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  • #17102

    In reply to: BH Territory

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    its obvios why living together to close to each other if either one of you came too a disagrement you both would fight none stop until one of you left the land since you are so close to each other and dont forget that this also limits his exploring and building if he plans to expaned its not whats going on now its about the future.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: BH Territory

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    elex dont trust his “peace” bs at the moment that he gets more men he will raid you none stop….trust me i know by expiriance.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    • Topics: 794
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    You automatically get a warning if you spam the server warning you to stop spamming or else you will be banned, you ignored this and continued, I also see you have logged in using alts in the past. Why should I unban you?

    • Topics: 794
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    To add to the confusion, Mojang/Microsoft have released a Windows 10 only version of minecraft that works with Xbox live, To clear this up early, this is a ported Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition) So the version you play on Android/Ios is being ported to Windows 10 so PC players can play with the portable crowd, in groups up-to 7. This will in no way will be linked with the actual PC version of minecraft, This release will cause catastrophic confusion for later dates when there are 2 Versions of minecraft that run on windows, especially since this will be features in the Microsoft store for a mere $10. (Que the “Why cant I connect with my cheaper version of minecraft crowd)

    I will try and keep on top of this, would anyone be interested in me hosting a Pocket Edition PirateCraft server? It would have no mods at all and be pure vanilla, and in no way linked with the current server, just its own instance.

    Juicy Sauce:


    • Topics: 66
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    I remember I was spawned in a dense forest which was nice unless your computer still runs windows and is about 6 years old then lagg is imense…

    I was stuck and i made a hole and lived in that.

    I then died and found a witch hut and that was were it stopped.

    Smokey River
    • Topics: 22
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    • ★★★★★

    There is a reason you were banned to start with. Staff will not ban without a just reason.


    Topic closed


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

    • Topics: 133
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    Minecraft was originally released way back in 2009. It’s funny to think that children today who are 6 years old and younger were born AFTER Minecraft’s release date! Goes to show how time flies by…

    Anyway, I was first introduced to Minecraft by a friend sometime in late 2012. I found the game interesting, so I went and downloaded the PC Gamer demo to see whether I wanted to buy it for myself or not. There was this nifty trick you could use to reset the 90 minute time limit but keep your progress, so I naturally abused it to the best of my ability and must have invested something between 6 and 12 hours in the demo world.

    This was in February 2013, but the PC Gamer demo still ran an outdated version of Minecraft (beta 1.3 which was released in 2011). So pork chops weren’t stackable, there was no food bar, water and lava used the old textures, zombies dropped feathers, etc. Minecraft beta version 1.3 DID however already include the nether!

    So after a few hours I’d got myself a diamond pickaxe, mined obsidian, entered the nether and brought back some netherrack. I decided to use them as braziers to keep my road network safe at night. My base was situated right on top of spawn, on the edge of a dark and very dangerous forest.

    It was a disastrous idea.

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    Within a matter of seconds the fire had spread to every tree in the immediate vicinity. It went so quickly that my computer had trouble rendering the inferno. I would walk towards a group of trees and they would just disappear into thin air because the fire had already torn through them.

    I ran straight to my wooden base and started hacking down all the trees and leaves around them as the fire approached. By some miracle I managed to cut off access from the flames and my base survived. But the landscape around me was devoid of life for hundreds of blocks. And there were (raw) pork chops lying around everywhere….

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    In the end my world started glitching out and eventually became corrupt, so I went on to get the real Minecraft. But I was a bit sad that fire had been nerfed so badly. 🙁

    That was my first memorable experience playing Minecraft. What was yours?

    • Topics: 18
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    As leader of the Verussian Empire,I here by declare war against Bensterspc; for his continuous attacks on the innocent citizens of North Verussi. He has been killing,grieving and looting my town whilst I have been away and to my understanding,has been taking advantage of the roll-back meaning deckhands in my town still had the pvp immunity and were not able to stop him.

    This war is targeted to Benster only and will not involve anyone he is affiliated with unless necessary.We had a truce with his crew but he has broken this several times.I will end this war as soon as Benster can agree to a treaty and stick to it.

    ___________________________________________________________________________KingRS_ of the Verussian Empire and Mayor of North Verussi

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.


    In reply to: war

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    The Elves and the B.E are doing all they can to win this war and stop the 0utlaws?

    Come on, we all know they aren’t going to stop.

    I think the Elves and the B.E. Are right to continue this war until the 0utlaws give up, and if the 0utlaws surrender, the ones who want to fight, might leave leaving them more vulnerable to another battle, but if they do not leave they will probably lose a little bit of trust for HardTimez.

    If the B.E. Ask for assistance I will answer my allies and their allies.

    This post that I posted on this post about something is probably useles information.............


    In reply to: /hide from map

    • Topics: 18
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    Some people abuse the PvP immunity,Bensterspc had gone into my town and took advantage of the amount of deckhands there were and because the roll back they all had PvP protection for the hour while he he looted the place and the people there couldn’t do anything to stop him.



    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

    • Topics: 794
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    Do not post multiple threads back to back.

    I have closed this one as you are spamming the forums.


    In reply to: war

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    Wow solid for once you were on topic and said somthing that made sense 😀 lol gg for the sum up.


    Oh hardtimez is an”changed man” I’m not buying his bs! Until they end it were not gonna stop.

    ~Queen of the Woodland Elves
    Elder of the High Council~


    In reply to: /hide from map

    • Topics: 82
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    Perhaps the PvP immunity for 1 hour would be useful. Currently it is simply looked down upon if you attack deckhands. Therefore the people that attacked you are looked down upon by other players.

    <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>maybe if a pvp grace period was added for deckhands it would give them time to get started plus it would drive deckhands to stop sitting in spawn whining about wanting a crew.</span>

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~


    In reply to: war

    • Topics: 66
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    One minute the Elven Empire pulled out of the war.

    Next minute they come back in realising that the Outlaws need to be stopped.

    (not being negative to the Elves just explaining from my point of view what seems to have happened)


    In reply to: /hide from map

    • Topics: 66
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    New players only really get one buff.

    They have protection to stop them getting killed in their first hour or less of playing.

    like I said before /hide would defeat the purpose of having a live map.

    So far all you’ve said apart from saying “I personally love the live map!” has all been against it.

    /hide would be an abused command.

    and you can just buy food if your going to starve or carry a chest and before you die of hunger you put all your stuff in it.


    So I find all your arguments STUPID.

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