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  • #1864
    Crazy Pirate
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    I was browsing the web, as you do, when I came across these plugins that add NPC’s to multiplayer. But unlike existing NPC’s, such as villagers, these plugin based NPC’s look like minecraft players, can be named, bought, given gear, armour, follow paths, engage in conversation, etc. Ii was wondering if such a plugin would be possible for PirateCraft. This will enable players to increase a crew size, the longer they play, without the need to recruit other players. So, instead of having two ships with ten crew members, making the 20 player limit, there can be 20 players acting as captains, with crews of sizes thatr they can afford. These NPC’s can be used as guards, or pirates round the world, or travellers that you can kill. They can look like the British, redcoats, or the Spanish, or French, or pirates, dotted in and around forts. This will enable players to build thriving towns, much like the towns of the 17th centaury, with guards patrolling the streets, and gangs of pirates in street corners. By no means the server should be thriving with them, but they could be £500 each, so that they don’t clutter the server, but enable Pirates to have a decent crew that won’t disappear, and will be there when players log on. I’ll include a link, to the site that I found, but there are others, such as a citizens plugin! Hope that I didn’t waste your time, and that you think this may benefit the server! 🙂

    And the other one:

    Btw, we can also create Famous YouTubers, that will look like real players, great for server advertising! 🙂 🙂

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    I found a mod with that did the exact same thing didn’t know there was a plugin! Awesome! We definitely NEED this!! Come on Tom!! Get this up ‘n runnin’!! jk no rush xD
    I could get the skins if you guys want!
    Time to expand me fleet! Muahahahaha! xD

    Captain of the Pirate Crew Black Clover

    See ya maties either behind my cannons or in their line of fire

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    Yeah I’ve known about this plugin for a few years, you can create pre-made characters too

    I’ve never used the plugin, or seen it in use, So im not sure if you can do all the things you want from them!

    I just watched a video on it, you can sit on their heads and control them haha, set a path.. I can’t see many other uses.

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    Oh wow, you can make them build things using schematics if you supply them with the right materials, The schematics would need to be loaded onto the server by me though.

    The only way I can see this being useful is to build ships, have a bunch of workers build a ship one at a time, there are a bunch of other professions.

    It would be quite funny to have an NCP postman, or have Sentry NCP’s guard a build, Imagine having a bunch of archers on your wall..

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    Postman and guards would be awesome haha

    I just don’t like the building npc’s though… Building will become too easy then, I guess

    Crazy Pirate
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    There is something highly appealing about redcoats patrolling forts, and a group of archers launching volleys in the sky.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Um, to revisit an old topic, would this be implemented or not?

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    I like this kind of plugin, I have played mods like this and they are always fun to use xD

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    We installed it and trailed it, Problem was if you made an NCP with the same name as a player on the server and attacked it, the real player would get flagged in PVP, so if they logged out etc it would give all their inventory to the killer of the NCP.

    Yeah, that’s a giant problem, also I was sure it was causing dropouts, not so sure now. If we can find a fix to the PVP problem, it might be worth another shot.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Hmm, how about players can only spawn set characters, with certain names, with different appearances, that would be determined by either you, or the player spawning it. Or players can only spawn npcs of the same name as themselves!

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    Maybe make it so that the names are randomly generated? I really dont care about the names so much, though being able to customize their skin would be epic xD

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    I cant do things that are not part of the plugin, Like randomly generate names.

    But I think you might be onto something Crazy, I could create set characters and let them be spawned, Im not sure if it would let you have more than one at the same time though, since usernames would conflict?

    Also, It needs to have a system to limit them, and it needs to cost.

    But as I said, we were having server issues and I thought it was citizens, I think now after some timing reports that its griefprevention causing the kicks. Im always chasing this bloody griefprevention developer.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Hmm. Set characters, but limited, so only a few can be spawned. Maybe creation of NPC’s could only be given to people with “town” status, as in they already have a marker on the livemap. Username would conflict, so you have to have a different one each time, which links back to the randomizing problem. The thing is, most people probably don’t care about the names, but just having another person fighting with them, or building with them, or whatever. No-one likes Steve! That issue means that each npc would have to be placed by you, if usernames conflicted. ARGH! So complicated!

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