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  • Palmerageddon
    • Topics: 66
    • Replies: 1044
    • Total: 1110
    • ★★★★★★★

    1. Problem, (I’m guessing from my understanding of the title) is that the server should be more cohesive with newcomers as if they have 1.13 clients it’ll work better for them. e.g. not glitch them out.

    If the top problem is not the case, it might be better if we put an alert out to new players that the server is still on 1.12 (like make it stupid clear, give them a starting item which tells them even) so they can change their clients to 1.12 so it’s cohesive.

    2. I’ve been seeing a lot of people struggling to leave spawn, with many of them wandering how to do /wild if it is such a thing. Unfortunately they don’t realise they have to do /warp n,e,s,w to get to a sign which allows them to do a sort of /wild, and even then not get that far.

    We could solve it by providing some interactive signs at spawn which take them to the warps, perhaps it could be like a hanging iron block or something like the old magnetic blocks they used to hang off the end of ships to use a compass, with like signs on the sides to press to take them to said warps.

    3. Creation of like “base crews”, so rather than them just being civilian, etc. They can go find a sort of faction or something to join. Crews can volunteer to be “base crews” and have people join (only those who’ve never been in a crew) without being invited. It could just help them to feel more included if that’s what they’re feeling like.

    4. Some of the new players are just plain dumb, uninterested or impatient to play. I’ve had people ask if they can go /wild, I try to tell them multiple times I can take them pretty much to the edge of the map as I have 2 set homes basically polar opposite on the map. Some of these players just completely blank me and then disappear. No clue why.


    I’ve no clue if it is the server, us helpers or the actual players coming themselves. Some of them just don’t want to put the input in to get the ships.

    • Topics: 5
    • Replies: 22
    • Total: 27
    • ★★

    It’s alright Ultracreeper, this time there’s no possible way this could be stopped, and no possible way it could go wrong. Well there may be many wrong ways, but we can prevent them.

    I am a loyal follower of Colrainism and hope to bring prosperity to all who wish to receive it.


    In reply to: What it do fly crew

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★

    In all seriousness, here’s a round up of the past 3 months:

    • Helper rank introduced as a temporary rank which allows the user to jail, mute, and kick I think. Admins can freely set anyone to this rank and demote as they please. Current helpers are LEGO, Nahadoth, Bazurka, and Palmerageddon.
    • Emielreijs and PythonAce promoted to Moderator
    • TAS and CLTN had land drama – it quickly escalated and involved staff
    • A shrek cult was formed by JUSAplayer1- basically a bunch of people with shrek names shreking people
    • The_Network, JavaInvader, and Kellyyore removed from staff positions, Creepermorderen promoted to developer
    • We discovered that Kettoh, Jmoo, and Riverwood202 had been spawning in money for the past 10 months, they were banned along with The_Network. CLTN – TAS drama largely stopped at that point. Their belongings were confiscated.
    • Introduction of the ‘Locker’ as a punishment – you are teleported to a separate world made of sand and must dig 3 double chests of sand (I think) with no tools. You are unable to talk, tp out, or skip the punishment.
    • Halloween crate was added and keys drop randomly to people every 30 minutes. Top prize is a highly sought after sharpness 11 hoe.
    • Shockerboy died
    • A small bit of drama ongoing right now between several crews


    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: ship armor

    • Topics: 13
    • Replies: 434
    • Total: 447
    • ★★★★★

    to my knowledge there is a limit to the amount of obsidian allowed on a ship. cant recall exactly what that limit is, I know its a percentage of blocks on the ship per ship type. the only people who would shoot diamonds at an obsidian clad ship are also the people who would just rather chase after your ship in a vanilla boat and either /top and slaughter you, or climb aboard the old fashioned way and slaughter you.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    Keep it coming people! we hit the top of “trending servers”

    • Topics: 47
    • Replies: 128
    • Total: 175
    • ★★★★

    This has been going on too long so I must address it.

    For those of you who do not know him his name is CosmickingJoel and he was a former member of TNRR but moved on into the crew SPQR.

    A while back CosmickingJoel changed crews from SPQR to the Shreks.

    He even Changed his Name to CosmickingShrek.

    Eventually he did return to SPQR but retained the name Shrek along with ties to that crew.

    Why I bring this up is because recently SPQR Allied Isengard and we were hesitant to ally someone who is known too.

    1 Use his connections in the Shrek crew to Attack Allies or siege players.

    2 Betray Alliances

    Before We allied I witnessed CosmickingShrek attack other crews with fellow shreks and why it bothered me was because

    1 the Crew he is a LEADER of is RIVALS with SHREK. I don’t see it making sense having your Leader All cozy and Friendly with your ENEMIES.

    Just today 10/17/2018 Cosmic Jusa Gingful and Khan Turtle attacked Sieged a member of ISENGARD. Death Jackel to be precise. SPQR and ISENGARD WERE allies at that time and his only excuse was that DeathJackel was preventing him from expanding HIS EMPIRE of Rome. If you look on Live map Rome and Death Jackels base are Very Very Far Apart and for Cosmic to say its preventing him from expanding shows the Ignorance of the one making these pathetic drummed up charges. On top of that After Sieging him they Grieved the Land and Spookey Glider Admited to helping by tnting and Majorly grieving the land.

    Cosmic BETRAYED his Crew and ATTACKED Allies. This should show just what sort of person he is. Justifying that if something is not done his way its Wrong and he can Disregard Alliances just to get what he wants.

    On top of that He keeps his Friendship with the shreks openly in HIS VERY OWN NAME…. COSMICKING…SHREK that should tell you all you need to know of his loyalty to anyone is SPQR or any other Crews or Allies.

    I have unallied SPQR because of this but if Cosmic is Kicked from being a leader and REMOVED from SPQR  I might reconsider an alliance.

    Sincerely  VladDracul the I of Isengard




    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 0
    • Total: 1

    The brewing plugin hasn’t worked for a few days now, and so far I cant get any information about the issue and if it’s even known about. So here’s a topic for it…

    Brewing isn’t working, the cauldrons aren’t working nor the barrels. Please fix it <3

    • Topics: 46
    • Replies: 509
    • Total: 555
    • ★★★★★★

    endermites? theyre not being used for much atm.

    I forgot about this idea. At present its already quite a chore, this would be utterly brutal to introduce..

    Please provide a shovel… PvP is enabled right? Fight over the shovel hahaha. And crabs. Some type of crab. IDK! WE NEED CRABS.

    Silverfish that randomly pop up when you break sand… you might be onto something!

    Perhaps in the distant future with 1.14 we could use custom mobs to make crabs? o.o

    Can we call them AstroCrabs?

    you’re damn right we can

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    endermites? theyre not being used for much atm.

    I forgot about this idea.

    At present its already quite a chore, this would be utterly brutal to introduce..

    Please provide a shovel… PvP is enabled right? Fight over the shovel hahaha. And crabs. Some type of crab. IDK! WE NEED CRABS.

    Silverfish that randomly pop up when you break sand… you might be onto something!

    Perhaps in the distant future with 1.14 we could use custom mobs to make crabs? o.o

    Can we call them AstroCrabs?


    In reply to: Religions in PMC?

    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 175
    • Total: 177
    • ★★★★

    Keep you'r friends rich
    and you'r enemies rich
    and wait to find out which is which.

    Smokey River
    • Topics: 22
    • Replies: 269
    • Total: 291
    • ★★★★★


    I have already got on him for this crap a few weeks ago. I am assuming this has continued since then. @DriftingSixGuns due to you previous history with chat issues and this ongoing issue you will be banned for 1 month across all platforms. This includes Discord, Teamspeak, and all Servers. If you continue to be an utter dumbass when you return and can’t listen to what the hell I have said further action will be taken against you.
    One would figure when I talked to you before and said I would beat the shit out of you if you said that to my kid you would have gotten the gist that YOU SHOULD STOP.

    I’m done.




    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 3
    • Total: 5

    Curly child, you stopped playing this server the day your sugar daddies and big sister had the ban hammer cracked upon their skulls. You need to stop whining about jokes, stop acting like you’re being singled out, and leave in peace. You have no right to act like the little innocent girl you’re trying to be after some of the things that I’ve heard you say in TS, and thats me alone, I’m sure you’ve said more than I’ve heard. So maybe before you cry to staff that someone made a joke about you, which that person made to LITERALLY 10+ people, and none of them are bitching about it, maybe you should think if it’s really that disturbing to you considering some of the things you’ve said in the past.

    • Topics: 13
    • Replies: 65
    • Total: 78
    • ★★★

    honestly this kinda of language shouldnt be used anywhere, never mind on a minecraft server towards young people. I have seen since Curly left TAS this harassment getting worse and worse and i have noticed how much it has really been starting to effect curly. I recall one of the reasons curly was hesitent to leave TAS was out of fear that the harassment would end up getting worse and thats all that really happened. Im glad to see a report up now so hopefully this can be stopped as by looking at drifting’s punishment checker this isent the first time drifting has said inaporipriate things on this server.

    • Topics: 5
    • Replies: 95
    • Total: 100
    • ★★★★

    Curly do you have any more screens of you telling him to stop calling you a “thot” or a “hoe”? Right now it looks like you’re cutting some stuff out of the screens >.>

    im a kau

    As the map becomes more widely explored. It will cover geography, politics, events and history on the server. We also hope to organise and plot the astoundingly varied geography and political geography of the server, and implement acceptable universal classifications on the server, which are not already in place. We hope to release 'articles' about the server, covering distinct topics in each one, whenever they're ready we'll release one, please do write your own as well and private message them to Palmerageddon or TheAgentGamer, where we will try to fit them in. We will also work at moving said information into the wiki where it can be accessed in game. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We welcome all to contribute to the efforts, great or small and to discuss openly.
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