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  • #56307

    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

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    Wow its been 5 months since someone posted here.

    Last night I made what might be the smallest ship currently working on the server. Above water it was 9 blocks (below water i had some blue wool and more wood so that it was the minimum size for a dhow – 25 blocks)

    Ship Features:

    • A single sail reaching a top speed of not very much
    • A deck consisting of two blocks
    • Two extendable platforms for the scrubs
    • A mast with a crow’s nest
    • A toilet (the ocean)
    • A /kittycannon and a /fireball cannon (admin commands)
    • A cannibalistic crew
    • I’m running out of things
    • ???
    • Profit


    • Captain – Maximus_Terragon
    • Cheif Navigator – CottageCooper
    • Lieutenant – Rivver
    • Gunner – Moossolini
    • Lookout – BrotherStrawhat
    • Midshipman – Kettoh
    • Surgeon – Netty
    • Cook – Cysteen
    • Food – Peppykiss395
    • Carpenter – J_H_Rogers
    • Powder Monkey – Flamingsquid345

    At one point, we had all 11 people onboard at once. Haters gonna hate.

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 66
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    Hey guys, player who basically only exists as of right now on the forums.

    I have some proposals, I don’t mind if they’re refused as they ‘make the game better’ or whatever, its basically just bringing up a topic which I think needs sorting.

    SO, If you didn’t already know, in the East Mesa of the Iborian/Juice Sea, there is 1 large canal and a smaller, under construction canal. The larger canal is called Gordy’s Gate and I remember when Gordy set it up, he basically capitalised a canal by adding a toll of (I think) 1  diamond to open the gate and allow your ship(s) to pass on through. It was ok at the time, he was active etc, but recently (like past 12 months I think) he has been inactive for some unknown reason.

    I didn’t bother bringing this up at the time, as I was sure he’d return or whatever, but I was beginning to build a small canal nearby, which just due to time, lack of labour and just other interests/projects, I just never got around to fully completing, which could serve any ships which could fit through, and I often debated capitalising it like Gordy’s Gate.

    However, something months on, I have realised and have debated also with myself whether to propose this, but I’ve decided I might as well now.

    PROPOSITION: We should remove the Gordy’s Gate payment feature and remove the claim, and instead replace it with an admin claim with some claims at either end to prevent people from blocking it or capitalising off of it.

    *But leave the gate part how it is (removing the barrier though obviously), as it’s historical to some extent, the canal can be edited though, such as making it deeper

    The other proposition which is also included here, was that my claims (as well as some other people’s) around/on the smaller Iborian canal, should also be removed, should be completed also, and then be admin claimed (avoiding conflict with Apple’s base).




    This would in turn, open up this sea for more travel, and allow people to move their ships much more freely, as it can be a pain otherwise to get to events (e.g. ship battles), especially when you have to go through the hassle of remembering a toll and being able to navigate the sometimes shallow canal.

    This could also encourage boats slightly more, though that is just for people moving their ships about in that area, rather than across the server.


    Me, Apple, Astrobolt- and anyone else in that sea, have to put up with more traffic, and possibly new colonies/bases, which hopefully the staff could police and encourage people instead to go to locations not so near us.

    (I have no other negatives in mind really)


    Anyway, I’ll be posting a picture below to show the plan/proposal I have for the area, taking into account also Apple’s claims.

    I also would like to note that I don’t mind my claims being removed IN that small area and (I hope) the claim blocks come back to me on that one, but I also don’t mind if the Iborian one is just regenerated also, as I wouldn’t be that annoyed.


    Thank you for your time and considerations, and please ask any questions and provide any comments you wish to do. 🙂

    Planned Proposals for Canals

    *orange zone note, an area that doesn’t need to be claimed, but rather policed by mods/staff periodically to prevent blockages but also so that Apple can still expand his port if he wishes, (and I have talked to him before, and he said he’d be fine avoiding it, but I don’t know if that has changed).

    • Topics: 66
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    I don’t mind either.

    I think Astrobolt doesn’t want it at C though due to the clear fact that it will be near his vault, it would also be near me, which I would be slightly hesitant also, due to the fact I don’t want a ton of new building port/areas nearby me as such but hopefully Maximus can police it and set up small ports for people away from our territories, probably the same goes for @AppleJK ,though it’d mean their crew can get to the area easier to take part- BUT

    B is again open ocean, I think that’s got alright access, just have to open up the Southern reaches of the Iborian Sea a bit to allow ships to take that short cut, apart from that I don’t think it infringes any claims or causes any problems.

    A I am cool with, I see Max would preferably have it there though :> Its still again easy access, just a little hassle for anyone the other side of the mesa




    Smokey River
    • Topics: 22
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    Hey Jetty,


    Okay after all the staff have deliberated over this topic we have come to the conclusion that you will get another chance. This being said…..with this second chance you cannot have any hiccups or back out ya go. I hope this break has given you time to reflect on the circumstances regarding your previous ban and we would like to all welcome you back to the community. If you have any questions be sure to reach out and ask us. You can typically reach most of us easier on discord.




    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

    Smokey River
    • Topics: 22
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    Okay so I have been here playing on this server off and on for a while….. a long while.
    I have gone through phases up here sometimes I tried PVP sometimes I just laid low. I typically laid low because players would bitch (yes I used a bad word because I am fed up with the BS). People would say staff abooose (abuse) and complain forever. So essentially I stopped PVP’ing. This was back before 1.9 *so a while ago*.

    Well come back to now…. I have only been back on the server for about 3 months after a year off. Well I have decided to attempt to stab stuff again (I’m bored). You see I said attempt because I am beyond rusty as hell at stabbing stuff.

    This brings me to this post………

    Today I was at an un-named location with a few other players, I was going to attempt to stab stuff with. Then I have this player out of no where say “smokey aboose” in chat. (you know who you are :-/….) I asked “wth” I was literally standing on a roof with “invis” (yes the potion) waiting for the people I wanted to stab to come outside. So there was no abuse from me. Well come to find out after asking, said player was trying to set me up to see if I was reading there crew/ally chat with others.

    1. This is royally f’d up for the fact that you are purposefully trying to get me in trouble because I wanted to stab your damn friend.

    2. GROW THE HELL UP.… Yes I along with all staff have more perms and commands than other players but we are staff because GODS TRUSTS OUR JUDGEMENT TO BE HONEST STAFF MEMBERS. OMG is that such a hard concept for you to fathom. Evidently it is to some I am noticing.

    3. Even if I did intercept a crew/ally message ( I don’t even know if we can toggle it like we used to) as long as I don’t use the information to my advantage or tell others what the hell is the problem. I don’t like cheaters (i.e. part reason why I’m staff) so why the f*** am I going to cheat myself.


    In conclusion if you don’t like me I honestly don’t care. If you do like me hell ya. I just think its f’ed up that you are trying to get me in trouble just because I’m staff and trying to kill your friend. I have the RIGHT to be able to play like a normal player when I choose. If you can’t accept that fact well you are screwed :-p, and you will have to learn the proper coping solutions to deal with your problem.


    END OF


    PS. Stop being so damn butt-hurt (in case you need a reference

    PSS- If I offended anybody with my baby cuss words. Look at the first PS


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

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    Whats the saying make the same mistake twice? lol

    lego is an actual good person who tried to make use of his second chance, (he only got rebanned because he joked about doing sth illegal while a staff was in a bad mood.) him coming back would benefit the server, unlike some equestrian folk i know.

    Read the bullet points to this thread. Read the bold text.

    • Topics: 44
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    Whats the saying make the same mistake twice? lol

    lego is an actual good person who tried to make use of his second chance, (he only got rebanned because he joked about doing sth illegal while a staff was in a bad mood.) him coming back would benefit the server, unlike some equestrian folk i know.



    In reply to: Abuse Of In-Game Power

    Smokey River
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    Okay for the record there were about 4-5 of us in on that raid. I checked the logs on that chest and NO ONE went in it. I even gave you some stuff after the fact.

    1. I would not go in a locked chest

    2. Why would I anyway I don’t need your stuff and only truly wanted your head.

    3. You are up here complaining about the raid and we already discussed it and cleared it over I thought. I was under the impression it was all good in the neighborhood. (Unless it was good until I stabbed you again).

    As for the conversation the other night you did jumped on me for no reason. I even had to ask who the other player was you were talking about. So you did not directly say anything but you kept suggesting it. The reason you got jailed was because of how your attitude was when you where messaging me. Pretty much saying I was uttershit but not saying it. Also giving me “mature” outlook. *Again with my list*

    1. I am not stupid and can read into underlying subliminal bull (I have kids and was once one myself)

    2. Honestly be glad you were just put in jail :-p. I could have did much worse if I chose but alas I didn’t so honestly feel a little lucky.


    Anyway I didn’t open a locked chest I don’t jive that way and never have. You had if I am not mistaken 3 stacks of chests stacked on top of each other which non of them were locked which is how you were raided and not just by me, jusa, and mystic (there was at least one more).
    I am also content with how I do what I do on Pirate Craft. If the owner has a problem with me he does/will not hesitate to tell me.



    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

    • Topics: 66
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    Yeah, sounds like it would be awesome for some pictures, I would just like to see what each ship looked like.

    We could make a ‘baseball cards’ for each of these ships, much like how CNN did for the US weapons.

    Either way, sounds amazing, definitely going to join in when I get my laptop fixed.


    In reply to: Abuse Of In-Game Power

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    From what i heard it does sound like Smokey accessed a chest with a stone brick on top, even if she won’t admit to it(i was online with ConnorCorn that day during the raid and if it wasn’t Smokeyriver. Jusa or Mystic were hacking). And i don’t think a staff should jail you fore disagreeing with them. That is messed up. You don’t 24hr jail someone for misunderstanding a situation.

    Who is Cooler than the Cactus?!


    In reply to: Abuse Of In-Game Power

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    visit please

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril


    In reply to: Abuse Of In-Game Power

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    Butt-hurt and Complaining (PLEASE READ BEFORE REPORTING!)

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril


    In reply to: Abuse Of In-Game Power

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    What block was covering your chest? Was it wood? If so It can be broken.

    Also I understand the context of the ban. More than likely Temp ban. They can apply to be unbanned if they so wish. I would suggest they use that if they really want to get back on. Also If a player is being excessively rude or Vulgar in language they can be temp banned more than likely. This is a mature server. We do not expect everyone to care about it but we do expect a certain level of Decency towards all and any players.  Also you and you alone determine if this little setback will affect you. I have know players with more than you and have lost it all. Consider yourself lucky. But if you have the determination and resilience that brought you here you should be able to make up for what you lost in no time. What you choose to do is up to you. I believe you will be stronger for it and I hope too see you back on top soon.

    Sincerely CountMonteCristo



    In reply to: siege went stoopid

    Smokey River
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    I will take note of the siege bug BUT I told you to let the other topic of this conversation die like 2 days ago.


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

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    *repeats self*

    • This variant/map of the server will never have ships used more for an insane amount of variables.
    • We would have to remove ALL teleportation, homes, crew homes, Tp, back, top, beds, EVERYTHING
    • You need to give REASON to use ships, aka, monetary value, again read the bullet point directly above to why you cant do this.
    • Removing native, features will never help anyone new, anyone old, it will only piss people off.

    The trillion times I have read/replied this before I have suggest many, many alternatives that we could do, but again, we have a list of things IN ORDER that need to be done, everything cannot be dropped, and its all patience, we KNOW ships need more of a use, we KNOW. its planned, its been forever. its frustrating. Or help make it come true? I have an hour max a day I can put into piratecraft and its mostly replying to people.

    • PLANNED: A second survival server where land ownership is different or limited, where the only mode of transport is ships, and there are ports to trade between, with islands that generate loot to battle over. This has literally been mentioned for years, cant happen until people help out, it would be better off as a kind-of small game that resets, ish.
    • ALTERNATIVE FASTER SOLUTION TO ABOVE Another alternative is adding an additional extra world, nothing to do with the current world, and addition EXTRA world, a lot of people struggle to understand what additional means. This world having similar features but very limited to what a whole server would give us the options for. No TP, No claiming or just renting plots in cities, and some trade, but it wouldn’t work with current eco being so filled already with rich players, it would make it pointless for players that are already rich.
      • Either way were still going to have MULTIPLE ADDITIONAL worlds added, one specifically for airships.
    • PRIORITY Ship battle mini-game servers, this is priority over both of the above. there are at least 10 ideas I could throw off the top of my head with this, but figuring out a mini-game game-mode (Aka how you win) is extremely difficulty as the thing people come up with are impossible without rewriting the ship plugin and creating a unique plugin from scratch that works with it, for example having an item that moves on boats that acts as a “core” or flag, or treasure or just anything that would mean moving with the ship, its moving position cannot be tracked by third party plugins. The only viable option would be a PvP deathmatch or maybe a defend scenario defending a point, gamemode king of the hill.
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