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  • GodsDead
    • Topics: 794
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    Can I do this? Can I do that?

    If you are unsure if you are allowed to do something, the answers most likely no; but if you have an unanswered question then please post it in here.

    Any off topic questions will be removed without warning or reason given.

    Ask away, questions only, I will answer them. Keep the questions short and simple.

    Then someone (Not me) can organize the FAQ onto the FAQ Wiki

    This will be a master thread linked in my footer, it will stay open.


    In reply to: Competition Time!

    • Topics: 50
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    • Total: 371
    • ★★★★★

    My entry, the interesting puffer fish discovery:

    After almost a month of false starts, one piratecraft player has made an interesting discovery regarding the common pufferfish. The player, 4 days 3 hours of ingame time, has been trying to discover a cure for some particularly debilitating respiratory diseases when he came across this unconventional use for the fish. “Well, it wasnt quite what I wanted but it is a good lead to what I am looking for and has commercial value in itself so I’m happy with the outcome”. The pufferfish, of which some species are among the most poisonous vertebrates in the world, mostly contain a potent neurotoxin inside their internal organs and sometimes skin. The player is unsure of how this may affect the body to give the necessary changes in a persons physiology to allow for limited underwater survival. “Yes, it was quite a shock to me when I discovered that by simply brewing this fish a potion that allows the user to breath underwater is created”. The player has published his method and results online so that this potion can be created by anyone. (

    We here at piratecraft news are not just content with reporting secondhand information though, so a reporter was sent to try out the potion and write about their own experience:

    After travelling for almost 2 hours on horseback, I reached the makeshift laboratory that the player has been working at. I was spotted as I reached the gates and greeted warmly – the player was interested in getting publicity for his discovery. After listening to him describe the effects of the potion we made our way down to the beach and I watched as he prepared a flask. “Now remember, you only get 8 minutes of the water breathing ability so be sure to get to the surface well before this time runs out” warned the player. I nodded my agreement.

    Upon consuming the potion, I was overcome by a sense of freedom in my chest – as though my lungs had shedded a thick skin and where no longer inhibited by my body. It took a while for me to become accustomed to my usual state after the potion had run out, and was almost a dissapointment after experiencing the sensations of the potion. I noticed a timer near the top of my inventory and smiled my appreciation. I would not have to rely on guesswork to get back to the shore in time.

    The potion really was remarkable. After swimming out to deeper water, I dived down and plunged through the sea. I noticed no adverse effects on myself as I swam, and the poisonous nature of the fish was removed during the treatment necessary to create this potion. There is no greater feeling than that which I felt as I skimmed the ocean floor and smiled at the fish around me. After enjoying myself for a while, I swam up to shore and joined the potion’s inventor.

    The player who created this potion has stated that he will not get sidetracked with this discovery. He still very much is working for his original aim, and will only market this potion to raise funds for his essential research.


    Ex Prime Minister of the British Empire

    Crew History: TEE, Delta, Enigma, BE


    In reply to: Elytras

    • Topics: 794
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    Good idea, but there is no reason to make another topic on the matter, please use the existing topics that we are already discussing Elytras.

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 125
    • Total: 146
    • ★★★★

    Grumbling and Grapes: News Edition: 42

    Hey there all you lot! How have you been? Are you all exited about the competition? Great, lets get started? Why am i asking so many questions? I dont really know? Please someone for the love of god help me?

    Grumbling and Glitches

    Recently on the server there have been many annoyances and glitches that people keep exploiting to get into peoples bases, these are very strange and are very annoying to both staff and innocent players that are effected by these glitches. All the staff members have been franticly working to stop these glitches. The main reason for these glitches are Chorus Fruit that tp people to random locations if you win a siege, which are annoying and iron doors which are being glitched through. This means that currently your vaults which are supposed to be impenetrable are now able to be glitches into, it is in my opinion that we should all help and report to the staff of these happenings and also making sure are chests are always, ALWAYS blocked


    Idek i just like grapes ok, they are nice juicy and full of flavour


    Currently in the works is a brand new server map being made by Maximus Terragon, i have been asked not to say much about it but i can tell you that it is really, really cool

    Competition, DEADLINE!

    The news competition set last week is coming to its deadline now and entries that are not posted after midday tomorrow will not be counted but may still be charged. I mean… Dammit ITV!

    Those who didn’t see the competition rules can see a refresher here:

    Hey guys, its me Icanra and i have decided to hold a little competition like thing, this involves you writing your own mini news article and i will then judge them, the 2 people that i believe are the best potential writers will become fully fledged members of the news  I hope that people will enter as i love that u all love the news! The rules of the competition are simple, you have to make a mini news article and post them below, you can use the previous news articles as inspiration although you have to make up your own gimmicks and added features.

    You must have skype!

    The news article can be written about any two of the following subjects

    Interesting Puffer Fish Discovery

    The Fate of the End Battle

    Newb eats carrot cake

    Best crews on the server

    PirateCraft Baking Show

    Hope you all have fun with this, good luck and lets get READY TOOOO.. write


    No advertisements currently, please contact Icanra in game or send me a /mail to get your ads in the news!

    Icanra’s Joke Of The Week! 12+ (xD)

    Why dont Pirate’s go to strip clubs?

    Because they already have ALL the Booty!

    Quote of the week:

    Maximus Terragon: “Go on, Jump! Its not that far to the ground!

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
    The servers first founded and working Republic

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Everything is working as it should.

    • Chorus fruits do not work in claims, but they do have a large radius, so if you have a very small claim without padding then they can be used outside of this claim with a chance of getting inside.
    • They are turned back on when you win a siege, this is a cool down period that allows soft blocks to be broken, buttons to be used and it also allows enterpearls and chorus fruit to be used, as they have won the siege, this is a 5 min “loot” time.
    • As already said, putting blocks on top of chests locks them, a lot of people keep telling me “Its impossible to loot! as everyone always locks their chests!” so im glad you made this post as it does show a good balance, and that it is possible (If you are smart) to use built in game mechanics to loot (If the player does not put solid blocks on chests haha)

    Either way There can be no balance between “I want to siege people and steal all their stuff, but I don’t want to have my base sieged and have my stuff taken”

    I did just read your post #33676 after I wrote all that, so you do understand how it works! I do get very frustrated when people use the word “glitch” completely wrong though, its thrown around with “hacking” and people will get very heated when they are accused of hacking and glitching when they do not.

    I really don’t understand why people don’t make traps, you could easily design a 20 foot wall trap all around your base that they all have a chance in teleporting into, so they have a chance in teleporting into a trap with tripwires that crushes the player, or opens up the floor to drop them to their death.

    we have these amazing mechanics that people don’t use, the best use ive seen of using bridges was ma_c_hi, he designed rooms that look like vaults that all have fake floors, he spawns on death in his control room to drop these mofos, plus if you use wooden buttons you can use arrows to set them off from a distance. theres no reason you couldn’t even boobytrap your actual vault floor.

    And I have to say the complete opposite, there isn’t an “issue” with it being “too easy” to get in, its entirely the opposite, I have players left right and center complaining its “too hard” to siege, and this is a “PVE server” because people just hunker up in their bases, I cant have people complain from both sides?

    I think this is more of a butt-hurt post than anything wrong with the server, I don’t think this is my fault. It is as simple a protecting chests. thats it.

    • Topics: 13
    • Replies: 434
    • Total: 447
    • ★★★★★

    to solve the problem of someone raiding you, place a block over the chest? idk, sounds like a silly suggestion… I mean, yeah someone got in. yeah you died. yeah you lost they can push buttons and get to your vault. I wonder what would happen if there was a block or 2 over that chest filled with armor and diamonds? soo wouldn’t that in theory stop any kind of “raiding” that can or may take place? cant be really called a raid if they don’t get anything. well except a head and maybe whats on you. people can still build pretty things above ground, all the important items be kept in storage vaults underground. I have a few pretty builds above my base, and I have evermoor. its all supposed to be for looks really. theres nothing to take, mainly because I don’t keep any valuables in either area, and all resources are in Covered chests. if I leave a chest open, its more than likely because I don’t care for that stuff, or I derped and forgot I unblocked it. at that point it is my fault. if you keep your valuables in locked chests theres no raiding that can take place. you can still have pretty bases, you just gotta be prepared. if youre gonna go build, carry a blackfire potion and a couple enderpearls. drink a pot, and pearl out. or don’t, get killed and yadda yadda yadda…. >_>

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Ok so the /back has been a topic open on a report for some time. this has been talking about with the staff. there are no rules for /back with PVP per the staff. The rules on the website do not say anything about /back you are more then welcome to read the rules at This topic has been on going for some time.

    You’ll find that using /back to enter back into a fight or pick up your items after dying in a fight is punishable and against the rules, hence the ‘Use Common Sense’ rule.

    You know i must say it now. I am getting tired of every day seeing people complain about all of this.. ooo i died its not fair some one help call staff. quit run to the forums. this is a game. THIS IS ALSO A PVP SERVER. i mean its every day now. this all needs to stop all your are doing is annoying some of the PVPers on this server witch in return is going to make us hunt you for fun. its a /back it is offered from donating to this server, yes people dont have it, and people do, the sad thing about this is no matter what people who post on this forum about this, im really sure have do the /back and using it in the way you are complaining about and they think its ok, until it happens to them. at this point its either complain about dieing, complain about /back, complain that you cant do anything because someone is all ways killing you. complain that at events crews are killing everyone. why cant everyone just play the game everyone will die in this game everyone will get sieged in this game. this happens to all players its the game. now im not trying to upset anyone with this post im just making a point this server cant go a day without someone complaining about something. lets all just play the game.

    Once again, I’ll remind you that certain players believe themselves to be above the rules. Using /back for purposes other than a PVE death isn’t allowed, and has been/is punishable by the staff. People complain because it is a feature people constantly abuse. PVP is acceptable, and I like a fair fight. But people believe it’s their divine right to /back instantly after a PVP death, to start the fight anew. That’s not how minecraft is meant to be played.

    There’s nothing wrong with playing on a PVP server, and deciding to partake in PVP. But using a mechanic to avoid the penalties of a fair death, or to effectively create a temporary sethome, is wrong. I get that you’re annoyed at the amount of flack CoV is taking at the moment, and much of it isn’t justified, but using /back to gain an unfair, immoral and unlawful advantage isn’t something we should support.

    After all, Minecraft is played in such as way as you constantly set yourself goals and achieve them, be it streaks, builds, or the like. The feeling of accomplishment you get from winning a fair fight shouldn’t be taken away from you because someone decides to abuse a mechanic and get back into the fight, or use the mechanic in such a way as to create a temporary sethome; it ruins the value of the game for both parties.

    • Topics: 44
    • Replies: 832
    • Total: 876
    • ★★★★★★

    As souldin said, please refrain from using the word “glitch”, as that implies something that was not intended as part of the gameplay. Chorus fruit, and the properties that that possess are clearly an intended part of the game. In the same way that the changes to combat aren’t a glitch, and the Elytra that I used to get on top of your base aren’t a glitch, the properties of chorus fruit are not a glitch. As for me, I personally see this as a good thing, this opens raiding back up as a major part of the gameplay. The idea of changing this and removing a major part of the gameplay that Mojang implemented, and that GodsDead spent months upgrading the server to is a huge waste of GodsDead’s valuable time and effort. In GodsDead’s own words: “Im not going to change how the very basic mechanics of the game work to cater for you and your crews?!?”

    i just want to post this paragraph here that i found in the 1.9 main update thread-

    “Chorus fruit

    I don’t like the idea of these, here is the description

    Teleports the player to a random nearby location when eaten (like an enderman).

    Which means people randomly teleporting through walls, into vaults etc, I’ve already asked the GriefPrevention dev (About 6 months ago) to make sure these do not work with Claims, he better sort that out. If he dousnt, then we will have to disable them until he does. ”


    godsy wants the 1.9 update to be as close to normal as possible, without any major changes (except gapple). he wants us to be able to use chorus fruit, but, as he said there ^^ he does not want them to be used to teleport thru walls into vaults.

    i do agree on locking the chests that this all could have been prevented.


    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 57
    • Total: 59
    • ★★★

    As souldin said, please refrain from using the word “glitch”, as that implies something that was not intended as part of the gameplay. Chorus fruit, and the properties that that possess are clearly an intended part of the game. In the same way that the changes to combat aren’t a glitch, and the Elytra that I used to get on top of your base aren’t a glitch, the properties of chorus fruit are not a glitch. As for me, I personally see this as a good thing, this opens raiding back up as a major part of the gameplay. The idea of changing this and removing a major part of the gameplay that Mojang implemented, and that GodsDead spent months upgrading the server to is a huge waste of GodsDead’s valuable time and effort. In GodsDead’s own words: “Im not going to change how the very basic mechanics of the game work to cater for you and your crews?!?”

    • Topics: 133
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    • Total: 1354
    • ★★★★★★★

    I don’t want to spill fuel on the fire, but it really grinds my gears when people don’t read posts properly. I am in NO WAY complaining about PvP in general. In the past I have even ADVOCATED NOT having PvP-free areas. Heck, I’ve even defended warp killers before. PirateCraft needs PvP, but it also needs to promote co-existence so everyone can enjoy the game.

    PvPers and non-PvPers alike are both guilty of being inconsiderate spam fritters more often than not.

    -o- Many PvPers constantly belittle anyone who stands up against rotten behaviour and dismiss serious issues as whining “because it’s a PvP server, lulz.” This lazy attitude stinks to high heaven and needs to be addressed pronto.
    -o- Many non-PvPers think that because they don’t like PvPing they have the right not to be raided or injured in any shape or form. Any form of conflict instantly becomes a harassment case of diva-like proportions. Well, PvPers come to this server to be pirates, and pirates need fodder. If you want to be untouchable, work to become untouchable!

    Sooooo, hurrah for drama. I guess I’ve managed to let off some steam now… No offence intended towards anyone in particular. I’d appreciate some constructive thoughts and opinions on how to address the topic at hand.

    • Topics: 11
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    So first off i want you correct you on this. Using the chorus fruit to teleport through a wall is in no way glitching so please stop saying COV was glitching. The fruit when eaten teleports you randomly to a spot in a 20 block area it is totally by chance. As for your vault you lost the siege. witch gives that person permission to press buttons and open chest. It is your fault if you do not lock your chest.


    • Topics: 14
    • Replies: 68
    • Total: 82
    • ★★★


    The original post wasn’t about a complaint:

    Ok people, I want to open a discussion on a topic that keeps on cropping up.

    He was just seeking clarification. Unfortunately I don’t have any to offer.

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
    - Bill Gates

    • Topics: 11
    • Replies: 153
    • Total: 164
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    You know i must say it now. I am getting tired of every day seeing people complain about all of this.. ooo i died its not fair some one help call staff. quit run to the forums. this is a game. THIS IS ALSO A PVP SERVER. i mean its every day now. this all needs to stop all your are doing is annoying some of the PVPers on this server witch in return is going to make us hunt you for fun. its a /back it is offered from donating to this server, yes people dont have it, and people do, the sad thing about this is no matter what people who post on this forum about this, im really sure have do the /back and using it in the way you are complaining about and they think its ok, until it happens to them. at this point its either complain about dieing, complain about /back,  complain that you cant do anything because someone is all ways killing you. complain that at events crews are killing everyone. why cant everyone just play the game everyone will die in this game everyone will get sieged in this game. this happens to all players its the game. now im not trying to upset anyone with this post im just making a point this server cant go a day without someone complaining about something. lets all just play the game.




    • Topics: 133
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    This is why we are discussing this here, souldin. As Joe mentioned, the rules don’t say anything about raiding with /sethome either. Nonetheless, it isn’t allowed. They aren’t all-encompassing.

    As in all the links I posted, people have been having problems with /back as an unbalanced mechanic for a while now. Is it fair to be able to teleport right on top of someone in their own territory, as if you’d made a /sethome there? /back unlike /sethome can be done inside someone’s base.

    I quoted Godsy before on a sensible usage of /back, that it should be used n PvE. If the staff does decide that /back can be used in PvP, then so be it. At least we then have an official stance at long last.

    • Topics: 11
    • Replies: 153
    • Total: 164
    • ★★★★

    Ok so the /back has been a topic open on a report for some time. this has been talking about with the staff. there are no rules for /back with PVP per the staff. The rules on the website do not say anything about /back you are more then welcome to read the rules at

    This topic has been on going for some time.


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