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  • #59566

    In reply to: [Suggestion] Change

    • Topics: 794
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    This is nothing new, we actually started PirateCraft over 5 years ago without teleportation and we didn’t grow, its only after enabling it we got a community.

    This has litearlyl been disguised to death so I see no reason to repeat myself for the 200th time.

    Nothing in here is new, nothing in here hasn’t been though of, we have actually already run as suggested.

    The conclusion I came up with will be a second additional server, a whole second survival, as there is so much needed to make this work it would be impossible without starting from scratch.

    The second option, which im planning to trial first will be a simple additional extra world (I Stress, this isn’t a trick answer, this means the current wold STAYS NOT A RESET!!) Very important you understand what the word “additional” means, it means its an extra world. Is created with its own permissions, I have maybe trialed 3-4 different types of world variants for this and the idea has matured and changed over the years, it will boil down to:.

    Nothing has started as there are so many moving parts and things to do, its never been a good time to drop everything and do it.

    Basic overview for those that haven’t read my 1000’s of replies about this topic already.

    1. A second additional overworld for this survival server based on islands (NOT STARTED)
    2. As its custom generation, I want custom structures to generate with custom items (NOT STARTED)
    3. As it will be on this server that world will need its own permissions (NOT STARTED)
    4. As it will be on this server, it will need its own re-spawn on death events (IS BROKEN DOES NOT WORK)
    5. It will need its own inventory/Echest (Working)
    6. Automate resetting the world every X amount of months (Working)

    The basis for the “locker” world I already have is to trial and test these features that need to get working, the biggest issue at present is the death event is broken and will just send you back to your bed spawn, I cannot overcome this at present.

    A team will be required for point 2, READ the existing forum threads as a build team application is out there, and we have nobody to fill it.

    its a process, and it has to be done in order.


    In reply to: [Suggestion] Change

    • Topics: 94
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    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    [This is not a rant, just supplying info/context 🙂 ]


    It’s unlikely that we will be seeing a shift towards an airship based server – it has been a ship-based server for over 5 years now. However we have toyed around with the idea of having an airship, but the issue came with that it doesn’t get along with our claims plugin, meaning that someone could get into an airship and steal a house, roof, or the blocks on top of chests; as long as the blocks are allowed. I can’t see them added in the near future, but we might toy around with having them at an event – its how we test a lot of things on here; set up a fun event, if it works we keep it, if it doesn’t it gets thrown overboard.

    Concerning the ship battles: funny that you mention them being absent. We do host official battles once every few weeks at a dedicated arena – lots of fun, very competitive, managed by myself so we don’t have to rely on some stupid plugin. I’m currently away from my PC (moved into uni couple of days ago), so don’t expect an ‘official’ battle for a few weeks. A few players have organized battles in the past as a fun event, so do keep your eyes peeled.

    In short: ship battles do occur, but are run by staff. Player led battles are rare, but also happen.


    Concerning the tp’s, sethomes, warps, etc:

    This has been one of the most debated topics over the years (that’s a good thing). Countless posts have been made, countless posts have been ‘sorted out’ by Godsy. Gonna take my prerogative here and let this post stay OPEN for suggestions and debate, as long as it’s kept civil.

    So yeah, teleportation. In concept, it’s not too fun on a ship-based server. My personal view on the matter aligns similarly to @MinisterMooSelf – that being remove teleports, elytras, depth strider, etc.

    BUT (and this is a big but)

    We aim, as a server, to appeal to as many people as possible, and try to help them get going on here. We are here to keep it fun and engaging, but at the same time keeping the server sustainable in terms of expenses. Removing teleports altogether is a very radical approach, and may put off a lot of people. Picture this: a friend of yours who has been playing for several weeks invites you online, but he lives miles away, so you have to make your way over to him, which could take hours and hours. Not exactly something I’d want to do when I join a server – I want to get to places, and to people.

    The same thing applies to disable certain features concerning elytras and/or depth strider – we lose appeal. I hate elytras for a passion on here – gets people to places stupidly fast. But oh well, not my server, and not many remain. Depth strider – amazing for builders, a bane to captains. You could argue the same thing for the regular vanilla boat – it shouldn’t go that fast. A lot of these features to ‘disable’ a particular feature will require separate plugins – we have so many as it is, and we’re trying to cut back on unnecessary ones.

    In short: teleports will probably stay, as will most other features. We don’t want endless plugins to regulate (and update). There are other methods of achieving what you’re after.


    Something that we could do is add a ‘tp-tax’. Godsy has always been keen on removing money from the economy (I’ll make a post about it later – the economy is NOT broken).

    I’m not the first to suggest this idea – its been suggested years earlier. But times change, and we have thrown around the idea a few times in the recent months. As with most of these things; they will need to be trialed, run past a staff vote, and feedback taken into account. We WILL keep players updated on this if something does arise – expect a discord announcement.

    From a personal standpoint, I think a lot of us on here know what you feel like haha – we all want a ship server with people sailing. Sadly, there is a limit to what a vanilla server can handle at the end of the day, hell even the game itself. The sad truth is that a purpose-made game will almost always be better suited than a minecraft server (we don’t talk about Sea of Thieves).


    As has been suggested above, the server allows you to play to how you want. Want to minimize teleportation and sail? Go for it, you’re not alone – @emielreijs and myself are both enthusiastic sailors and go all over the place in search of nice ships. People that teleport everywhere and never use ships? F*** em, you do you buddy. Make it your own little world.

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 794
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    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    Added to videos page

    I wanted to test out how much time it would take to make a build of the month winners video in a cinematic way, this is all learning on the day of shooting to get these results, I’m extremely happy with how it came out, if I were to get the time to make another, I would change a few things, speed of pans, disable chat completely, make sure I’m in gm3 to not bump into things. But as a proof of concept I’m extremely happy with how it came out for a first attempt.

    The time required is exorbitant for recording & editing, so this will not be something I can do regularly on top of everything else, I do hope you like it.

    I didn’t put winners in order and I didn’t label the winning builds, that will be separate from the video, the purpose of the video is to showcase these builds only.

    We annoying ended up with 6 winners, 2 Tied for first place, 2 for second place and 2 for third place, which made the video double the work to create and finish! This thread is only for the video content and not about the BOTM competition itself, that will have its own separate thread.


    In reply to: asking for an unban

    • Topics: 66
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    • Total: 1110
    • ★★★★★★★

    Your unlikely going to be unbanned.

    You were banned in 2017 for=

    1. Gaming stats

    2. Using a hacked client

    -Would’ve probably had to have waited at tops a year maybe i don’t know. You might’ve been unbanned by now.

    3. You tried logging back in with another account, called “Dixienormuss” which got banned. A day after you posted this.

    This is a case of being inpatience and so your not going to be unbanned anytime soon. thanks.


    In reply to: [Suggestion] Change

    • Topics: 66
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    I will go through why this wont occur on the main server world right now.

    1. TPA, /homes, etc is vital to its gameplay right now, a large part of the player base would be lost
    2. Right so you die, where do you respawn? At the spawn point? You sail from there? It doesn’t take a deckhand to figure out you could just camp the area around spawn and catch people leaving it. Yeah its a pirate server, but this would be detrimental to game play. “But you can have multiple warps, spawns etc” well you just defeated the entire point of a no tp, warp etc world.
    3. Nothing is stopping your from NOT using ships. Perhaps if you were one of the few (pretty much non-existant) people on the server who use only movecraft ships, you’d be in a place to debate this, but your not. Your a new player who needs to learn the server and how it operates. Everyone has these ideas, but it is detrimental to the server as of right now unless if someone can create a better, widely accepted, alternative.

    There is a server in the works for this.

    Its going to be mainly sea (probably) with spaced major landmasses and dotted with islands, with no tp and probably limited set homes and with an emphasis to use the movecraft ships.


    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    I did a big update to the Wiki today, here for those that haven’t visited in a while

    • Upgraded MediaWiki main software
    • Added mobile friendly skin, this will automatically load a mobile version of the wiki when you load the wiki from a mobile device, this is the same extension wikipedia uses, so will be very familiar.
    • Added media gallery, so images now load into a photo lightbox with controls to slide through them
    • Added Admins can now rename users
    • Added better cache system for the wiki page loading

    Reminders of things you can do with the Wiki

    Wiki Boss

    The boss, and now Wiki admin is Palmerageddon (contribs) who has the same permissions as me on the Wiki, so most issues can be solved through Palmer.

    • Topics: 794
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    I know this isn’t much to do with the application- BUT. On the creative server, people can build pretty much what they want in their plot of land, I also know that certain builds in the World are lacking or are in the need of “pzazz”. I thought maybe it could be a good idea if people were to build buildings, ornamental builds etc to be placed in public areas, warp events etc. Those used could lead to said player getting a small cash reward (like £20-50) as though they’ve been paid ‘royalties’ towards it. Those player’s who’ve had their builds used could be put in a draw also for a prize of some sorts (though it would need quite a few people). These builds could also be randomly spawned in the over world, or placed there by staff, as sort of “Easter Eggs”. I could imagine an assortment of statues, sunken ships, ruins and what not being spawned on the sea bed to as a sort of curiosities, which I’m sure people would enjoy recovering and reassembling in their claims or for use in public/private museums/collections. Perhaps things as strange as my Dylan the Scorpion BOTM be world-edited in random places, I know I for one would feel complimented if I saw a small build of mine used in some sort of event like the Halloween event so I’m sure others would too, and random little builds in the middle of no where which invite curiosity or a smile to a player travelling in through the world would be a great addition to the server. Things like random pumpkin farms or giant pumpkins made out of pumpkins in the middle of nowhere for Halloween or a Christmas Tree farms, snowmen popping up for Christmas would be interesting too- of course if they’re claimed by a player don’t remove them, if they’re not do. Perhaps not stupidly large builds start appearing, like entire Indiamans or Forts which span 10 chunks. But I think it could definitely invite more interest, especially with the underwater update hopefully coming soon to the server, then underwater landscape/curiosities to be built would provide a further incentive for underwater exploration. I know I for one right now am not cut out for a position on the build team, but I wouldn’t mind building small curiosities like statues, houses, small forts, block creatures, strange looking trees etc. Pretty much anything, and small little jokes/messages could be hidden as well in them like signs with a quote or joke. Anyway, I’ll stop talking now and start building my randomonium.

    haha I legit edited out part of my thread including something pretty much identical to this, the creative was created specifically for that purpose to create re-usable “objects” in a clean environment with full control to the builders.

    Creative still needs:

    • Being able to copy schematics between creative & test server (copy of the main world for putting things into existing terrain)
    • I want to create multiple worlds on the creative, worlds that are normal terrain, as flatland sucks!

    You have pretty much just explained another project I want to do in a new world, except I edited it out as I thought it was too much for this thread and would go off topic, if you have some time ping me on Discord, as I need some help trying to figure something out with it all Palmer, maybe if you have some time we could figure it out together.


    • Topics: 66
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    • Total: 1110
    • ★★★★★★★

    I know this isn’t much to do with the application- BUT.

    On the creative server, people can build pretty much what they want in their plot of land, I also know that certain builds in the World are lacking or are in the need of “pzazz”.

    I thought maybe it could be a good idea if people were to build buildings, ornamental builds etc to be placed in public areas, warp events etc.

    Those used could lead to said player getting a small cash reward (like £20-50) as though they’ve been paid ‘royalties’ towards it. Those player’s who’ve had their builds used could be put in a draw also for a prize of some sorts (though it would need quite a few people).


    These builds could also be randomly spawned in the over world, or placed there by staff, as sort of “Easter Eggs”. I could imagine an assortment of statues, sunken ships, ruins and what not being spawned on the sea bed to as a sort of curiosities, which I’m sure people would enjoy recovering and reassembling in their claims or for use in public/private museums/collections.

    Perhaps things as strange as my Dylan the Scorpion BOTM be world-edited in random places, I know I for one would feel complimented if I saw a small build of mine used in some sort of event like the Halloween event so I’m sure others would too, and random little builds in the middle of no where which invite curiosity or a smile to a player travelling in through the world would be a great addition to the server.

    Things like random pumpkin farms or giant pumpkins made out of pumpkins in the middle of nowhere for Halloween or a Christmas Tree farms, snowmen popping up for Christmas would be interesting too- of course if they’re claimed by a player don’t remove them, if they’re not do.

    Perhaps not stupidly large builds start appearing, like entire Indiamans or Forts which span 10 chunks. But I think it could definitely invite more interest, especially with the underwater update hopefully coming soon to the server, then underwater landscape/curiosities to be built would provide a further incentive for underwater exploration.

    I know I for one right now am not cut out for a position on the build team, but I wouldn’t mind building small curiosities like statues, houses, small forts, block creatures, strange looking trees etc. Pretty much anything, and small little jokes/messages could be hidden as well in them like signs with a quote or joke.

    Anyway, I’ll stop talking now and start building my randomonium.


    In reply to: Xray Unban Request

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    See Here:
    I may be wrong, but I doubt the standing decision will change.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

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    Somewhere in the world, I have buried a substantial amount of treasure! I don’t have screenshots, so you will have to take my word for it (my last buried treasure – The contents include a custom elytra, beacons, god gear, stacks of precious ores, bottled XP, rare items etc…


    ‘neath pilgrims purchase

    a plunder lies

    immortal riches rest

    where the dead reside

    I’m curious to see who/when someone finds it, so the first to find it will also get a ‘100K Souls’ custom sword if they reply to his post with some screenshots to prove!

    Good luck 🙂

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
    ~ Founder of Phantom ~
    ~ Co-Founder of Templars ~
    ~ Original owner of HMS Sovereign (Phantom Sovereign) ~

    • Topics: 794
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    The forum has its own stylesheet for what it looks like, today I duplicated it and started editing the forum theme a little bit for bits that drove me mad, so hopefully you like the improvements. Pages Affected, everything on

    • Made the input boxes for the Topic and Reply title full sized and large, also made the topic and edit topic/reply inputs full sized and small.
    • Fixed the formatting for the text that said you were editing the topic/thread being massive
    • Created a “New Topic” button on the forum list page to bring the user to the form under the forums, a lot of people get confused why there isnt a new topic page, so this button at the top should fix that.
    • I formatted the “Submit Topic” and “Submit Reply” buttons to be big bright and blue to match the rest of the theme instead of being tiny.
    • Formatted the subscribe to forum link so you can see it, and moved it to the right next to the New Topic button so you can easily subscribe to forums for updates (Worth doing for server updates forum!)
    • Removed all font-size mentions in the entire stylesheet so font sizes can be picked by my global stlyesheet so the forum text sizes match the rest of the sizes on the website! No more tiny itty bitty ant writing! You no longer need a magnified glass to read the forums!
    • Created an awesome format for blockquotes, look at quotes now when you quote someone, theres a nice quote speechmark next to it! Much cleaner!

    Demo of what quotes now look like.

    • Topics: 794
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    The forum has its own stylesheet for what it looks like, today I duplicated it and started editing the forum theme a little bit for bits that drove me mad, so hopefully you like the improvements.

    Pages Affected, everything on

    • Made the input boxes for the Topic and Reply title full sized and large, also made the topic and edit topic/reply inputs full sized and small.
    • Fixed the formatting for the text that said you were editing the topic/thread being massive
    • Created a “New Topic” button on the forum list page to bring the user to the form under the forums, a lot of people get confused why there isnt a new topic page, so this button at the top should fix that.
    • I formatted the “Submit Topic” and “Submit Reply” buttons to be big bright and blue to match the rest of the theme instead of being tiny.
    • Formatted the subscribe to forum link so you can see it, and moved it to the right next to the New Topic button so you can easily subscribe to forums for updates (Worth doing for server updates forum!)
    • Removed all font-size mentions in the entire stylesheet so font sizes can be picked by my global stlyesheet so the forum text sizes match the rest of the sizes on the website! No more tiny itty bitty ant writing! You no longer need a magnified glass to read the forums!
    • Created an awesome format for blockquotes, look at quotes now when you quote someone, theres a nice quote speechmark next to it! Much cleaner!
    • Topics: 794
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    I am keeping on top of this, its still just a massive waiting game.

    • GriefPrevention our Claims plugin, only updated an alpha today for 1.13, its still full of bugs.
    • The actual server software still cant convert existing worlds to the new 1.13, so the main server software isn’t even stable enough to load the world.
    • About 20% of our plugins have been updated to 1.13, as far as “core” plugins needed to get the basic server up to 1.13 were still missing Moving ships, Our shop plugin (Making the signs and chests part) Brewing, Cannons, Stats therefor ranking.

    Not even ready for testing yet.

    • Topics: 14
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    this may help

    its just your head, but your skin.

    also check out this forum post it shows you more options to use

    • Topics: 15
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    This sounds amazing Godsy! My favorite part about this would be the new penalty system, collecting sand to get out of the penalty world, Davy Jones Locker.

    Just think about it, lakesidekiller pisses off an admin like Net, and all net would have to do is just, /deport lakesidekiller and bam they stop existing in the normal worlds and are sent to The penalty world.

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    Governor in Rome.
    Former High_Capal Of TNRR.
    “To give up withought even trying is nothing but laziness”

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