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  • #66343
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    This is such a minor “grief”, why did you even report it? Just break the dirt lmao it takes like 2 minutes. Stop crying and whining no one cares you are going to get raided suck it up.

    I think you need to read this before making a report on griefing:
    “If it can be fixed in a couple of hours, its not our problem”
    – Xeron, on EnderSold’s bs griefing report on Cosmic

    For more information and help, please read:

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    Dragonlord of the Valyrian Freehold (VAL)
    Former High Capal of Military and Conquest in ROME
    fucking no life loser

    • Topics: 1
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    <span style=”color: #696b6e; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;”>”If it can be fixed in a couple of hours, its not our problem.”

    </span>- Xeron on EnderSold’s griefing report

    Also I reccomend reading this, it might help.

    Dragonlord of the Valyrian Freehold (VAL)
    Former High Capal of Military and Conquest in ROME
    fucking no life loser

    • Topics: 1
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    y’all should look at this old post…

    • Topics: 1
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    y’all should check this old post


    In reply to: Ban Appeal: Arcanuo

    • Topics: 1
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    • Total: 15

    I’m still banned, haha.

    Can you try directly connecting to (ver: 1.12-1.15)? If you’re still banned, please attach a screenshot of the message.


    Direct connect on 1.12.2.
    <span style=”color: #4a4a4a; font-family: ‘Open sans’, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; white-space: pre; background-color: #2d313a;”></span&gt;


    In reply to: Ban Appeal: Arcanuo

    • Topics: 1
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    Still banned when trying to direct connect on 1.12.2.

    Can you try again? Are you also using the IP that I’ve given you?


    Version 1.12.2 to the ip you provided via regular and direct connect still results in a ban message.


    In reply to: Unban Appeal

    • Topics: 2
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    • ★★

    @Cysteen @Atalantaa

    When I was first banned from the server I was pretty depressed I was truly saddened that not only did I get banned from a server that I had a lot of friends on but I could no longer play with my friends and the relationships that I built, I went to the store and spent 25$ on a new account I really don’t know what I was thinking or my rationality behind it but some way I was like hey I can join still play with my friends and start a new. It was a stupid mistake and I have not done it since then. I am sorry for this and it goes against a ton of rules however if you check the playtime of the alt you will see it only played for a few hours when a friend of mine who I told about the alt ordered me to get rid of it because it would just cause more issue and that snapped me out of it and made me realize he was right that I was banned for a reason and should just accept it like everyone else and make a post for staff to debate if I should be unbanned or not.

    Cysteen I do apologize you feel this way but I was a pretty ruthless pvper and some of that involved tricking players to let me in their bases, I however I do not feel this should change if I should be unbanned or not this server is a server for all people builders and pvpers it was build like purposely and it does a amazing job at it. I however did apologize to Emiel, attempted to however this is why Atalantaa said that I called him multiple times and spammed him however this was not the case I called emiel to verbally apologize to him for our friendship falling out this is because I hope to be unbanned from the server and I would like to go back to being allies with him truth is me and him would talk on the phone all the time even when not playing the game. He did not pick up the first time I called but I did see that his icon went from offline to online so I messaged him I said hey emiel I need to talk to you. I saw three bubbles pop up indicated that he was typing then they stopped so I said you there? to which no reply at this time I realized he may not have noticed who my discord name was due to me changing it so I called from my discord named bloatedhippo. At this point I was blocked and realized that emiel has no intentions to talk to me which does hurt but I know its from my own mistake. You can ask emiel if we had a great relationship prior to our crews going against eachother. When I realized emiel had no intrested in talking I messaged @LazyDog11 and asked if she would pass on a message from me which was and I quote

    I just wanted to see if you would say sorry to emiel for me I tried apologizing last night for how I treated him and he blocked me. If you could that would be great thank you.

    I really do feel bad about a ton of things that happened on the server but I did message a few people whom I was the worst to apologizing so that if I am unbanned I can hopefully be friends with those people again. Even if I am not unbanned I would like to speak to them as well.

    @emielreijs if you are reading this I hope we can be on speaking terms again.

    I wish there was a digital scale I could show you guys that measure matureness the best thing I can say is please listen to the people who have kept in touch with me since I have been banned and have talked to me everyday they have seen me mature and above all realized all the bad I did.

    Thank you for reading and your consideration.


    In reply to: Unban Appeal

    • Topics: 2
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    • ★★

    @Cysteen @Atalantaa

    When I was first banned from the server I was pretty depressed I was truly saddened that not only did I get banned from a server that I had a lot of friends on but I could no longer play with my friends and the relationships that I built, I went to the store and spent 25$ on a new account I really don’t know what I was thinking or my rationality behind it but some way I was like hey I can join still play with my friends and start a new. It was a stupid mistake and I have not done it since then. I am sorry for this and it goes against a ton of rules however if you check the playtime of the alt you will see it only played for a few hours when a friend of mine who I told about the alt ordered me to get rid of it because it would just cause more issue and that snapped me out of it and made me realize he was right that I was banned for a reason and should just accept it like everyone else and make a post for staff to debate if I should be unbanned or not.

    Cysteen I do apologize you feel this way but I was a pretty ruthless pvper and some of that involved tricking players to let me in their bases, I however I do not feel this should change if I should be unbanned or not this server is a server for all people builders and pvpers it was build like purposely and it does a amazing job at it. I however did apologize to Emiel, attempted to however this is why Atalantaa said that I called him multiple times and spammed him however this was not the case I called emiel to verbally apologize to him for our friendship falling out this is because I hope to be unbanned from the server and I would like to go back to being allies with him truth is me and him would talk on the phone all the time even when not playing the game. He did not pick up the first time I called but I did see that his icon went from offline to online so I messaged him I said hey emiel I need to talk to you. I saw three bubbles pop up indicated that he was typing then they stopped so I said you there? to which no reply at this time I realized he may not have noticed who my discord name was due to me changing it so I called from my discord named bloatedhippo. At this point I was blocked and realized that emiel has no intentions to talk to me which does hurt but I know its from my own mistake. You can ask emiel if we had a great relationship prior to our crews going against eachother. When I realized emiel had no intrested in talking I messaged @LazyDog11 and asked if she would pass on a message from me which was and I quote

    I just wanted to see if you would say sorry to emiel for me I tried apologizing last night for how I treated him and he blocked me. If you could that would be great thank you.

    I really do feel bad about a ton of things that happened on the server but I did message a few people whom I was the worst to apologizing so that if I am unbanned I can hopefully be friends with those people again. Even if I am not unbanned I would like to speak to them as well.

    @emielreijs if you are reading this I hope we can be on speaking terms again.

    I wish there was a digital scale I could show you guys that measure matureness the best thing I can say is please listen to the people who have kept in touch with me since I have been banned and have talked to me everyday they have seen me mature and above all realized all the bad I did.

    Thank you for reading and your considering.


    In reply to: Player report: Skei

    • Topics: 21
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    • Total: 93
    • ★★★

    “fake screenshots”, “Competition” ok first off the reason we argued was because he made a statement about israel and Palestine and second off I didn’t even know of his *ahem* “passion for brewing” until now. and Fake Screenshots? how the fuck am I supposed to “fake” a screenshot? there is no way to MY knowledge. and if he wasn’t guilty y did he delete all his chats once I reported him hmmm? @CrythusLaurious and @PortugalJ didn’t u say how the first message you got from skei was infact the nword?

    No need to get angry stewie you are showing more and more your anger could’ve driven you to the extreme. Also stop lying every person knows how to inspect element to make them look more popular on YouTube and you can edit discord screenshots the same way not to mention isn’t it so mysterious is that he deleted the messages after you failed to send the full screenshot. And why so suddenly have you brought that he deleted screenshots today not in to your last argument your story is very Cloudy and you think that portraying the victim angry distraught narrative will get rid of skeie. Plus discord goes hard on reports of anti Semitic people and homophobic people I’ve reported some toxic people myself and within 5 days action was taken. Israel Palestine I swear if he was saying stuff about being pro Palestinian Jerusalem that’s just dumb I will not voice my oppions on the topic but you should not be talking about these sensitive religious topics on a Minecraft Discord with young children on it. Also you can’t be talking about anti Semitism as you yourself have made jokes about Jewish people in the Roman discord and you claimed it was ok Because you were Jewish. Stewie it’s simple treat others how you want to be treated and please ton down your responses the language is vulgar and repulsive.

    I eat crayons with my eyes...
    Never put marbles in ur nose it hurts
    King of Scoryenthea
    Mayor of Crythus


    In reply to: Unban Appeal

    • Topics: 2
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    @Cysteen @Atalantaa

    When I was first banned from the server I was pretty depressed I was truly saddened that not only did I get banned from a server that I had a lot of friends on but I could no longer play with my friends and the relationships that I built, I went to the store and spent 25$ on a new account I really don’t know what I was thinking or my rationality behind it but some way I was like hey I can join still play with my friends and start a new. It was a stupid mistake and I have not done it since then. I am sorry for this and it goes against a ton of rules however if you check the playtime of the alt you will see it only played for a few hours when a friend of mine who I told about the alt ordered me to get rid of it because it would just cause more issue and that snapped me out of it and made me realize he was right that I was banned for a reason and should just accept it like everyone else and make a post for staff to debate if I should be unbanned or not.

    Cysteen I do apologize you feel this way but I was a pretty ruthless pvper and some of that involved tricking players to let me in their bases, I however I do not feel this should change if I should be unbanned or not this server is a server for all people builders and pvpers it was build like purposely and it does a amazing job at it. I however did apologize to Emiel, attempted to however this is why Atalantaa said that I called him multiple times and spammed him however this was not the case I called emiel to verbally apologize to him for our friendship falling out this is because I hope to be unbanned from the server and I would like to go back to being allies with him truth is me and him would talk on the phone all the time even when not playing the game. He did not pick up the first time I called but I did see that his icon went from offline to online so I messaged him I said hey emiel I need to talk to you. I saw three bubbles pop up indicated that he was typing then they stopped so I said you there? to which no reply at this time I realized he may not have noticed who my discord name was due to me changing it so I called from my discord named bloatedhippo. At this point I was blocked and realized that emiel has no intentions to talk to me which does hurt but I know its from my own mistake. You can ask emiel if we had a great relationship prior to our crews going against eachother. When I realized emiel had no intrested in talking I messaged @LazyDog11 and asked if she would pass on a message from me which was and I quote

    I just wanted to see if you would say sorry to emiel for me I tried apologizing last night for how I treated him and he blocked me. If you could that would be great thank you.

    I really do feel bad about a ton of things that happened on the server but I did message a few people whom I was the worst to apologizing so that if I am unbanned I can hopefully be friends with those people again. Even if I am not unbanned I would like to speak to them as well.

    @emielreijs if you are reading this I hope we can be on speaking terms again.

    I wish there was a digital scale I could show you guys that measure matureness the best thing I can say is please listen to the people who have kept in touch with me since I have been banned and have talked to me everyday they have seen me mature and above all realized all the bad I did.

    Thank you for reading and considering.

    • Topics: 39
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    • ★★★★★

    @mindmeld420  , so after literally hours of going over /siege intervals and kill times and chat logs, and after having to pull you guys into the private channel to explain what we constitutes harassment and and asking all of you to just chill and take it easy because a fellow player on our server is feeling harassed. After all that and then seeing that it didn’t make an impact , the player still gets attacked/sieged the minute of being online, yeah – staff decided to give you a 2 week temp ban after some discussion about it.

    Just mere minutes later, I get dms from you wanting to talk about it. And as I told you, I was not in the mood to listen to your excuses and explanations. It feels like you had not been listening to what staff told all of you  guys. You all had been too busy pointing out what each one of you had not been doing …. “I didn’t say that in chat” .. “I didn’t even kill” .. etc etc. So you chose what you wanted to hear, decided it didn’t apply to whatever your plan was and kept on going.  What you didn’t realize that the combined impact of all of you guys was harassment and we wanted it to stop. You guys had been verbally warned !! Not a “punishment warning” perse, but verbally asked to stop your behavior ! How hard is it to just chill for a while, to let things ebb down, to let the waves flatten out ?

    You decided not to heed and now you got a 2 week temp-ban  . Take the time to reflect how you impact others on the server. I wish you’d ever realize what a unique community PirateCraft actually is and how this virtual world can be an amazing place where you can make friends and establish great relationships and have fun together. Some of you see it as your personal playground, and you only ask what you get out of it, how you benefit and – through actions of harassment and verbal threats –  you drive away the exact people you actual need to successfully play together.  Sorry I went on a bit of a tangent there …

    My final statement is this : I am not adjusting your 2-week temp-ban because you don’t like it.

    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂

    • Topics: 5
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    1. I logged one person on the first day (not going to name drop) not 3 kept a back going to be honest about that.

    2. I think I scouted for about maybe like 2 days tops. It should be obvious that most of the time people are INSIDE their base so I had to wait for her to come out that is basic raiding

    3.  I killed her once. Failed siege lead to nothing worst thing I did was waste 20 minutes of her time because I thought I found a entrance. Then I got jailed which resulted in my losing the back so I sieged again to get the back in there.

    4. Then I killed her dogs big deal she killed my parrot a few months ago its an animal.

    5. I killed her twice to win sieges during the sieges I got someone or myself to spam kill her during looting time since she had obsidian on the floor and I know she has crystals in her e-chest so I was not just going to let myself be crystaled and lose my god stuff.  Also after being told by a friend I sieged her one of the scouting days because we thought we found a entrance but we where wrong.

    6.  After she threatened me at war I went to her base knowing she was in a set (I was right) so I attacked but she logged before I could siege or combat tag her.

    Overall before she threatened me I had killed her twice that is literally it, it takes time so when you say “Mindmeld attacked sophi for 5 days” 2 of those days where scouting which lead to no killing (one had a siege that failed)  2 where attacks best thing I got really was a G pick and 1 was a attempt after being threatened with war.

    And if it changes anything I apologized just to not have stupid drama.

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    In reply to: Perm banned

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    I apologise for spamming aswell, shoulda just stopped while I was ahead.


    In reply to: Jelatin unban appeal

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    I believe that Jelatin has matured alot in the last couple of months. He has also stopped playing video games to focus on real life things skating/Art. He has also gotten himself a part time job which is a sign of  maturity.

    I Have been talking to Jelatin across snapchat for many months now and I can tell he has matured on many levels. I would love to play some PMC with him again and enjoy late night grinds like the good ol days.

    seen it all, ive been here since 06/06/2014


    In reply to: Unban request

    • Topics: 14
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    Hello EnderSold,

    First of all im putting a link here that need to be considered in the result of this request: (last unban and first comment contains 3 other unban request links)

    You dont seem to be the nicest person, looking at your previous punishments, and also “I will change if I get unbanned” doesnt really show that you have learned your lesson, does it?

    You have used an alt aswell to bypass your ban, which was a bad choice of yours and is probably the reason for the decision made here, my final answer here is a denial.

    Not have you not only not learned anything at all from your previous punishments, but you have also not taken the advice WaterPool gave you on your last appeal to simply wait it out and appeal again, instead you chose to use alternative accounts instead, which is a shame and worth a new warning or even a new ban if you werent already.

    Denied and Closed.

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