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  • #2564

    In reply to: Banned for advertising

    • Topics: 12
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    • ★★★★

    I told you the other day when you were private messaging Sierv about another server that you were to stop, and it was your final warning.

    I later saw you discussing same server with UnicornJunk and that was the final straw.

    You are no longer welcome on the server as you have cause more unsettlement than any other player.




    In reply to: Citizens

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Um, to revisit an old topic, would this be implemented or not?


    Forum: Terminus

    Terminus is a small port city located in Savanna Mountains. The population are fed by the fishing, wheat and sugar industry. Terminus are heavy protected Fort Savanna, built by the royal navy to keep the pirates at bay and defend merchant fleets. The merchants stops by for lade new wares and sell goods from the far side of the world. Behind the curtains crime runs amok, no one is really sure who stands behind all the crimes.
    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★


    Future development:

    1. Build secondary outside wall thats higher than the current “central” wall, larger gaps between segments. (3 or 5 blocks instead of 2)
    2. Buildings inside the capital will all revolve around a town center, every building will be on the same level as the top of the capital wall, the town center will be elevated more.
    3. Piston gates.
    4. Traps
    5. Small Arena


    • Medieval

    Applying to build Novopangaea

    A separate application thread will be created when I open up positions to fill for the build of Novopangaea.


    Link to location on map.

    Coordinates: -760, -20

    Screen shot from map

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    haha! Bit off topic Jarod, You can use /home /spawn /trapped to get yourself out, or kill yourself.

    You’re the second person to get trapped in this portal!


    In reply to: May 2014 BOTM

    • Topics: 794
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    We need to get a solid rule list, A soid method for applying, A solid method for voting, and all that’s needs to be on a timer so we don’t go over the date (Like before).

    The more automated the better, We can implement Polls into forum posts (web related)

    SuperGL is in charge of BOTM so all enquiries go to him, you can Subscribe and Favourite this post (Top right) to get updates sent to you.


    In reply to: Goodbye

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 202
    • Total: 223
    • ★★★★

    Come on guys don’t be hasty, although we are respectful players. Things will always get angsty be in game or not. There will be grudges, fights, deaths and many losses. But all of this adds to piratecraft and this server. After all we are pirates right?

    Something will always happen that you don’t want, like getting blown up by a creeper 3 times in a row. That doesn’t stop you playing, just makes you up your game.

    This community is growing pretty damn nicely together. We need you guys to stick around.


    Topic: Goodbye

    Theshiphoo AKA Frederik
    • Topics: 13
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    Sorry I couldn’t find the old goodbye topic so I made a new one.

    So for a while I’ve been about to leave until today this happends: GodsDead and Markusi13 are testing plugins where one of Them suddenly males WantedRhino PVP log and lose his stuff. He lost his mind then and broke a truce that’d keep him, Mark and Me from killing eachother.
    I hereby claim to be off for an unknown amount of time. Maybe until the server gets creative world. Who knows? Anyways…
    Also I hope (quietly for myself) that this’ll keep WantedRhino from making players leave in the form of some sort of ban like Reaper said when Wanted made Adzybaba leave.

    Fair wins to all of you!

    Piratecraft tapatalk player


    In reply to: Goodbye

    • Topics: 794
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    haha welcome back shipoo! Yeah the defaults on something like 120fps, I might try limiting mine as my laptop goes mad overheating.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    • ★★★★★★★

    The second o e, with he flag in the top let, is great thanks! I’m talking through a mobile, so I struggle to upload images. Sorry, my message looked really weird!

    But yeah, the second one with the mini flag would be great thanks, nice of you guys doing this!

    • Topics: 794
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    PirateCraft isn’t very mobile friendly, to take a step in optimizing for Mobile devices I have Added tapatalk support for the blog & the forums, Just visit the forums on a mobile device to get a big button show up at the top linking you to the application.

    What is Tapatalk?

    Description from their android page:

    Tapatalk makes navigating and discovering online discussion forums on your mobile device easier than ever! This new full-featured edition of Tapatalk includes full HD phone and tablet display support and unlimited watermarked photo sharing.Stay connected to your favorite forums on-the-go with this award-winning mobile app. Tapatalk offers you access to over 50,000 internet communities in a streamlined mobile interface. Fast and accessible features make reading, posting, sharing pictures, and staying current with private messages, a snap! Tapatalk aggregates content from a massive network of communities that cover a wide variety of interests, from automotive enthusiasts to parenting, gardening to hiking – You will find a forum that matches your interests full of fellow enthusiasts that share your passions.

    It’s a little fickle to setup for the first time, as you have to install the app, register for a Tapatalk login, then search for “PirateCraft” and finally log in with your PirateCraft Login details, But once its setup it makes browsing/posting on the forums from a mobile device much easier.

    Here are some direct links for the app.


    Theshiphoo AKA Frederik
    • Topics: 13
    • Replies: 58
    • Total: 71
    • ★★★

    Okay 🙂

    All the post really should’ve said was: “Bitching, Bitching and bitching”

    Which is a thing I should stop with.

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    This is one of those updates a server admin absolutely loaths, Jeb, the genius he is, has decided to change the username system in the core of minecraft as well as the skins system.

    Why is this a ridiculously stupid move? Every single plugin ever made for Bukkit/spigot will break, Those legacy plugins that have stood the test of time and haven’t been updated in years that still work will finally break, good job jeb.

    Im not sure how this will effect ranking/banning/donations but im sure as hell this is going to open up new methods to game the server, so new rules will have to be implemented as soon as people are able to change their usernames, I know that each player gets a Unique ID to track whos who, so each player should be unique even if they change their username.

    This is only speculation at present, I may (and hope) to be wrong.

    I highly suggest creating a new minecraft launcher profile that stays on 1.7.5 to continue to play PirateCraft, I cannot update until all the core plugins we use are updated.

    Im afraid this update will stop new players joining due to the client auto updating minecraft and the hassle to create a 1.7.5 profile, In a sensible world the server browser would auto-detect the server version and apply the correct minecraft version, but no, we have Jebs thinking 🙁



    In reply to: Cannon firing Sailors

    • Topics: 12
    • Replies: 110
    • Total: 122
    • ★★★★



    Oh don’t mind me just bumping this topic, so Godsy can see it 😛

    Captain of the Pirate Crew Black Clover

    See ya maties either behind my cannons or in their line of fire

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    • ★★★★★★★

    As long as we can retain this map, I’m happy to change host, whatever makes your life easier! I personally don’t know any good hosts, but ill do some searching, find ones with good reviews, etc.

    Server comparison website:


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