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  • #63789

    In reply to: Melonisnotafruit'sbox

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    You obviously care since you come here and take part in the discussion, right?



    Regen and forget about it. Unacceptable and provoking.

    Since its a box its easy go select the region and enter the regen command.

    Cant agree more to what Cysteen wrote.






    In reply to: Elytra

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    they are supposed to be a rare and hard to come by item, even in vanilla survival. we have borders here for many reasons, but that’s a complete different topic. one argument people will use against elytra is ship use. gods can use his time to fix far more important bugs than one that only affects a very small pool of people. the reduction of ely in the server is INTENDED. the glitch isn’t, but still plays into godsy’s hand indirectly. the bottom line is, gods has stated himself that he has absolutely 0 intentions of bringing back elytras. whatever is in the world, is what we got. and he also will not fix the ely bug. how do you think people got around in 1.8? before elytra was even introduced? walking. the server had it’s time where ely was available (lack of a better word, ‘available’ meaning possible to obtain in general), now it’s time to put them to rest. theyre relics now, and it’s far more healthy for the server to leave them at that.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 19
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    Aye these wars must stop. We have already seen so much war on this server already (especially against the Verussians and the Elves). Evidence of war is everywhere from the city of Verace to the ruins of settlements around spawn. War can be done later but for now we need time to rebuild and breath.

    The Clown (on leave until further notice)

    • Topics: 5
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    To VER, to EIE, to LE, to anyone who shall listen and most importantly to those unfortunately involved in the recent events that have taken place…

    I write to bring some remorse for the regretful of the future, and to bring sense to those in the present; minds full of revenge and unreasonable justice.
    Because of the conflict between old friends who have forgotten the good of the past in favor of war, the prospect of reformation for the Eastern Alliance lies in shambles.
    The utopia of active members who construct whatever fits their hearts’ desire that could have been now could not. Peace has left us, and now dark clouds gather along the horizon.

    As I speak, the declarations of war are being written, destruction plotted, and from mind to mind the idea of crushing others has prevailed over ideas containing beauty.
    Troops gather weaponry, marching to the front lines of battle to meet their friends in hopes of murdering those they once loved.
    If diplomacy fails as it did tonight, let it not be forgotten the days we did have together, for the days of the future will surely only hold darkness and regret.

    The blood of brothers shall be shed, homes of the innocent burned and the beauty once created, demolished.
    This is a call for peace among those who share what really matters, so that we may end what should really be opposed.

    May god and all that is right be with you all, for I know in my heart this is not.

    I am a loyal follower of Colrainism and hope to bring prosperity to all who wish to receive it.


    In reply to: Ugly Boxes removal

    • Topics: 94
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    • ★★★★★★

    Moving his base as opposed to regening/deleting has always been my priority. See it from my perspective:

    1. Delete/remove his base – Its unfair towards him, as he’s been there almost as long as you guys, he’s using it as an active base, and its pretty much his main base.
    2. Do nothing – Its unfair towards you guys, as you have a wonderful city nearby and his boxes are an eyesore and are getting in the way.
    3. Move his base away from you – Perfect solution, everyone’s happy. This is what I have wanted all along.
    4. Make the ugly base less ugly – Solves the solution of it being an eyesore, but his base is still in your way.

    Options 1. and 2. I am not willing to do, I am not conformable with removing an active player’s main base who has been there almost as long as you, but I don’t want you guys to be burdened with an eyesore nearby – I want you guys to stay and keep on working on that city, its a lovely place. We aren’t talking about a horsia box sort of thing that is impossible to make ‘less ugly’, we’re talking about a 25-30 block high stonebrick cylinder, and a 25 block high box that are easy to hide under the correct terrain.

    Gods has repeatedly said he will not move bases anymore, I currently don’t have the permissions to sort out moving bases, but Gods has told me he will sort that for me ASAP so I can in future host events smoother and solve these complex issues when no realistic alternative remains. That means, at least for now, option 3 is not available… but it is not excluded either.

    That leaves option 4 – making the base less ugly so at least you won’t have to look at an ugly stonebrick box anymore. It doesn’t solve the issue long term, but I was hoping it would solve it short-term while I wait for my perms to be sorted out.


    Now, just so its crystal clear for you two:

    • You two approached me I think twice in the past months or so and complained about his base – rightfully so. You asked for it to be regened/moved I think back in May/June – I asked Gods, he said that’s not an option. I ask SJ what he is planning with his base (as I don’t want a horsia box there) and he informs me I quote “A castle above the central base, with 4 autofarm boxes surrounding it. Above this will be a town with walls, and a castle“. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and moved on.
    • You then approach me about his claims claimblocking you a while later – I remove his original claim that was touching one of your towers and loosely say “the swamp is SJ’s, the rest is yours” if you remember. SJ informs me that he wanted a perfectly square claim, which is when I got in a call with you two to try and see if you’d be willing to give up a small amount of your claim, such that he can be happy and won’t bother you long-term. I don’t force you to anything, I don’t act on anything – Pashjn insists he is not giving up any land so fair enough, and then he starts accusing me of bias against him and becomes hostile. Elo, I seem to remember you trying to persuade him to also give up the land as a sort of “cmon dude, its not worth the trouble”. Pash once again insists on his claims, which is fair enough and we leave it at that.
    • Then, early September you make this request. The day I told SJ that he had 2 weeks to make it less ugly (week beginning Monday 9th September), I hopped on with him and helped him terraform a little as he didn’t know what I meant. I sat down with him for 20 mins with /fly, and did that side of the box you see on map with him. I had no intention of doing anymore for him – it wouldn’t look good if I did the terraforming, and also decided if it would be good or not. I’m not a fucking moron, I know how bad that looks. Its his base, he puts in the work.
      • You have been waiting ages for him to make it look better, I know the struggle of having an ugly structure near you – I had the same issue with my port back in 2016-18 with my port. I helped him out to get him on the right track, I anticipated he’d be finished by the end of the week as can be seen from my comment above. I was still anticipating Gods would be able to move the base, I messaged him later that evening about it (because I was sent the ticket you made), he said “no, I’m not moving bases anymore”. At least making his base look nicer would be a good short-term solution.
    • On Saturday the 21st, I told SJ he only had 24 hours to make his base look good or it would be regened. SJ told me he has a bunch of exams coming up, and was unable to do much work in the 2 weeks I set him as he needed to revise, and asked for an extension. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and gave him an additional 1 week until beginning of August.
    • Sunday the 22nd – I get promoted to Super-Admin, but the permissions are super old and outdated. Gods has to re-do the permissions for super-admin from scratch, I’m essentially admin but with a few extra chat-related commands as he ran out of time. I request extended perms to worldedit for //cut, //paste, //copy (that I would normally have with superadmin anyway) so I can sort out this situation that is clearly going to end badly unless SJ is gone. Extended worldedit would also help with events, shipbattles, etc etc. Gods agrees, but doesn’t have time to sort it out. Elo, you decide to go passive aggressive in this situation, as you have done several times to me now – but I’m still willing to find a solution for everyone. No sweat.
    • Saturday 28th September – I inform SJ that he once again has 24 hours to make his base better, or it will be regened. He comes up with excuses again that he has exams this week, I ignore them as he has had plenty time to sort it out. He gets is arse in gear and builds another big section of terraformed land.
    • Sunday 29th September – I’m very busy so I can’t get on until Tuesday evening (blame uni), and I inform him that I will make my decision then. I inform Gods about the situation once more, begging him to move the base so it would solve the issue in a manner everyone would be happy with – he is reluctant. I quote Gods:

      • I agree fully ^^^ That brings us the original option 2 – that we would simply regen the top of his base, that way there is NO eyesore whatsoever, but he still keeps most of his base – but once again it doesn’t solve the issue fully and long-term.
    • Tuesday evening (1st october): I make my post above, informing you there are 2 options available and that I’m trying to work on a solution that both sides can benefit from – that being pretty much moving the base (that Gods won’t do), but I am hoping and praying for the perms to do it. I look at SJ’s base and inform him that I’ll probably be cutting the top of his base off and regening the surface so it blends in, he’s pissed at me obviously. I then have to run to do some IRL stuff, tell him to move his chests to the lower levels to get ready for the regen.
    • Wednesday evening (2nd October): I pop back (after being unable to get online again yesterday); SJ has finished ‘covering’ his circle. It looks alright, I show Gods and agrees that SJ had done a pretty good job… at least it was miles better than what it looked like before. I make my reply to you here basically saying that I don’t plan on regening the top of it anymore as he’s made it look significantly better than what it was. At least for the time being it was a good solution, I knew you two weren’t gonna be happy… as you’ll only be happy once he’s gone. It was an uphill battle from the start – but hey, he finally did stuff. I inform Gods that I’ll just tick this request off as ‘done for now’ while I wait on perms.
    • Thursday (3rd October… today) you two make these replies. And this brings us here.


    I honestly truly don’t know what sort of little world you two are living in that makes you think I hate you and only want the worse for you… why? Because I told you to calm down on discord a few times? It seems in your eyes all I do is “yes, I hate Pashjn and Elo but I do everything cysteen asks of me… so i make them mad which is funny“. Please, why would I do that? I get along with pretty much everyone on here, its always been my duty to be chill with everyone – means I can do my moderation job better as I’m not driven by a dislike for people. Elo, I set you as helper and gave Pashjn builder… I gave you a guardian farm basically for free out of friendship… we had a fun time with our Syndicate-Hlaalu flame war – I enjoyed it at the beginning I really did, and I thought you would too. I didn’t hate you, I didn’t dislike you, I liked you – you are a solid helper, solid builder, solid media person, and I loved our little ‘shop rivallry’.

    You accused me of bias because I told Pashjn not to egg Cysteen’s shop – guess what it lags everyone in the shop area; I get plenty of reports… from people who use your shops too. When people egged your shop, guess who removed the chickens there too? Yes, me. But you don’t see these things, because I assume you don’t want to see them. You got mad at me when I told you to chill over that iron farm dispute – you accused me of bias and became passive aggressive because ‘I clearly do everything Cysteen wants’. I yelled at her too, but she didn’t attack me, or become hostile, or get passive aggressive. There’s a big difference there. I wanted iron farms gone, you didn’t. Fair enough – they weren’t removed, I’ll live on – I don’t care enough to get bitter or worked up about it lol.

    I know we have our differences in opinions, that became obvious with the Iron farm drama lol, but I’ve never punished you or something…? If you two would truly be people I disliked and I would be that “bias staff member” you think I am; I’m sure I would have warned you by now or something? But no… I know when things are going a little downhill and I asked you and Pash on separate times in discord to chill when the discussions was going sour. It was best for everyone to just chill, take a step back. But I didn’t warn you or anything? Yet you took all that incredibly personal… I mean I admit when we had that DM chat about nitro scamming Cysteen (that I was only giving you a heads up on), and you gave me a very suggestive comment, I flipped – but I know I did, and apologized. You’re the one who later made a fake discord message attempting to slander me and call it a ‘meme’, you’re the one who told me to “shut the fuck up” several times during that big banning session when I was trying to solve the issue, you’re the ones calling me bias for attempting to cool down a situation, you and Pash are the ones who’ve been hostile/passive aggressive towards me for a while.

    Did I ever get any apology from you guys? No. Why would I. I’m a bad and bias staff member, why should you apologize to me.

    Look Elo, you’ve done a fantastic job on BotM, as media – better job than any of us in the staff team could have imagined. You and Pashjn are fantastic builders as can be seen by your builds, we value them very much as we do your contributions to our community. What we don’t appreciate is a toxic relationship, which you two seem to have built up with me, and are running some sort of feud against me and our ‘bias staff team’ which we all don’t understand. I mean you or Pashjn no harm, I want everyone to get along and do what they do best – help the community. Its always been my intention to solve problems in a way that’s fair, and offers a solution both sides are happy with – I did it with ROME-SPQR too when I removed the island they were arguing over, that way everyone’s happy.

    I’ve offered you the opportunity to start fresh with me after our brief argument; it was ugly for both of us. I see no point in being bitter at people, its too much effort to dislike people – this whole situation here? Been really draining, honestly. The amount of times I’ve spammed our staff chat with this and annoyed Gods and the others, or any other sort of drama relating to this… go ask them if you don’t believe me! I care very much about you two staying on here.

    I’m sorry this has caused a divide between us/you/the server/whatever, but if you insist on being bitter about stupid things; slandering me, or whatever – then I’m sorry but I have no time for someone like you. If however you’d like to make amends, and are willing to give me a little more time to sort this situation out, I will most happily help you, Pash, and SJ fix this on a permanent basis.


    I’m closing this now, rant over. I’m too tired. If you’d like to talk further, I’m usually on discord – if there’s any updates I’ll poke you there too as usual.

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: Ugly Boxes removal

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    Thank you for your time and effort.


    I see this is the kind of playerbase you guys want to have and promote. Ive waited too long and you kept me waiting for months for nothing.

    My crew started the Valgardproject. It was more that just our crew. We had Lazy, Emiel, Steven and even people like Romich building and helping at some moment. We had so many people giving us materials and custom heads for this.

    The concerned person got his hands on images where we drew our plans and tried to crash us since the very first minute with /tpa players to us because we decided not to let him build with us. Then he realised that his friends are shit in PvP and so he switched his plan into building boxes knowing that it would bother us.

    Yet he calls me out for harassement.

    Our claim is months other than his claim. Yet you allow him to stay there even when we reported this issue on the very first week. You let him continue and made him think that he is right. You have extended the deadling again and again and I have been quiet and patient. You dont even understand the problem. Its not the fact that its a box.

    Dont you think I knew that you would come in the end with the argument  “oh now it looks fine case closed”?

    Imagine what would have happened if I started to build a box next to Port Royal. I am sure that I would not have gotten 6 month to fix it. I would have gotten my claim deleted in seconds followed by some kind of extra punishement.

    We never allowed him to build such a structure there. We have the proof of the conversations. He promised an “epic tower” which would fit in the environment. Not a dirthut with his bunker underneath.

    Dont you realise that he could have gone EVERYWHERE else on the map and there wouldnt have been any complain from my side or from someone else. Why did he chose to build boxes right next to my city that had the potential to be something big? Why dont you think for like 30 seconds about that.

    Yet you completely ignore every proof we have.

    Yet I am harassing people.

    Plus there is a more or less official rule saying boxes arent allowed ON TOP of that. I dont even know if its official and you dont know neither.

    He literally breaks 3 out of 4 building rules.   BUILDING AND CLAIMING RULES ART1 a) ART 1c) and ART1d)

    Yet I am harassing him.



    Pashjn, not the staff permission abusing , once banned for advertising, illegal mods ,scamming and trapping superhero.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    In reply to: Ugly Boxes removal

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    Well I mean last time in voice chat you told me to “shut the fuck up” several times so yeah I getcha

    Option 1 is what you suggested – moving them, but at this stage that still requires Gods as I don’t have the perms. Not sure if it’ll happen as he said he doesn’t want to be moving bases anymore. Option 2 which is the fallback option is that we regen the surface of his base, that way any ugly box will be underground – Gods suggested that one and it will be what I’ll  be doing if the first option doesn’t work out, not much more I can do.

    If you want this done quickly I can just regen the top part of his base now, and not bother with moving em, but I figured I’d wait and see if we can get the better option that both sides would benefit the most from – Gods and I are both very busy atm though.

    Nowhere have I threatened you, you’re the one behaving immaturely in this situation. If you’re gonna be hostile and disrespectful, why should we as staff waste our time with you?

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 5
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    Alright now, thank you for taking quite a few things out of context. But, after digging through the chat logs for a bit, was that you were bypassing a lot of filters, not just the word “gay,” I’m pretty sure (check me, ~6:00 pm EST is when this went down on 9/2). Also, you did receive a warning, from Bazurka, there were at least 3 staff members on at that time, Bazurka, Lawzoneon, and Buckmaster1993. There is proof in public chat of buck and baz warning you to stop, yet you continued. And perhaps on your third strike, you swung at a slider that hit you right in the balls.


    P.S. If you really want to play again and this appeal gets denied, I suggest you wait a few months before re-appealing. G’day.


    im a kau

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    Hi seeber, I wonder what brought you to this side of the forum. Is that a new account too?

    I honestly don’t care who won the siege however 100% confirm no one was afk for the duration of both sieges, and that I 110% confirm I saw HeeberReturns glitch through the iron door next to my chests (beneath the trap door) as well as get into the horse shelters on the top floor of the bank through another iron door. No wonder he was trying so hard and failed to walk through an iron door that had a banner on it. Hence why HeeberReturns got into my vault first.

    Don’t care when you unlocked the rest of my chests but you shouldnt have gotten in in the first place let’s be honest. I exited the game as theres no point playing with toxic players like yourself and your should get punished for this anyway.

    Advice from an experienced player: you SHOULDVE used chorus fruit to tp in and not foolishly glitch through iron doors. Secondly I hope you’re treated fairly for your abuse of the server and your wonderful coverup in public chat once I announced your glitch. Your toxic behavior put and puts off many players from playing on that well made server. Aside from that I understand your love for raiding seeber (assuming it’s always fairly and you never glitch) however HeeberReturns really deserves it for glitching. Hope a mod digs up some dirt on you from the server logs.


    Happy raiding losers.


    Jarl of The Reborn Endorien Empire

    • Topics: 5
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    Hi seeber, I wonder what brought you to this side of the forum. Is that a new account too?


    I honestly don’t care who won the siege however 100% confirm no one was afk for the duration of both sieges, and that I 110% confirm I saw HeeberReturns glitch through the iron door next to my chests (beneath the trap door) as well as get into the horse shelters on the top floor of the bank through another iron door. No wonder he was trying so hard and failed to walk through an iron door that had a banner on it. Hence why HeeberReturns got into my vault first.


    Advice from an experienced player: you SHOULDVE used chorus fruit to tp in and not foolishly glitch through iron doors. Secondly I hope you’re treated fairly for your abuse of the server and your wonderful coverup in public chat once I announced your glitch. Your toxic behavior put and puts off many players from playing on that well made server. Aside from that I understand your love for raiding seeber (assuming it’s always fairly and you never glitch) however HeeberReturns really deserves it for glitching. Hope a mod digs up some dirt on you from the server logs.




    Happy raiding losers.



    Jarl of The Reborn Endorien Empire

    • Topics: 5
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    Hi seeber, I wonder what brought you to this side of the forum. Is that a new account too?

    I honestly don’t care who won the siege however 100% confirm no one was afk for the duration of both sieges, and that I 110% confirm I saw HeeberReturns glitch through the iron door next to my chests (beneath the trap door) as well as get into the horse shelters on the top floor of the bank through another iron door. No wonder he was trying so hard and failed to walk through an iron door that had a banner on it. Hence why HeeberReturns got into my vault first.

    Advice from an experienced player: you SHOULDVE used chorus fruit to tp in and not foolishly glitch through iron doors. Secondly I hope you’re treated fairly for your abuse of the server and your wonderful coverup in public chat once I announced your glitch. Your toxic behavior put and puts off many players from playing on that well made server. Aside from that I understand your love for raiding seeber (assuming it’s always fairly and you never glitch) however HeeberReturns really deserves it for glitching. Hope a mod digs up some dirt on you from the server logs.


    Happy raiding losers.


    Jarl of The Reborn Endorien Empire


    In reply to: Leon326 appeal

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    *Takes deep breath*

    The comments that follow this post may appear genuine, but you can understand where they come from. You all shared the same crew, or are good friends, or have some kind of ties. It seems like there’s a coincidence–generating momentum for a staff member who might not look too closely.
    You really overcompensated in this appeal–did you pay someone to write this? It’s totally out of your character, almost like a flawless public facade that disguises your true demeanor. Either way, it’s touching, and I’ll give you that.

    But, let’s examine:

    if you make a mistake big or small, and lost something you valued greatly, wouldn’t you want a second chance too?

    Well–of course we would! Except, you have five rather interesting banishment’s, though the only apparent serious ban was also your last unban–only four months ago–with it being advertising again. On top of this, you even have three warnings for racism and harassment.

    If we look at your current reason for your banishment, you advertised and asked others to leave for that server, too! Ironic, isn’t it? You asking to be unbanned on the very server you tried to steal players off to do whatever on whichever other server. It needn’t be any clearer.

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

    Murubutu (shark)
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    Over 20 most of those logged by accident but i wasn’t bypassing the main account punishment when it got banned to hacked account i stoped logging. I would realy come back to piracraft and spend my last vacation days on this fantastic server


    In reply to: Advertisement unban

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    Looking back at your history on the punishment checker, luckily a forum post was linked:

    Which still has working imgur album of your chat in-game.

    Looking at my reply in that previous forum thread, I don’t want you back on the server, We have such an amazing community at the moment and I dont think allowing back Toxic, narcissistic, staff bashing people is a good idea.



    In reply to: 4orange unban appeal

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    We had reports of you acting a bit up again in chat, so we checked your chat history over the past 24 hours. You stated in your appeal previously that “I have grown up and stopped acting like someone half my age”. I’d say you haven’t changed at all.

    We didn’t want racism, you have us “Arabs and commies all deserve to die”

    We didn’t want you acting like someone half your age/stupid bahaviour, you gave us “tell wyat that we lava casted his base lol”, “who wants to grief wyat’s base”, “I lava casted ur base” and were generally involved in that mess that night.

    If you’d have done these things over the course of a few weeks or sommin, or at least wait after you have just been unbanned 24 hours earlier for toxic and stupid behaviour among other things back in january then yeah, fine, mutes and warnings it is.

    But fact is you came back, and got right into the mess of things. Your behaviour shows you didn’t change at all, we don’t want that sort of attitude on here at all, no matter if it was a joke or not. The thing on Wyatts base – I don’t care if he deserved it, you were involved, and all members involved or associated were given a warning as its a pain for us staff to clean up. There, first rule broken. The comments about arabs and commies were just not needed, second rule broken within 24 hours. Doesn’t look great does it?

    Feel free to appeal again in a month or so, but you fucked up your second chance.

    Closed and denied.

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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