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  • #54232
    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    (The original ship battle post was deleted due to that forum glitch, welp)

    A big thank you for everyone taking part, this was the largest turnout for a ship battle ever (at least 25 taking part and a further 10 spectating)! Without further ado, here are the results of the 1 hour and 40 minute battle:

    Winners (based on who went out last): 

    1. RSS xXx_Teletubbie_Trash_Heap_2000_xXx – Gruusha/Jmoo (captain), Minister_Moo, LlewyMudlark, Riverwood202, Nahadoth, Joe_danger_2003, JUSAplayer1, reesepatterson04
    2. Bananawhal – Most of BE (If someone could send me a list of the crew that would be fab)
    3. Red Narwhal – Bazurka (Captain) CaptainReef
    4. Lone ship – Lone crew members + romich
    5. The royal Narwhal – xMadBoltx (Captain), Snapcrackplays

    It was a very close fight until the very end, and the last two narwhal ships took a beating before they were both disabled. It really was close!

    Other rankings, based on my observations:

    • Most damage received as a % of the ship – Bananawhal
    • Most damage dealt as % of the ship – RSS xXx_Teletubbie_Trash_Heap_2000_xXx
    • Most damage repaired as % of the ship – Lone Ship (repaired the ship twice, before finally being disabled)
    • Most ships sunk/disabled – RSS xXx_Teletubbie_Trash_Heap_200o_xXx (4 ships disabled)
    • Most player kills – Draw between RSS xXx_Teletubbie_Trash_Heap_2000_xXx and  Bananawhal (you two basically nailed everyone, I stopped counting half way through haha)

    Out of all 5 ships that took part, all three BE ships were subs, the Lone Ship was a brig (and made fully out of wood!), and the Teletubbie was an Indiaman

    Damage Report:
    If a ship was receiving a lot of damage, and has been stationary for a while, I would give the crew 60 seconds to try and get the ship moving again, or I deemed them out of the battle. They could fix the ship up with whatever materials, but they only had those 60 seconds. Once the time was up and only the Teletubbie and Bananawhal were left, they were both given 60 seconds to get the ship moving, only being allowed to place signs, but not allowing any other blocks placed or broken.</p>

    • Teletubbie 
      • Received minimal damage in the first half of the battle, but received heavy damage in the last 30 minutes. Ended up losing a mast, all her original cannons (parts were salvaged and used to make new cannons), and a most of her starboard (right side) armour. Went from an Indiaman to a manowar due to the amount of damage received.
    • Bananawhal
      • Received minimal damage in the first half of the battle, but received heavy damage in the last 30 minutes. Her roof was shot to bits, but her crew kept her going by submerging under the water and repairing what they could. The final moments of the battle saw her using hastily built cannons on her roof, however she was unable to move once the time was up, so she came a close second. Her wreck is on display at the Freeport (battle location)
    • Red Narwhal
      • Received minimal damage in the first half of the battle, but received heavy damage in the second half. She kept up a good fight with the Teletubbie, taking her 1 on 1 and knocking out many of her cannons. However, she was heavily punished when the cannons were repaired and as a last ditch effort, her crew of two surrendered.
    • Lone Ship
      • Received heavy damage throughout the battle, and was almost out at one point, but her crew fixed her up swiftly. While the Teletubbie and the Royal Narwhal  were duelling in the first half of the battle, the Lone Ship was taking on the other two ships. Having lost her mast, and many holes in her sides, she almost went out after 40 minutes, but in the last seconds her crew got her moving again, and ran off to conduct repairs. It was only in the second half, where she was in the crossfire between the Bananawhal and the Teletubbie, she took so much damage that her crew could not fix her up, and she was declared out of the battle.
    • The Royal Narwhal
      • Received heavy damage in the first half of the battle, disabling her within the first 30 minutes. A legendary ship, but luck was not on her side this time. In the opening minutes of the battle, she fired the first shots at the Teletubbie, and dealt moderate damage, but she was quickly overwhelmed and subsequently disabled.

    Next ship battle: 8pm UK time/3pm EST (same time), Saturday 4th November (next saturday) – I hope to see you there! (I’ll make another post soon)

    Please post any screenshots down below, mine are on their way!

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    (For some reason the original topic was deleted due to that forums glitch, welp)


    A big thank you for everyone taking part, this was the largest turnout for a ship battle ever (at least 25 people taking part and a further 10 spectating)! Without further ado, here are the results for the 1 hour and 40 minute battle:

    Winners (based on who went out last):

    1. RSS xXx_Teletubbie_Trash_Heap_2000_xXx (Winners) – Gruusha/Jmoo (Captain), Minister_Moo, LlewyMudlark, Riverwood202, Nahadoth, Joe_danger_2003, JUSAplayer1 (at the end), reesepatterson04 (at the end)
    2. Bananawhal (Disabled) – Most of BE in the end (If someone could send me a list of the crew, or the real name of teh sub that would be fab)
    3. Red Narwhal (Disabled and Surrendered) – Bazurka (Captain), CaptainReef
    4. Lone Ship (Disabled) – Lone crew members +romich
    5. The Royal Narwhal (Disabled and Surrendered)- xMadBoltx (Captain), Snapcrackplays

    It was a very close fight until the very end, and the last two narwhal ships took a beating from the Teletubbie (I’m not writing out the full name again) before they were both disabled. It was really close!

    Other rankings, based on my observations:

    • Most damage received as % of the ship – Bananawhal
    • Most damage dealt as % of the ship – Teletubbie 
    • Most damage repaired as % of the ship – Lone Ship (repaired the ship fully twice during the battle)
    • Most ships sunk/disabled – Teletubbie (4 ships disabled)
    • Most player kills – Draw between Teletubbie and Bananawhal (you two basically nailed everyone, I stopped counting half way though haha)

    Out of all 5 ships that took part, all three BE ships were subs, the Lone Ship was a brig (and made fully out of wood and wool!), and the Teletubbie was an indiaman

    Damage Report:

    • Teletubbie – Minimal damage in the first half of the battle, heavy damage received in the last 30 minutes of the battle
      • Whilst fighting the two remaining BE subs, at one point all of the 31 cannons on board the Teletubbie were disabled, along with losing most of her armor on the starboard side, and losing a mast toward the end. At the end of the battle, she went from a 2900 block indiaman, to a 2300 block manowar, due to the amount of armor and cannon blown up.
    • Bananawhal – Minimal damage in the first half of the battle, was receiving sustained heavy damage in the second half from the Teletubbie
      • Recieved a lot of damage throughout the battle, yet her crew remained calm, lowered her underwater, and tried to repair her each time. Had most of her cannons knocked out quickly, and was fighting with hastily placed cannons on the roof until the very end of the match, when it turned out she was incapable of moving. Her wreck is now on display at the Freeport.
    • Red Narwhal – Minimal damage in the first half of the battle, heavy damage in the second half.
      • Crewed for the most part by only two people, she did surprisingly well. When she received heavy damage, her captain decided to ram her into the Teletubbie as the Teletubbie’s cannons could not fire downward. However, she received a quick knock out when then Teletubbie untangled herself and shot broadsides into her, disabling her swiftly until her crew surrendered.
    • Lone Ship – Heavy damage in throughout the whole battle, but was constantly being repaired by her crew
      • While the Teletubbie and the Royal Narwhal  were dueling in the first half of the battle, the Lone Ship was taking on the other two ships. Having lost her mast, and many holes in her sides, she almost went out after 40 minutes, but in the last seconds her crew got her moving again, and ran off to conduct repairs. It was only in the second half, where she was in the crossfire between the Bananawhal and the Teletubbie, she took so much damage that her crew could not fix her up, and she was declared out of the battle.
    • The Royal Narwhal – Heavy damage in the first half of the battle and subsequently put of out action within 40 minutes
      • The one and only legendary ship, but luck was not on her side this time. After dealing some accurate blows to the Teletubbie within the first opening minutes, she was quickly overwhelmed and put out of action with sustained fire.

    Next Ship Battle – Same time as this week, 8pm UK time, 3pm EST, Saturday 4th November. I will be making a separate post about this soon.

    Please post any screenshots down below, mine are on their way

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★


    A big thank you for everyone taking part, this was the largest turnout for a ship battle ever (at least 25 taking part and a further 10 spectating)! Without further ado, here are the results of the 1 hour and 40 minute battle:

    Winners (based on who went out last): 

    1. RSS xXx_Teletubbie_Trash_Heap_2000_xXx – Gruusha/Jmoo (captain), Minister_Moo, LlewyMudlark, Riverwood202, Nahadoth, Joe_danger_2003, JUSAplayer1 (at the end)
    2. Orange Narwhal – Most of BE (If someone could send me alist of the crew that would be fab)
    3. Red Narwhal – CaptainReef, Bazurka
    4. Lone ship – Lone crew members + romich
    5. The royal Narwhal – xMadboltx, Snapcrackplays

    It was a very close fight until the very end, and the last two narwhal ships took a beating before they were both disabled. It really was close!

    Other rankings, based on my observations:

    • Most damage received as a % of the ship – Orange Narwhal
    • Most damage dealt as % of the ship – RSS xXx_Teletubbie_Trash_Heap_20o0_xXx
    • Most damage repaired as % of the ship – Lone Ship (repaired the ship twice, before finally being disabled)
    • Most ships sunk/disabled – RSS xXx_Teletubbie_Trash_Heap_200o_xXx (4 ships disabled)
    • Most player kills – Draw between RSS xXx_Teletubbie_Trash_Heap_2000_xXx, and Orange Narwhal (you two basically nailed everyone, I stopped counting half way through haha)

    Out of all 5 ships that took part, all three BE ships were subs, the Lone Ship was a brig (and made fully out of wood!), and the Teletubbie was an indiaman

    Next ship battle: 8pm UK time/3pm EST (same time as today), Saturday 4th November (next saturday) – I hope to see you there! (I’ll make another post tomorrow)


    Please post any screenshots down below, mine are on their way!

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: x_BLACK_JACK_x unban

    • Topics: 0
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    There is a sign at spawn that says x-ray will result in a permanent ban. Usually Max just asks out of courtesy to see if somehow you aren’t x-raying. But it seems in this case you knew what was coming. We don’t have tolerance for x-rayers here.


    Ok this is from Max as I cba to open this topic again and make my own reply (soz network for hijacking your post 😛
    I watched you mine straight towards ores, and this wasn’t the first time that I saw you. But this time I recorded it, so yeah. You ain’t coming back son

    ~ A real pirate I guess. ~
    ~ Rear Admiral of PirateCraft ~
    ~ Leader of The Coalition ~
    ~ Member of The Asylum ~
    ~ Co-Leader of The Seagulls ~
    ~ Deckie of Angels ~

    • Topics: 29
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    Captains now only get 50 cannons, and you only get 17 cannons as a Boatswain. This would make it extremely difficult to protect your base if you are a low rank, and if you are a boatswain (15 days) and want to make a super big ship with 30 cannons it is literally impossible. Also, for Firstmate (30 days) and Quartermaster (60 days) you also only get 17 cannons. My personal recommendation is that the numbers are increased because it is outrageous if you have played for 60 days on PirateCraft (like me I have no life) and can only have 17 cannons. This makes the server in some ways, pay to win because Captains have 50 cannons. For everyone’s information, the hardcoded limit on cannons is 100, which is what staff members have. 

    I dont find this an issue if you use the cannons clear command correctly. For example one day I was working on my sub and used 10 cannons for that. A few hours later three stooges appeared at my base and a quick cannons clear command allowed me to create 17 cannons at my base helping me defend it. Perhaps it is not the fact that non donor ranks need more cannons but that donor ranks need less! Anyways this is way off topic as bislo is talking about ships…not cannons.

    A endermite kicked my ass

    • Topics: 94
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    I accidentally deleted the top post :/

    The results post is down below 🙂


    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 94
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    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    Yeah I’m doing another ship battle. This doesn’t need much of an introduction. Consider it a mini server event.


    Saturday 28th October (next saturday). At 8pm UK time, or 3pm Eastern time. Try to be online 15 minutes before the start of the battle.

    The Freeport – a neutral port. Coordinates: x: -6000 y: 100 z: 3800

    Rules for the battle:

    • Strictly NO BOARDING. That includes using enderpearls and using /top under enemy ships. Why? Because cannons, and you can always pvp later. Keep it good old-fashioned ship vs ship in cannon fighting please.
    • No explosives such as tnt. Cannons and arrows only please. As for projectiles; cobblestone and melon seeds only. Don’t go swimming over to the other ship and placing tnt and blowing it up, don’t use tnt projectiles.

    For BE and CLTN/TAS/TRIA members: Put grudges aside for just 20 minutes, please. I know its petty, but can you just engage in a nice ship battle rather than ruining it for the other team just because “they killed me 2 days ago and declared war on us blah blah blah”, or “they’re using a ship that we really want to blow up”. Both sides are equally guilty of this, so just stop for 20 minutes and enjoy it. One of the ships taking part is a copy of the infamous Phantom Sovereign. Godsdead made a copy of her and gave me instructions to use her in a ship battle. I don’t care if she is blown to bits after the battle, she’s not the original. But for the love of god, don’t place TNT on her and bomb her just because you despise the ship/the crew onboard. Play fairly, use your cannons, and blow her up with coordinated firepower. Bislo1 made a forum post about this a few days ago saying how he didn’t want ships to be blown up with TNT. Most of the active BE members liked it, so stick with what you stand for.

    Rules for players:

    • Armour: Wear anything you want. Keep in mind: one direct hit from a cannonball WILL kill you in diamond armour, and your stuff will probably be blown up. So don’t bring anything you can’t afford to lose.
    • Weapons: Anything you want, again don’t bring anything you can’t afford to lose. Bows are allowed, as are potions. No ender pearls or chorus fruit please.
    • Ship types: Any ship size and type, including subs. No stonebrick boxes. They will probably be heavily damaged, so don’t use your best ships.
    • Crews: Any size crew you want, bring yourself, your friends, or your dog. Doesn’t matter.
    • Projectiles/cannons: Any type of cannon. COBBLESTONE AND MELON SEEDS ONLY. Gunpower, and projectiles will not be supplied (bring your own). Cobblestone and gunpowder are both sold at cove.

    How to take part:
    No sign-up required, just come along! If you want to build a ship at the battle location, give me a message in-game, or ask if someone can teleport you to the Freeport.</p>

    How to win:
    Who’s ever ship is the last one that sails I guess haha

    Good Luck!

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    Yeah I’m doing another ship battle. This doesn’t need much of an introduction. Consider it a mini server event.

    When: Yet to be decided, probably within the next 1-2 days at 6:00pm GMT (2:00pm Eastern Time). I’ll update this post as soon as I can.

    Where: The Freeport – a neutral port. Coordinates: x: -6000 y: 100 z: 3800

    Rules for the battle:

    • Strictly NO BOARDING. That includes using enderpearls and using /top under enemy ships. Why? Because cannons, and you can always pvp later. Keep it good old-fashioned ship vs ship in cannon fighting please.
    • No explosives such as tnt. Cannons and arrows only please. As for projectiles; cobblestone and melon seeds only. Don’t go swimming over to the other ship and placing tnt and blowing it up, and don’t use tnt projectiles.

    For BE and CLTN/TAS/TRIA members: Put grudges aside for just 20 minutes, please. I know its petty, but can you just engage in a nice ship battle rather than ruining it for the other team just because “they killed me 2 days ago and declared war on us blah blah blah”, or “they’re using a ship that we really want to blow up”. Both sides are equally guilty of this, so just stop for 20 minutes and enjoy it. One of the ships taking part is a copy of the infamous Phantom Sovereign. Godsdead made a copy of her and gave me instructions to use her in a ship battle. I don’t care if she is blown to bits after the battle, she’s not the original. But for the love of god, don’t place TNT on her and bomb her just because you despise the ship/the crew onboard. Play fairly, use your cannons, and blow her up with coordinated firepower. Bislo1 made a forum post about this a few days ago saying how he didn’t want ships to be blown up with TNT. Most of the active BE members liked it, so stick with what you stand for.

    Rules for players:

    • Armour: Wear anything you want. Keep in mind: one direct hit from a cannonball WILL kill you in diamond armour, and your stuff will probably be blown up. So don’t bring anything you can’t afford to lose.
    • Weapons: Anything you want, again don’t bring anything you can’t afford to lose. Bows are allowed, as are potions. No ender pearls or chorus fruit please.
    • Ship types: Any ship size and type, including subs. No stonebrick boxes. They will probably be heavily damaged, so don’t use your best ships.
    • Crews: Any size crew you want, bring yourself, your friends, or your dog. Doesn’t matter.
    • Projectiles/cannons: Any type of cannon. COBBLESTONE AND MELON SEEDS ONLY. Gunpower, and projectiles will not be supplied (bring your own). Cobblestone and gunpowder are both sold at cove.

    How to take part:
    No sign-up required, just come along! If you want to build a ship at the battle location, give me a message in-game, or ask if someone can teleport you to the Freeport.

    How to win:
    Who’s ever ship is the last one that sails I guess haha, we’ll have to see when it happens.

    10 gold blocks for all your shiny, pirate desires! (if you win, that is)

    Good Luck!

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    Yeah I’m doing another ship battle. This doesn’t need much of an introduction. Consider it a mini server event.

    When? Yet to be decided, probably within the next 1-2 days at 6:00pm GMT (2:00pm Eastern Time). I’ll update this post as soon as I can.

    Where? The Freeport – a neutral port. Coordinates: x: -6000 y: 100 z: 3800

    Rules for the battle:

    • Strictly NO BOARDING. That includes using enderpearls and using /top under enemy ships. Why? Because cannons, and you can always pvp later. Keep it good old-fashioned ship vs ship in cannon fighting please.
    • No explosives such as tnt. Cannons and arrows only please. As for projectiles; cobblestone and melon seeds only. Don’t go swimming over to the other ship and placing tnt and blowing it up, don’t use tnt projectiles.

    For BE and CLTN/TAS/TRIA members: Put grudges aside for just 30 minutes, please. I know its petty, but can you just engage in a nice ship battle rather than ruining it for the other team just because “they killed me 2 days ago and declared war on us blah blah blah”, or “they’re using a ship that we really want to blow up”. Both sides are equally guilty of this, so just stop for 20 minutes and enjoy it. One of the ships taking part is a copy of the infamous Phantom Sovereign. Godsdead made a copy of her and told me to use her in a ship battle. I don’t care if she is blown to bits after the battle, she’s not the original. But for the love of god, don’t place TNT on her and bomb her just because you despise the ship/the crew onboard. Play fairly, use your cannons, and blow her up with coordinated firepower. Bislo1 made a forum post about this a few days ago saying how he didn’t want ships to be blown up with TNT. Most of the active BE members liked it, so stick with what you stand for. 

    Rules for players:

    • Armour: Wear anything you want. Keep in mind: one direct hit from a cannonball WILL kill you in diamond armour, and your stuff will probably be blown up. So don’t bring anything you can’t afford to lose. 
    • Weapons: Anything you want, again don’t bring anything you can’t afford to lose. Bows are allowed, as are potions. No ender pearls or chorus fruit please.
    • Ship types: Any ship size and type, including subs. No stonebrick boxes. They will probably be heavily damaged, so don’t use your best ships.
    • Crews: Any size crew you want, bring yourself, your friends, or your dog. Doesn’t matter.
    • Projectiles/cannons: Any type of cannon. COBBLESTONE AND MELON SEEDS ONLY. Gunpower, and projectiles will not be supplied (bring your own). Cobblestone and gunpowder are both sold at cove.

    How to take part:
    No sign-up required, just come along! If you want to build a ship at the battle location, give me a message in-game, or ask if someone can teleport you to the Freeport.

    How to win:
    Who’s ever ship is the last one that sails I guess haha

    10 gold blocks for all your shiny, pirate desires! (if you win, that is)

    Good Luck!

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 67
    • Replies: 640
    • Total: 707
    • ★★★★★★

    “yes of course ill just be polite asf when i board a ship, bring some tea and biscuts with me as well. If the people dont let me on board ill wish them a nice day.”

    ^ what pirate would do this

    Hey, great idea! And while we are at it, let’s remove mobs as well since they are SUCH a big risk…

    Please tell me this isn’t a serious conversation… Player vs Player combat has already been limited thanks to anti cheat and the other million plugins that make it harder to fight people. Ships are hardly used anyway, let alone attacked. I get it, I’ve built ships and had them stolen, attacked, the whole nine. But the server was built off of the ability to sail ships and either raid or get raided. So far, no one does anything that used to make Piratecraft the server that it was. Fighting is now a thing of the past, no one as far as I have seen lately has successfully attacked someone, let alone have the drive to do it. Now we wish to eliminate yet another method of pirating? COME ON PEOPLE, play the game how it was intended to be played! Please, it has grown so dull and boring over the years of complaining. For Christ’s sake, if you don’t want to be attacked and lose your stuff, learn to fight back and protect it!

    I’m so tired of the fact that you can’t understand that I don’t want to limit your chances of PVP.. I want to promote the use of ships by eliminating the use of tnt to blast boats to the bottom of the sea, I NEVER said you could not come aboard my ship and raid me, nor did I ask anyone to be polite about it.

    It’s so frustrating to try and make better changes to the server, because the response is always gonna be ” stop ruining PVP, it’s a pirate server ffs. Live with it!” It’s not piratey to swim around an ocean with tnt on your belt, stop using this as an excuse to absolutely everything, it’s so ridiculous..

    Why was fire spread on lighters rebuffed? I’ll tell you. It was to discourage players from jumping on others ships and burning them to the ground in secs, to level the playing field, to encourage the use of cannons, to encourage the use of ships.

    Did it help? no. Cuz you dont fucking get the hint, you just find another way of bypassing it, you just bring tnt instead, good job! Apparently the only way to limit the insta kabooms is to police the oceans or program the game to not let you blow up ships that way, cuz if you have the means to do it, then you will do it. Why? – because its easier and you dont have you risk your own ship.. But the plugin is fucking designed to be SHIP to SHIP, not SHIP to MAN IN THE OCEAN WITH INVIS AND AQUA BOOTS.

    I get it you think this is the only way to still get EZ kills and get angry kids in chat, but it’s not my fault PVP is bad on the server. Why don’t YOU guys start your own suggestion to how you want PVP to develop in the future if you’re so tired of how it is now? I can tell you i do see people get killed lots on the server, honestly. Only problem is when the OP players make god fights and die due to aac. Talk to staff about a fix, but don’t tell me I limit PVP by policing the oceans, cuz as you say yourself, NO ONE SAILS. Why is that, think for one sec please and tell me its not because every time someone leave port invis broskis show up to kaboom, 1 sec later byebye ship, go build a new one.

    I’m actually trying to improve PVP if you cannot understand the message.

    Founder of Port Hope

    • Topics: 50
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    Sorry, but in what way would Bislo’s suggestion stop or limit pvp combat? Instead of having some invis player able to instantly destroy a ship, that player would now need to either get aboard and kill everyone on the ship or sail another ship alongside it to bombard the ship with cannonfire.

    To me, this seems like a step towards a more pvp or ship to ship based combat system on the sea. I certainly dont see Bislo complaining because he doesnt like being killed or attacked as you seem to be suggesting.


    Ex Prime Minister of the British Empire

    Crew History: TEE, Delta, Enigma, BE

    • Topics: 15
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    I agree with this post and say that ship to ship pvp should become a thing so people get serious about ship designs and efficiency of fire power and defenses or maybe make Ships move faster, carry armor, and donors can’t /top on a moving craft.

    -make ship on ship combat a thing

    Governor in Rome.
    Former High_Capal Of TNRR.
    “To give up withought even trying is nothing but laziness”

    • Topics: 67
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    “yes of course ill just be polite asf when i board a ship, bring some tea and biscuts with me as well. If the people dont let me on board ill wish them a nice day.”

    ^ what pirate would do this

    Do I or anyone say pirates should do this? I’m not saying dont board others and take their stuffs, i say dont blow the ship up in an unfair way.

    It’s again this one “oh im a fucking priate so stop whining and let me fuck with people cuz i can so dont ruin my fun”

    I’m growing ever so tired of this mentality that it’s a pirates thing to act like a douche, so thats your right.. Pirates did NOT swim around the oceans with tnt on their belt, blowing up other ships, they did so IN THEIR OWN SHIPS.. and very very very rarely ever blew up anyone just for the heck of it.

    No one ever asked you to be polite, I’m trying to fix ships cuz i can tell you they do not work as intended and in my 2,5 years of being part of this community, they never have. sad to say. it has been improved, but it still doesn’t really work, because the tnt, once it was lighters, lighters got rebuffed, now u guys just use fucking tnt instead….. way to trick the system, good job. Thats why i think the policing is the only way, cuz no one gets the hint.

    I would love if ships could work, but every time i want to talk about a fix, then “stop bitching, its a pirate server ffs”. Yes it is, yet you fuck it when blowing ships up the way u do, you use the tnt and abuse the ships mechanic, dont let it become what it can be – a ship to ship combat plugin… I get you just want the stuffs or see someone bitch about it in chat, but common..

    Founder of Port Hope

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    This has been an issue that I’ve seen a few times and now that i’m making a farm and some wheat seeds keep on popping back into an item up from the ground if I place one next to it,  its been getting annoying.  On farmland blocks that have also been watered by a nearby water block (and no the water isn’t going on top, its in a block that just is supplying water).  Does anybody know a way to fix this problem because I know that wheat seeds can go right next to each other but for some reason they keep on popping out of the ground sometimes?



    His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria


    ~His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria~

    Crazy Pirate
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    Surely the Brits have enough fighters to defend a ship, no? There’s /near, as joe said invis, and crouching.

    Frankly, there’s no way to defend a ship. If you’re not a donator, you don’t have /near, which means anyone can sneak onto your ship invis (using /top) without you knowing. Hell, even if you had /near, it takes the attacker one second to do /top and place some TNT, and if you’ve got a medium sized ship, he’s blown up the opposite end before you can take a step forward.

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