Wheat seeds cant go next to eachother?

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  • #54109
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    This has been an issue that I’ve seen a few times and now that i’m making a farm and some wheat seeds keep on popping back into an item up from the ground if I place one next to it,  its been getting annoying.  On farmland blocks that have also been watered by a nearby water block (and no the water isn’t going on top, its in a block that just is supplying water).  Does anybody know a way to fix this problem because I know that wheat seeds can go right next to each other but for some reason they keep on popping out of the ground sometimes?



    His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria


    ~His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria~

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    place more torches where the seeds pop up out of the ground.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Lazy’s right, you’ve got a lighting problem mate.

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