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  • GodsDead
    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    I don’t like those suggestions, the idea of siege is to prevent people running away from PVP and just hiding in this base, not to grief it or steal their blocks.

    I have requested that we allow soft blocks to be broken in the 1 min “raiding” once you win a siege so that soft blocks can be broken on top of chests, this is still to come later once its implemented.

    • Topics: 3
    • Replies: 18
    • Total: 21

    Iron_Castle you clearly do not understand why you were banned. I was jailed because your friend was punching me so I kept killing him, however I did not get tp’d but I had the effects of jail so could not pvp. This meant that you could freely attack me without me being able to attack you back. After telling you to stop and asking for staff help you continued to kill me. You then only gave half the items back and got banned for not giving it all.

    Always be yourself, unless you can be a pirate. Then always be a pirate. ☠

    • Topics: 8
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    • Total: 44
    • ★★

    Well it has come to my attention athenmos that you are correct I never made the choice to give up my hard earned land because I worked for it and fought for it and I would be damn if some dirty pirate came to me for a surrender lol ha! I’d laugh in there face and fight them with all I have!

    The Allied invasion today was an amazement and great success hopefully I see more days to come! Though I have died a lot we chased away our enemies!

    We will be lending unconditional aid the verussian empire and assassinated all outlaw loyalty in there government due to this mornings attack.

    Verussia has been Liberated by the Allied forces.

    I wish the best of luck to you all for we will never stop until the day either side surrenders. Let me remind you all we are in this war because Outlaws kill the itocent people, tried to dictate Verussia and most of all become absolute savages.

    As today was the victory in favor of the ally’s I should just say this,

    We live to fight another day I will see you on the battlefield tommarow.

    ~Queen of the Woodland Elves
    Elder of the High Council~

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★


    1) Sets of gear lost, um, let me think… are few and far between. Needless to say, I wouldn’t be impressive with such a horde; my gold armour from a Skelton farm, and some captain kit, not a heavy blow, I must say. You seem to be desperate for some sort of victory.

    2) Meanwhile, you cannot retake your own base for 2 hours. Getting  killed multiple times, (when not running away) losing control of your few remaining territories, and to add the icing to the cake, once more deciding to abuse /back? I’ve seen a creeper put up a better fight.

    3) I see that as a win, yes. You’d have to be blind not too. And judging by the amount of territory you lost, I’m gathering you are.

    4) And which HQ. Try to be specific; unlike you, many people aren’t limited to a handful of bases which they constantly lose control of. There are at least 3 naval HQ’s within the BE alone that I know of. Plenty of allied naval bases too.

    5) Wilson is a poorly armed coward, who manages to flee or die every time a captain kit player comes within 10 chunks of him. I’m not exactly worried if his part of Verussia goes ape on us, he’s incapable and a poor leader. Nuff said.

    6) “7” pirate crews, effectively means; the Outlaws, someone trying to build a (Pirate) Empire on their own (and, might I add, failing), and Raven. But wait!

    Raven and the Raven Pirates aren’t with you guys. My mistake. So, these seven, where do they come from? Because all I’m seeing is a server wide effort to kill you off, and a defeated crew, (with their tails between their legs) acting as if they have 7 pirate crews at their back. Laughable, truly laughable. 7 crews! Ha! Try a “pirate king” wanna be and some imaginary, invented make belive  figures, to back up an already losing side. Pointless propaganda, as you seem to be lacking the people to preach to.

    Calling All Pirates!!!

    Yeah, so many crew’s have offered to help you there mate. I can already see the torrent of support for a rouge group of…well… they have you in it, so something bad.

    If you want to talk big on the forums, don’t run away in game. A tactical retreat is fair play, but 3 times in a row, followed by losing control of your main base? That’s a tactical catastrophe. I’d ask how the French “Empire” is going, but you failed at that too. Seems failing is a recurring habit of yours lew. Make the effort to fight next time, huh?


    In reply to: Calling All Pirates!!!

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★

    If English is your native language, then you need to speak and write it properly. There are circumstances where you can get away with it, but on these forums, when there can be hours between replies, the odd capital letter and full stop actually make a world of difference.

    However, if like solid, English isn’t your native language, it is completely okay to make mistakes, and plenty of them. I can barely speak French, and the fact you are taking the time to write English is impressive to say the least, and it is wrong for others to knock you down because of it.

    So, if it is your native language, use it properly; otherwise, it’s fine to make mistakes 🙂

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★

    Solid, please stop posting random crap. It doesn’t help at all.

    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 106
    • Total: 113
    • ★★★★

    @Charlie im sorry that I can’t figure out how to embed snipped videos. It’s unlisted, stop freaking out

    Grand-Overseer of Vault-Tec, and overseer of Vault 121.
    Message me about joining Vault-Tec!

    • Topics: 3
    • Replies: 18
    • Total: 21

    The main problem here is people using it to get back to battles, so surely the best option would be to have a delay on tp related commands for 1-2 minutes after you die? Also, a longer delay after pvp so people cannot just run away then tp quickly. On the topic of delay after pvp, I think some commands during pvp should be allowed such as /msg. Probably some reason that hasn’t occured to me but oh well! 😛

    Always be yourself, unless you can be a pirate. Then always be a pirate. ☠

    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 106
    • Total: 113
    • ★★★★ Please read it, because I literally cringed reading this. I would try to solve the problem diplomatically, and settle it in a way to where you both win.

    I hardly see any typos, maybe one at the least. Sadly the RLK is at peace and we intend to keep it the same way. I’m sorry, but as War Minister I will say that we can send you supplies, only because Rye hasn’t asked for it.

    It isn’t a typo problem, it’s grammar and usage.

    Grand-Overseer of Vault-Tec, and overseer of Vault 121.
    Message me about joining Vault-Tec!

    • Topics: 2
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    • Total: 11

    The only way I would stop my attacks on you, is if you would change your crew name. Then maybe my attacks wont be so continuous.

    I do roam the south and west seas from time to time, so if you see me around it be best if you stay out of my way.

    To KingRS~ If you wish to make another settlement in the west I wont stop you but as long as Palmer has his old Crew name, I wont stop attacking him until that changes it. I have my reasons for this…

    So I ask that you don’t stand in my way, or more blood may be spilt.


    So Again Palmer, if you want this to stop, you know what u need to do. if not, I will make sure to stop any production you have on expanding your Empire.


    ~Ryeaka~ Leader & Captain of The DavyJonesLocker Pirate Crew

    ~Pirate WarLord of the Pirate Court~

    • Topics: 794
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    Some ideas for the Media Forum.

    • Create a video to promote your Crew / Shop / brewery / Ships for sale
    • Create some promotional flyers promoting your Crew / Shop / brewery / Ships for sale
    • Create a “lets play” video, Create a “news” video for whats been happening.
    • Write a storyline using our Wiki and post it on the Media Forums.
    • Write up information that is missing from the website on the Wiki and post it on the media forums to alert staff.
    • Write Up in-game books on the Wiki (create a books page) or re-write the bible and post it on the media forum
    • Create a video tutorial for using ships, cannons, gates, bridges, Eco, brewing or shops and post it on the media forums
    • Install Renders and Join the Media team, start by posting your gallery of examples in the Media forum and then reply to this thread
    • Post your normal screenshots

    The list is infinite! I want to cr

    • Topics: 794
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    @hardtimes Spoken like a true abuser. “Seems like you are taking a lot of Perks from the donater’s  Just My opinion” Like what hardtimes? Im not for pay-to-win perks, because that’s not how I run piratecraft; This response alone makes me want to put a cool-down on it, just to spite you being so rude all the time. You have already been warned for constant abuse of PVP hardtimes, you are on thin ice mate. I will remove back from offenders of PVP abuse, this Is NOT what it is for.

    Sadly I cannot just set back not to work in claims, as this isnt how back works, They would be outside of the claim when they use it. For instance someone like hardtimes is PVPing you in your home, you kill him and he respawns next to a chest full of Enhanced Gear, hes in his home now so he can use /back; which then takes him into the claim.

    The issue with the back mechanic is that there is no control over it, It is overpowered its nearly a comparison to giving plane /tp to players, since they instantly teleport to where they were without being accepted or wanted there.

    Give me one scenario where a cooldown of 2mins would be inadequate, anyone.

    If you get killed by a Mob or fall down a hole and die, you can /back to collect gear, then you have to wait 2 mins before you can use it again, there is no need to /back /back /back within minutes of each other.

    Teleport will still be instant it will just mean assholes cant /back /back straight to a fight they lost, They would be able to do it once straight away, as its a cooldown. It still does mean that the person getting attacked only has that 2 mins to get safe though, which really isn’t the best, but it will stop harassment.

    I will re-name this thread since TPA is the wrong title for it as everyone is talking about back.

    I want the donators in here to chime up.

    • Topics: 66
    • Replies: 1044
    • Total: 1110
    • ★★★★★★★

    Wow im pleased this topic is still going strong.

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
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    Recently I’ve seen some fantastic tutorials floating around the forums, there are millions of building tutorials online, in videos some of you have written up building guidelines for your city or town that follow architectural guidelines, have discovered an amazing way to use bridges or gates on PirateCraft.

    So I have created a tutorials forum with sub forums for building, brewing/farming and general.

    Can be found by visiting the forums, clicking this link

    or from the top forums menu on the website.

    Im open to any more forums that would benefit being created.


    Created a media forum for videos, screenshots, anything PirateCraft media based.

    PirateCraft Media

    • Topics: 17
    • Replies: 170
    • Total: 187
    • ★★★★

    After the battle that took place at @michty’s town today, I need to change my stance on the matter.

    Hardtimez has had an offensively placed /sethome just outside the town for a few days now, and comes by from time to time to harass the residents. We are at war with each other, so really it’s no big deal.  Usually, everyone just hides and eventually he goes away.

    Earlier today, though, Hardtimez’ crew attacked, and there were enough British crew members online to defend the town and defeat them.  Using either /home or /back, he returned about 30 seconds later to continue the fight.  Whenever one of his crew members died, they would instantly be /tpahere’d back into the fight.  The problem is that if all players teleport back as soon as they die, a siege can literally last forever.  There are auto jail mechanics which are supposed to prevent this, but there were enough players involved that no one alone killed a single individual enough times to trigger them.  The only ways to end such a siege are to kill all of the attackers at the exact same time (almost physically impossible), or for the attackers to get bored and leave. This particular conflict lasted for almost half an hour, and only stopped because Godsdead came on and jailed Hardtimez.

    The purpose of /back and /sethome isn’t to allow a Donator’s crew the ability to siege for an infinite amount of time.  If Donators aren’t going to use the perks responsibly, then the perks should be less overpowered.

    I support both a delay and a cooldown on /back and /home.

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