1.7.6 Dropped, Username change keeps us on 1.7.5.

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  • #2192
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    This is one of those updates a server admin absolutely loaths, Jeb, the genius he is, has decided to change the username system in the core of minecraft as well as the skins system.

    Why is this a ridiculously stupid move? Every single plugin ever made for Bukkit/spigot will break, Those legacy plugins that have stood the test of time and haven’t been updated in years that still work will finally break, good job jeb.

    Im not sure how this will effect ranking/banning/donations but im sure as hell this is going to open up new methods to game the server, so new rules will have to be implemented as soon as people are able to change their usernames, I know that each player gets a Unique ID to track whos who, so each player should be unique even if they change their username.

    This is only speculation at present, I may (and hope) to be wrong.

    I highly suggest creating a new minecraft launcher profile that stays on 1.7.5 to continue to play PirateCraft, I cannot update until all the core plugins we use are updated.

    Im afraid this update will stop new players joining due to the client auto updating minecraft and the hassle to create a 1.7.5 profile, In a sensible world the server browser would auto-detect the server version and apply the correct minecraft version, but no, we have Jebs thinking 🙁


    Theshiphoo AKA Frederik
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    This will knock out Movecraft? I hope not.

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    I think that would be one of the plugins that wouldn’t be effected, ships are not linked to people.

    Im worried about GroupManager, GriefPrevention, Stats & Autorank. All very user specific.

    Theshiphoo AKA Frederik
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