Novopangaea Style & Guidelines

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  • #2435
    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★


    Future development:

    1. Build secondary outside wall thats higher than the current “central” wall, larger gaps between segments. (3 or 5 blocks instead of 2)
    2. Buildings inside the capital will all revolve around a town center, every building will be on the same level as the top of the capital wall, the town center will be elevated more.
    3. Piston gates.
    4. Traps
    5. Small Arena


    • Medieval

    Applying to build Novopangaea

    A separate application thread will be created when I open up positions to fill for the build of Novopangaea.


    Link to location on map.

    Coordinates: -760, -20

    Screen shot from map

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