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  • #10138

    In reply to: Free for all or /ffa j

    • Topics: 19
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    • ★★★

    Are you joking Jettyman?
    Staff can check your chests and enderchest you know…

    It seems you’re only banned 7 days… continue whining, that’ll for sure improve our opinion of you…

    Topic closed.


    In reply to: Voting Funniness

    • Topics: 794
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    The commands that are issues sometimes just don’t work. (jail/fly/zombie party)

    The “And on the 7th day” is a bonus reward! If you have a vote streak of more than 7 days in a row you get that on top of another prize, is it only giving you that?




    In reply to: FTB_Player123

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 202
    • Total: 223
    • ★★★★

    Wasting time, stop spamming. If a player has done something wrong we need legit proof!




    In reply to: FTB_Player123

    • Topics: 28
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    • Total: 185
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    blue stop moaning,

    dork stop wasting admin time.


    and what happened to the whole we dont kill at warps any more dork, and the whole moaning cause no one will trust you and kills you all the time stuff.

    are we going to have to start hunting you?


    In reply to: Minechat

    • Topics: 28
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    well I guess I will have to stop using minechat untill I can find a plugin for you guys that will fix this problem



    In reply to: Minechat

    • Topics: 28
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    is there no way to detect, if a player is using the chat and use a system that stops adding to there claims, like i said when im logging on cause i wanna chat like when im at a friends or something, i dont wanna be classed as cheating, i just wanna chat with my peeps.


    i dont mind losing the building of my claims, just dont wanna lose what ive earned cause i wanna chat with <insert pirate name> about a contract when i cant get to a computer.


    In reply to: Minechat

    • Topics: 12
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    • Total: 227
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    if your out eating, then enjoy your meal, Minecraft is not he be-all and end-all of your life, and if it is, i Strongly suggest you stop playing for a while and reconsider things.

    I also havent said im completely against minechat, what i have said is dont abuse it. your just giving examples backing me up not you!

    • Topics: 12
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    Actually you were jailed, you were warned to stop asking to be unjailed or you would be muted, once you were muted you then brought on another account, that was enough.


    The ban stands sorry

    • Topics: 12
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    i havent told you its complete, like i said to you yesterday, i can onyl regen when there is few players on as it causes alot of lag, more players came on so i stopped.


    And aurora, as your not a player please dont get involved in this conversation


    In reply to: Athenmos' Cathedral

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    You can remove the icon right away @GodsDead and Reptaria, there is no need to lie about me being a staff member on another server. I thought we agreed that you would stop with your petty lies. This is really the only server I play on, and I’ve been busy with school, if my inactivity bothers you that much.

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    • Topics: 10
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    • Total: 238
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    Just a reminder to all that this is a thing

    (mostly because there’s a lot of new people having trouble uncovering this topic!)

    Also a reminder; all the default recipes are listed here. Please note aging time is NOT in minutes as originally thought. (I think its hours? or mc days?)

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Would be pretty cool 🙂 But its still very close. At least a top three finish would be nice 😉


    In reply to: FTB_player123

    • Topics: 794
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    I acknowledge the report, please stop spamming me, I have been notified 3 times for this post @CrazyPirate1.

    I will talk to FTB_player123 when we are both online.

    • Topics: 794
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    Im looking for writer(s), someone that can help me update pages on the website, create new ones and write regular blog posts (I have a few ideas).

    A few basic skills im looking for:

    • Fluent in the queens best.
    • Patience to re-read and re-write until a post is perfect.
    • Have used WordPress/blogging software previously.
    • Can write to deadlines (Or write for a few weeks in advance)
    • Have basic understanding of photo editing & Formatting.
    • Is good at researching & sourcing content to work with.
    • Portfolio of some sort to see existing work.

    First Job:

    The first job im looking for someone to fill a weekly “Pirate Minecraft Inspiration of the week”, This will be a weekly blog post that mainly consists of screenshots found throughout the billions of minecraft screenshots around the internet, could include videos too.

    The idea of this is to give some inspiration to the PirateCraft builders each week for projects to start on using existing Medieval style builds found around the internet.

    Screenshots would be accompanied with Reviews, How this could be used on PirateCraft, or anything else you can think of for a fascinating post.

    This could be in the format of a “Top 10 Pirate themed minecraft island Inspiration” for instance, then next week “The Best Pirate minecraft ship building Inspiration”, you’ve seen this style of posts everywhere on the internet.

    What will you get?

    I can create a new “media” rank, so people would know you are part of the media team (We need to build a media team) SuperGL is currently the only other member of the Media Team, his job is running BOTM & getting rendered screenshots in-game.

    How Will it work?

    You apply on this forum thread, The staff at piratecraft may pick someone, You will be notified by me (GodsDead) via PM, We will do some trial blog posts before posting anything live.

    Will I need another account?

    Nope, I can Promote any website account to publish on the blog.

    How many people will View my blog posts?

    We are getting over 1000 impressions a day on the website, blog posts are on the front page and are the first thing people see when visiting PirateCraft, so we are looking for top quality postings.

    How long does it take to write a blog post?

    I have some blog posts that have taken over 3-6 hours to write with 30-70 revisions, Bare this in mind when applying.


    In reply to: redstone signs.

    • Topics: 28
    • Replies: 157
    • Total: 185
    • ★★★★

    hmmm. tried putting the lever on top of the block above the door. still not opening.

    but if i activate the device then press a button next to the door, the door will remain open till the lever deactivates.

    i have also found that if i put the lever one block over, then put redstone dust on the block above the door it works……


    my guess is the iron doors doesnt recognise that the lever was updated when the sign is pressed.

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