[Suggestion] Change

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    I think the server needs a little change. The reason i say this is because when watching what happens on the server hardly EVER is there anyone fighting with there ships. they are just docked and it feels like the server is just a normal survival server when its called pirate server with moveable ships but no one uses them. I love servers like this where there are ships and you can shoot cannons like a pirate…. but here it just feels like a survival server with a bunch of ships built to look pretty and when someone wants to raid someone else the just teleport. Theres also tons of land in the way of going anywhere with a ship… like if i wanted to raid someone across the map and wanted to use my ship…well i would have to mine a path for my ship. Basically what im saying is it would feel like more of a pirate server if players depended on there ships to get to places and survive. Maybe to fix this have to map be more water than land or make it islands everywhere. It would also help to have a port where everything is like the shops, docks, spawn, pvp area, and everything so there isn’t a bunch of warps that have to happen. Just a suggestion I like the server but i feel like this would just make it perfect. (p.s this is opinion sorry if i hurt anyone’s feelings lol)

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    I agree with possibly getting rid of TP or making it less useful. Set homes would stay the same but maybe make TPing to another player have a much longer cool down. I know that there was a hint of a possible update to move craft to come. Made ships much faster but had bugs with how they sank, and smaller ships didn’t move players with them but it could be a huge boost to people using ships. As of right now you can keep up with them swimming in god armor. Small ships should be fast, move more blocks at once or more often. Big ships a little slower and so on.

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    I like the idea of possibly getting rid of TP.  It would make the server feel more “pirate-like” and lead to more ship usage. Sethomes should stay though.

    Commonly known as “Celtic”
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    Remove tp, keep homes, remove depth strider, remove elytras in unclaimed or in areas that aren’t claimed by you. Keep frost walker though 😛


    im a kau

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    Oh, and switching between distance mode and like ship contact mode. Distace mode is a lot faster but it’s really hard to get around while sailing- and ship battle mode is regular

    im a kau

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    I will go through why this wont occur on the main server world right now.

    1. TPA, /homes, etc is vital to its gameplay right now, a large part of the player base would be lost
    2. Right so you die, where do you respawn? At the spawn point? You sail from there? It doesn’t take a deckhand to figure out you could just camp the area around spawn and catch people leaving it. Yeah its a pirate server, but this would be detrimental to game play. “But you can have multiple warps, spawns etc” well you just defeated the entire point of a no tp, warp etc world.
    3. Nothing is stopping your from NOT using ships. Perhaps if you were one of the few (pretty much non-existant) people on the server who use only movecraft ships, you’d be in a place to debate this, but your not. Your a new player who needs to learn the server and how it operates. Everyone has these ideas, but it is detrimental to the server as of right now unless if someone can create a better, widely accepted, alternative.

    There is a server in the works for this.

    Its going to be mainly sea (probably) with spaced major landmasses and dotted with islands, with no tp and probably limited set homes and with an emphasis to use the movecraft ships.


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    -This is more of a direct response to Palmerageddon-

    Now Palmer, I can agree that there is some issues with trying to create changes like this while not having much experience on the server.  And there are a few issues to note with the change.  But overall the issues you try to attack I think self-solve themselves fairly easily.

    With the issue that you discussed in point 1, the guy who started this thread wasn’t very clear as to what to be removed specifically, so I can see why your concerned that he may be saying to remove all types of hyper-fast transportation (i.e. teleportation, warps, homes).  However, the ideas discussed afterwards cleared this up as people who replied after stated to just delete tps, keep homes, and ill just assume they also want to keep a few of the warps.  This should clear up the issues you discussed in your first statement.

    Onto the second point, I think part of my response just above about point 1 cleared this up, as where they die will be their home(s).  As for destroying the point of a place that increases ship usage, this wouldn’t remove the entire purpose of it.  Because if there was lets say a couple warps around spawn, and then everyone got like 1-2-3 homes depending on rank, even if you used all 3 homes you couldn’t get to everywhere on the map effectively and without tp you’d have to use elytras, get a horse, or get a boat, to get to other areas.

    Finally, on the last point, I will agree with you on that a lot.  There are people who still use ships from time to time and the person who started this thread could of just sailed around and used his ships more.  Ships are still used on PirateCraft from time to time, and there is of course the official ship battles which take place from time to time.  So yes, he probably could just do that.


    ~His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria~

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    When i said get rid of warps i didnt mean home tp i agree that should stay but i mean the warping to go to shops or to the spawn. just have it at one place so players only need to know 2 commands… /home and /spawn

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    ps palmer it doesnt take a genius to know how a server works when its clear after being here for 3 days i havnt seen a single ship battle occur. if this was a real pirate server i would be see people wanting to do ship battles and being able to sail everywhere. this was a suggestion no need to get butt hurt over it lol

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    This is probably my favorite server just suggestion things that would  make it more pirate survival like .

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    Maybe switch to an Airship pirate server. Have the land be skyland so that airships are vital for people to get to places. idk what plugin is used here but i played on servers that used Movecraft for this and they were really fun since players relied on there ships to get to places and fight. of course this would require lots of change.

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    [This is not a rant, just supplying info/context 🙂 ]


    It’s unlikely that we will be seeing a shift towards an airship based server – it has been a ship-based server for over 5 years now. However we have toyed around with the idea of having an airship, but the issue came with that it doesn’t get along with our claims plugin, meaning that someone could get into an airship and steal a house, roof, or the blocks on top of chests; as long as the blocks are allowed. I can’t see them added in the near future, but we might toy around with having them at an event – its how we test a lot of things on here; set up a fun event, if it works we keep it, if it doesn’t it gets thrown overboard.

    Concerning the ship battles: funny that you mention them being absent. We do host official battles once every few weeks at a dedicated arena – lots of fun, very competitive, managed by myself so we don’t have to rely on some stupid plugin. I’m currently away from my PC (moved into uni couple of days ago), so don’t expect an ‘official’ battle for a few weeks. A few players have organized battles in the past as a fun event, so do keep your eyes peeled.

    In short: ship battles do occur, but are run by staff. Player led battles are rare, but also happen.


    Concerning the tp’s, sethomes, warps, etc:

    This has been one of the most debated topics over the years (that’s a good thing). Countless posts have been made, countless posts have been ‘sorted out’ by Godsy. Gonna take my prerogative here and let this post stay OPEN for suggestions and debate, as long as it’s kept civil.

    So yeah, teleportation. In concept, it’s not too fun on a ship-based server. My personal view on the matter aligns similarly to @MinisterMooSelf – that being remove teleports, elytras, depth strider, etc.

    BUT (and this is a big but)

    We aim, as a server, to appeal to as many people as possible, and try to help them get going on here. We are here to keep it fun and engaging, but at the same time keeping the server sustainable in terms of expenses. Removing teleports altogether is a very radical approach, and may put off a lot of people. Picture this: a friend of yours who has been playing for several weeks invites you online, but he lives miles away, so you have to make your way over to him, which could take hours and hours. Not exactly something I’d want to do when I join a server – I want to get to places, and to people.

    The same thing applies to disable certain features concerning elytras and/or depth strider – we lose appeal. I hate elytras for a passion on here – gets people to places stupidly fast. But oh well, not my server, and not many remain. Depth strider – amazing for builders, a bane to captains. You could argue the same thing for the regular vanilla boat – it shouldn’t go that fast. A lot of these features to ‘disable’ a particular feature will require separate plugins – we have so many as it is, and we’re trying to cut back on unnecessary ones.

    In short: teleports will probably stay, as will most other features. We don’t want endless plugins to regulate (and update). There are other methods of achieving what you’re after.


    Something that we could do is add a ‘tp-tax’. Godsy has always been keen on removing money from the economy (I’ll make a post about it later – the economy is NOT broken).

    I’m not the first to suggest this idea – its been suggested years earlier. But times change, and we have thrown around the idea a few times in the recent months. As with most of these things; they will need to be trialed, run past a staff vote, and feedback taken into account. We WILL keep players updated on this if something does arise – expect a discord announcement.

    From a personal standpoint, I think a lot of us on here know what you feel like haha – we all want a ship server with people sailing. Sadly, there is a limit to what a vanilla server can handle at the end of the day, hell even the game itself. The sad truth is that a purpose-made game will almost always be better suited than a minecraft server (we don’t talk about Sea of Thieves).


    As has been suggested above, the server allows you to play to how you want. Want to minimize teleportation and sail? Go for it, you’re not alone – @emielreijs and myself are both enthusiastic sailors and go all over the place in search of nice ships. People that teleport everywhere and never use ships? F*** em, you do you buddy. Make it your own little world.

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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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    For a little fun, here is a quick poll I made:


    Takes 2 seconds to answer. Would be interesting to see what people think – but don’t expect much to change.

    « Build Team leader »
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    This is nothing new, we actually started PirateCraft over 5 years ago without teleportation and we didn’t grow, its only after enabling it we got a community.

    This has litearlyl been disguised to death so I see no reason to repeat myself for the 200th time.

    Nothing in here is new, nothing in here hasn’t been though of, we have actually already run as suggested.

    The conclusion I came up with will be a second additional server, a whole second survival, as there is so much needed to make this work it would be impossible without starting from scratch.

    The second option, which im planning to trial first will be a simple additional extra world (I Stress, this isn’t a trick answer, this means the current wold STAYS NOT A RESET!!) Very important you understand what the word “additional” means, it means its an extra world. Is created with its own permissions, I have maybe trialed 3-4 different types of world variants for this and the idea has matured and changed over the years, it will boil down to:.

    Nothing has started as there are so many moving parts and things to do, its never been a good time to drop everything and do it.

    Basic overview for those that haven’t read my 1000’s of replies about this topic already.

    1. A second additional overworld for this survival server based on islands (NOT STARTED)
    2. As its custom generation, I want custom structures to generate with custom items (NOT STARTED)
    3. As it will be on this server that world will need its own permissions (NOT STARTED)
    4. As it will be on this server, it will need its own re-spawn on death events (IS BROKEN DOES NOT WORK)
    5. It will need its own inventory/Echest (Working)
    6. Automate resetting the world every X amount of months (Working)

    The basis for the “locker” world I already have is to trial and test these features that need to get working, the biggest issue at present is the death event is broken and will just send you back to your bed spawn, I cannot overcome this at present.

    A team will be required for point 2, READ the existing forum threads as a build team application is out there, and we have nobody to fill it.

    its a process, and it has to be done in order.

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