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  • #17395
    • Topics: 66
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    Well everyone seems quite positive about this idea.

    I was thinking like we should first make a random thing but each nation or whatever which wants to host it should at least have time to build it prepare it and room to host it in so it will work without a rush.

    We could possibly ask admins maybe that if people pay for certain things to be given to them they could fly over and drop it and if they could live stream in it and be invisible to watch it or we could make tracks over the arena for mine carts people could view over.

    I dunno.

    I was also thinking maybe not having chests hidden everywhere but maybe a few there and here with a few things in them but not loads (like maybe a stick in one, and apple in another etc.)

    The plans and time would have to be put into the hunger games one as well as the Olympics one.

    The Olympics one would be try out because each nation, team whatever would want the top players and also we would have to draw up events.

    The first ones probably wont be brilliant as we would have to make a few events at first a possibly add to the list over time, Same for the Hunger Games one but we would have to put rules in different things to stop people back stabbing each other over petty conflicts.

    i.e. one nation hates another and while competiting they start a war or people all attack the arena which again people would have to draw up plans in a situation like that.


    • Topics: 21
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    Look, you already got an answer from godsdead.

    I closed the topic and im closing this one.

    Stop spamming the forums!!!

    • Topics: 8
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    The outlaws will not stop. I say we keep talking battle tactics.

    “We had a great reason to declare war. We will only attack those who are to powerful and the BE is to powerful same as you.”

    from lew.

    Yeah I don’t see that happenening anytime Soon.

    ~Queen of the Woodland Elves
    Elder of the High Council~


    In reply to: The Luteus Republic

    • Topics: 21
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    Cool they will all have that but there can only be eight maximum. They are three floors on each one: top is living middle is embassy and bottom is misc

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
    The servers first founded and working Republic

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    I have not made up lies; I have stated throughout, that you asked for £10,000 from the BE, through purchases and cash, or else you would declare war. You then created a forum post, announcing how sorry you are, yada yada yada. You are dealt with for your harassment, and I  posted how you asked that (the £10,000) of us, and said that if you could stop lying about it there, we could forgive and forget. You then say something sentimental, and godsy finishes the thread. So, in my mind, you have learnt from your mistakes, and the drama has ended.

    I come back from my weekend away, to find that you have declared war on the BE, without reason. I then hear, that this is because we didn’t pay up. So, naturally, I assume that is the case, as we have had a long lasting peace until that point (contrary to what you say above) and you haven’t given any other reason for such a war. What happens then? I tell you that you are following through on your threat, and are thus continuing to blackmail the BE, which is severe, and so I warn you in game about this.

    I don’t want to see you perm banned, I want you to realise that taking advantage of others is not a viable option. But, despite my warnings to you about this, you continue, offering no evidence in your defence. So, naturally, I now want you to get a form of punishment, as you have gone against your word, and against what the staff have asked of you.

    You deny that it is the case, and each of your accounts differs. You have created this thread, and are thus fuelling even more unnecessary drama. The points are simple:

    -You ask the BE for £10,000 worth of purchases and cash, and you won’t declare war on us

    -You promise not to Blackmail again, and the staff tell you not too

    -You  declare war on the BE, and I hear it is due to us not paying up

    -You offer no true reason to the contrary (we weren’t at war for months karim)

    -I warn you in game, about doing it

    -You then make it a big deal, and make more drama on the forums.

    If you have a problem with the above, tell me, but use paragraphing, please.



    In reply to: Please UnBanned Me

    • Topics: 16
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    You arent even allowed to say someone another server name, it counts as advertising.

    You dont need 3 warnings to get banned, you can get banned straight away for stuff like advertising, using cheat mods, etc.

    You wont get unbanned, so stop spamming the forums.

    • Topics: 794
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    Very well said @KarimNaba.

    Im glad you took on the points I have mentioned.

    I will close this topic, if you wish to carry on the conversation about anything related to this topic please feel free to start your own topic.

    • Topics: 66
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    I have tried to diplomatically.

    If you can stop them attacking us rep or anyone else who don’t like this be my guest.

    I have Crazy to help me if  we do have trouble with these people and I don’t want a war in really, the have just kept attacking my people, breaching land etc.

    If they will swear to stop to anyone else tell me and I will not carry out attacks.

    My first wave of dealing with these fiends is on Friday when we will begin to approach.

    I have been making plans on how to attack them on which they will have trouble if they are online.

    But I will repeat again no one likes their people being killed especially when matters have been dealt with diplomatically with a treaty and it’s broken.

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 202
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    Stay on topic, i have removed those pointless posts.

    • Topics: 794
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    If I may just put my opinion in…this whole “bullying” thing (blackmailing players and etc.)…doesn’t that just kinda go with the territory of playing in a server named after a kind of criminal? I personally think this whole blackmailing thing (one player threatening another to do something otherwise something bad will happen) is merely a part of the role the server is named after. Pirates are thieves/murderers/criminals and unless the player is actually being racist or somehow putting another player down emotionally, then what exactly is wrong? In my honest opinion, blackmailing a player into doing something or not doing something, is just being realistic with the role the admins have given most players. The server is named after a criminal…I’ve never heard of a nice pirate that follows the “law”. Blackmail should be treated as part of the game and should not be against the rules.

    To an extent, or every now and then, if that’s all you do then it just makes you an asshole. KingKarim is sitting at the richest player on the server with an insane £210,012.00 He has said in his post that he does not own a shop, not only that but a few months ago I got reports of KingKarim blackmailing new players that just joined the server.

    How in any way shape or form is that part of the role of the server? Balance needs to be restored, and KingKarim started this thread himself over a few petty warnings, Looks like hes dug himself a hole with this one.

    • Topics: 8
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    To me the 13 colonies are just trying to begin.

    The elves have aided them so much and I cant stop. Can we try to end this war diplomatically without going in swinging a blade.

    Me and my advisors will see to it both terms are met to each side to prevent a blood shed.

    Till then,


    ~Queen of the Woodland Elves
    Elder of the High Council~

    • Topics: 794
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    What is with people creating drama for no reason, Since you are fishing for either a fight or answers, let me clear some very basic things up.

    First of all posting a post this size with with about 5% being actual facts and information is a complete waste of time for all staff, having to read through the crap to get to the information, and you have posted this in the wrong forum, please be considerate with postings on the website, we have rules here too, you cant just be posting rants anywhere you please.

    1. I hate Drama, this is 110% drama, Read my points and don’t reply without reading them properly and taking a second to understand warnings from my viewpoint (Even though I didn’t set them, I fully agree why you in every way deserve more than a warning), Again do not dismiss what I am saying, I am spending the time to reply to you.
    2. This is a Shared server, this is not a server that revolves around you, Rules are put in place to make sure longer playing players do not abuse the inherently poor design of multiplayer minecraft; You get to a point where you literally have everything and are unstoppable.
    3. Staff act on reports, Im sure if you had an issue with a player and reported it to staff you would want them to do something about that player right? That player is YOU. “but the mods decided that I was bullying KidKeats and other people and I deserved a warring“. Yes, a WARNING, This post is infuriating, you are bullying players, as you are getting reported continually for bully and exploiting /back in your bullying AND you are blackmailing players to send you money. Leave that bit out did you?
    4. Your entire defense is based on these specific players, See what you don’t know is that these were not the only people to report you using foul tactics. Which makes your “request” completely invalid, you just want all reports to be out in the open so you can punish the player(s) for reporting you. No. players need to be able to trust in staff and stay hidden, you have been watched, tracked and reported.
    5. This post is ridiculous, why you have included 99.9% of all the rubbish you talk about… you could delete nearly everything and replace it with 15 bullet points, This is horrible to read.

    I don’t think you understand what the word bullying means, let me paste you in a definition.

    use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force them to do something.

    You were warned, yes you were warned as you are:

    • Constantly bullying/blackmailing players into giving you money “Im watching your balance” seems to be in your vocabulary a lot, Threatening players with looting/death tactics to steal from them is bullying, read the definition again.
    • Abusing /back in your PVP bullying activities to add on to this.

    I could add on to this but this post is already getting too big, if anything you have been under-punished; This post of yours has only brought you into my cross-hairs, so you are now on thin ice.


    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    3) CrazyPirate is a big liar and I never demanded money or war, I was always at war with the British Empire. I told the man that I can supply him for the war against the 0utlaws and I can supply his men with cheap god armor and weaponary, and if they buy enough stuff to reach the 10k I will become Neutral and not continue being at war with them. But here’s what I think CrazyPirate wanted to do, he wanted me to get banned so he doesn’t have to deal with me constantly being at war with his Empire, but that’s very low and I never thought CrazyPirate would do such a thing, he was the last person I’d expect to do that.

    4) I haven’t talked to CrazyPirate in about two weeks, so even if what I wanted from him was considered bullying it should have counted in the first warning, not the second.


    That is, I’m afraid, complete and utter rubbish, and if you wish to poin your failings on me, that is up to you. I wasn’t aware you got a warning, but the fact is, you said you were in a fighting mood, and after threatening to raid mark and callie, and then giving Kidkeats a hard time, you then decided to offer me a simple threat; I the BE didn’t buy £10,000 of your items, then you would go to war with us. I was actually tired as hell at the time, and simply said that I would “advertise your products”, and that is something I won’t deny. However, it was mainly to shut you up, and as you probably gathered, I haven’t done so.

    Making a grand apology is one think, but when you do so, and pin the blame on others for your own mistakes, rather than facing up to them, it becomes rather shallow and meaningless. So, maybe when you stop lying, I will forgive you for attempting to hold the BE at ransom.

    King Karim
    • Topics: 4
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    • Total: 15

    @Smokey I say “victims” because if they really were hurt by any of my actions, there’s a server website for a reason; moreover, I want to be able to see who I hurt and their evidence. I would feel comfortable if I see the victims and the evidence, to at-least get a chance to defend myself.

    Also, I would like to add something to my main forum post.

    I will no longer from this day forward sell any of my products in return for money and alliance, neither will I sell them for war or no war. From today on I am a new man, if what I was doing is considered “bullying” I can simply stop doing it.However, the Red Lotus Empire will remain enemies with the British Empire till further notice, and the relations between elves and Red Lotus are yet to be determined.

    The cycle of life continues, we will live, you will die.
    The Red Lotus rules.

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    karim only raided and harrased half the ppl for a reason,like locknload22 tped her to my base to raid bc i talked back to her, it wasnt a very good reason but its still a reason, nad ppl who do harass for a reason should really stop harassing without a reason

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