!

    You might be wondering what these “Commonwealth of Nations” forum groups are. The Commonwealth of Nations (CoN) is an alliance of Piratecraft crews willing to fight together and work together. Basically, it is the spiritual successor of the now defunct League of Nations (LoN).

    So what has changed about this alliance apart from the name?

    Quite a few things. For one, the smaller crews of LoN have now merged into a greater entity known as the Xanthian Order. They hold a position as one single crew in CoN, as they are now one crew in-game. Templar is the newest member crew to be welcomed into CoN’s fold.

    The structure of the alliance has also been considerably strengthened. We have a very ordered charter which is far more detailed than what we had in LoN. This should prevent internal disputes like the ones that lead to the break up of the old “Allied”.

    We also have a fully functioning (but not controlling) democratic government system which we call the “Secretariat”. After holding the first elections at the beginning of January 2017, I narrowly won the elections to become the first CoN Secretary-General.

    So wait, why do you guys need a “Secretariat”? Don’t you already have your own crew governments?

    The ultimate failure of LoN was its purposefully unclear, wishy-washy system. When we held votes on important subjects, no one really knew who was allowed to join in or what happened if there was a stalemate. LoN was something in between a chat room and a military helpline. We talked a LOT and fought together as allies. But during the Templar war it became clear that there were severe differences in what people had come to expect from the alliance, which is why it split up.

    CoN needs a clearly defined system to prevent inner turmoil. To control such a system, there needs to be some people taking care of it. This is where the Secretariat comes in. Its function is to manage the proceedings in an ordered manner and encourage cooperation among the crews.

    So who is in this Secretariat?

    I am currently the Secretary-General. My vice is NickyB_123 and in the coming days we will be appointing “Commissioners” to whom we can delegate certain tasks.

    What benefits do crews get from joining?

    First and foremost you become part of a tight-knit community. CoN’s history stretches back into LoN and the 0utlawz war. There is some serious chemistry in the mix, not to mention a lot of friendly and helpful faces.

    Besides that, CoN is rebuilding LoN’s vision of a defensive military alliance. An attack against one crew is an attack against all. In future, we will be working on improving our coordination to provide basic security around the clock.

    You also get the opportunity to become part of some impressive community projects. We have a lot of things up our sleeves, such as ship battles, Olympic or Commonwealth Games, public facilities and road construction and much more. If you want to be part of fun community events, CoN is a very promising place to start.

    Last but not least, each crew member gets equal say in the official CoN forum group. You may participate in votes on equal footing with all the other crews and help shape the face of both CoN and PirateCraft as a whole.

    If you’re interested in joining, don’t hesitate to fill out the form which can be found in the official CoN membership application thread.

    I hope to see you around. This thread will be updated as things happen in CoN. ?

    • Topics: 133
    • Replies: 1221
    • Total: 1354
    • ★★★★★★★

    This is the official CoN membership application thread. If you are interested in applying to be a member of CoN and gain all the benefits of membership, please fill in the form below:

    Name of crew:
    Names of active settlements:
    Number of active crew members (login within one week):
    Names of active crew members:

    Keep in mind that you must agree to adhere to the conditions of the Commonwealth charter.

    The existing CoN member crews will then vote on your application and get back to you in a timely fashion.

    • Topics: 60
    • Replies: 797
    • Total: 857
    • ★★★★★★

    go away, odi.

    What how was this mean to you, it was a simple joke and if it wasn’t funny to you don’t comment about it, Im sorry I have to react this way but I’m sick of you walking all over people and telling them what to do. It was just a joke Cysteen, no need to tell me to leave.

    leave odi

    K I agree


    • Topics: 42
    • Replies: 420
    • Total: 462
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    go away, odi.

    What how was this mean to you, it was a simple joke and if it wasn’t funny to you don’t comment about it, Im sorry I have to react this way but I’m sick of you walking all over people and telling them what to do. It was just a joke Cysteen, no need to tell me to leave.

    leave odi

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    • Topics: 8
    • Replies: 40
    • Total: 48
    • ★★

    Hello everyone!

    There has been a bit of hype about ships so I thought now would be a good time to share this!

    Its my creative world where I test build all my ships before I build them on the server.

    There are a lot of partially built pieces of ships as well as a few completed ships that might inspire some people.

    Anyway, enjoy!

    Here is the download:

    How to download/put it into your saves folder

    1: Click the download link

    2: You will be taken to a download. Click the green “download” button

    3: When its done, drag the file to your desktop or find it in your downloads folder

    4: Right click the file so a menu pops us and click “Extract All…”

    5: Extract it. This will create a new file that is not zipped. You can delete the original zipped file if you want

    6: Search for “%appdata%” in your start button search thing

    7: Open “%appdata%” and find “.minecraft” and “saves”

    8: Drag the unzipped file into “saves”

    9: Open minecraft and play the world

    • Topics: 44
    • Replies: 212
    • Total: 256
    • ★★★★★

    very nice design.  the theme and style is consistent, which is the way to do a town.  the only thing I could suggest is maybe adding a public square area and perhaps a livestock area with few animals. I especially like the giant dragon perched on top of the roof.

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 98
    • Total: 117
    • ★★★★

    I am not related to to this post and should not take part in the conversation, but I felt too tempted.

    Fighting openly raiding groups whenever they try to “attack other crews without them knowing, wanting, or having a reason to be attacked” has never been a fundament of the British existence in Piratecraft.

    Historically, the British Empire used to intervene only against crews they considered a great danger for the whole server balance.

    Last time the British Empire was involved in a war was against the Templars. When, more recently, Piratequest declared war on them, british citizens themselves explained how they had a lack of fighters and therefore were not able to sustain a rivalry and have a “fun war”.

    The amount of raiders is reducing but some crews still plunder around the world. Denouncing their evil actions would turn them into open enemies and I do not think this is an aim of the British Empire.
    Not counting that they need to vote before every conflict, which means that military action against raiders is not automatic.

    If you mean fighting the evil in a diplomatic way, then maybe!

    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 4
    • Total: 6

    Hello! I am EchoOcelot, from The Bitter North crew, and I request an alliance with the British Empire. I have been their ally for months when I was a part of Ender, so I am familiar with the BE and their customs. Here are some of the topics that we can strengthen together:

    1. Fighting The Evil

    There are many crews that attack other crews without them knowing, wanting, or having a reason to be attacked. Together, we could help stop this evil when they try to do that.

    2. Projects

    I had always admired BE’s great buildings and ideas, such as the many incredible cities, like London and Whiskey Peak. Also, I have admired their transportation projects, such as the nether rail to many different towns and shopping locations. Together, we could also bring many great new ideas to existence.


    Thanks for reading my proposal through, and please consider it. Thank you!




    In reply to: Current Crew Opinions

    • Topics: 5
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    • Total: 18

    British Empire and all of it’s sub-crews: 乁(■ ͟ʖ■)ㄏ

    We have sub crews? I don’t even own a submarine! And, what about the other 9000 crews? And what even is this?

    What I mean is all of your allies that basically feed off you mostly. Like The Thirteen Colonies.


    Topic: The Resurrection Speech

    in group forum Elven Embassy
    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    Hello people of the world,

    This is the Queen, our glorious empire the Elven Empire has had many issues in its past history. With unloyal subjects and to spies who seeked our peoples utter end. To that we had to end the days of our empire long ago, but now the time has came once again for our empire to rise up from the bloodshed, to rise up from all forms of destruction and to be stronger than we were before.

    With the support of our friends, our true friends who will be by our side the entire way, the elves will be there for them when they have no one else.

    Word from our head Ambassador MadHatterSupreme
    We have spent time experimenting with different forms and systems, each one successful in their own way, but never truly as grand as the original state. So, we should return to our roots, to stop the turmoil of a constantly shifting crew, being reborn under different names and faces, which has confused our allies, and cannot rival the peace of a solid, lasting crew, as we once were. We intend to become as dependable as we first were, a backbone to the server alongside the Commonwealth of Nations, and our main ally the British Empire.
    With this declaration of our initial resurrection i say to you all the Elven Empire has returned and will remain in tact. We are supported by our true friends, ones who are not ashamed to align with us, and with the support our new government, we will not fail!

    -Elven Empire, January 20th 2017

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: [Idea] Religious sects

    • Topics: 66
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    Can you believe in evolution? Can you believe in the Church of the Flying <b>Spaghetti</b> Monster or Pastafarianism? Can you believe in Christianity? Can you believe in Buddhism? Can you believe in Islam? Can you believe in Muslim? Can you believe in Sikh? Can you believe in Communism? Can you believe in Fascism? Can you believe in Capitalism? Can you believe in Harambe? Can you believe in memes? Can you believe in Pigs? Can you believe in Notch? Can you believe in love? Can you believe in Barry Bee Benson? Can you believe in Jedi? Can you believe in Judaism? Can you believe in magic? Can you believe in me? Can you believe you can fly? Can you fly? If you can cool. Can you believe in God? Can you believe in Allah? Can you believe in Godsdead? Can you believe in Allahsdead? Can you believe in the Buddha? Can you believe in magic? (again) Can you believe in George Bush not doing 9/11? Can you believe that Trump will be President tomorrow? Can you believe in the government? Can you believe in Order 66? Can you believe in your parents? Can you believe in your impending demise from the never ending, unstoppable march of time?


    Something to think about, i’d like answers also.


    In reply to: Imma go for now

    • Topics: 66
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    Sorry, who are you again?


    Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever met you aha.

    (sorry I know this is offtopic)

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