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  • #34438
    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★

    I’ll start doing things in moderation.

    Just stop, full stop.

    This is so stupid, I think you should both disband/delete both crews. They serve no purpose, and have rightfully pissed us all off.

    you guys realize I did this to emphasize and satarize how noon groups clog up the forum, right? I saw how many groups jhon was starting and thought it was really redundant, so I thought I’d make one to be funny and help him see this, then he started the war and I was like “hey I could help spread a message through this” but as of late yeah, things have gotten out of hand, I just expected a small noon clash but I have been worrying about clogging the forums, as for you Phoenix I hope this helped explain at least why this was happening on my end, and why it’s gonna stop.

    You created spam to highlight how much spam we were all getting? Please, enlighten me as to how this helps? Why didn’t you just create a post like this one, so the rest of us didn’t have to scroll back through crap to find important threads, that actually make a difference.

    Not to sound like a condescending schoolteacher, but you both should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves. I hope you’ve both learnt never to do this again, because it has severely ruined your reputation as sensible players. I’m all for a little bit of banter, but this was just childish and frustrating.

    I think you should create one final forum topic in the meantime, and I hope to hell you use it to apologise to the community for wasting their time and for generally making a mockery of our forums with your spam.


    • Topics: 46
    • Replies: 509
    • Total: 555
    • ★★★★★★


    So let me get this straight. Your way of asking people to stop clogging the forums is to play along in their terrible game? Great job buddy you passed off the entire server.



    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 50
    • Replies: 354
    • Total: 404
    • ★★★★★

    <i> </i>lol so @geralt and @crazypirate1 you guys realize I did this to emphasize and satarize how noon groups clog up the forum, right? I saw how many groups jhon was starting and thought it was really redundant, so I thought I’d make one to be funny and help him see this, then he started the war and I was like “hey I could help spread a message through this” but as of late yeah, things have gotten out of hand, I just expected a small noon clash but I have been worrying about clogging the forums, as for you Phoenix I hope this helped explain at least why this was happening on my end, and why it’s gonna stop.,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★

    Seriously, the both of you, stop. This is so stupid, it’s clogging up the forums. You keep creating a new topic every time you want to write three lines! It’s getting insane now, stop, before someone makes you. -_-

    • Topics: 84
    • Replies: 309
    • Total: 393
    • ★★★★★

    I have realized that we are destroying who we are with this nonstop anti-rice propaganda junk. Although eating rice is violent we should not let it be the only thing we talk about. We should not and therefore shall not respond to violence with violence. We must not let this war of insults and hatred corrupt our ways. For we are the warriors against world hunger, the bringers of peace, the eaters of home grown leafy greens, we are the Leafy Greans Movement! And we shall grow, eat, and teach about leafy greens. We are the Leafy Greans movement strive to make the world w better, more leafy greenier place!

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

    • Topics: 84
    • Replies: 309
    • Total: 393
    • ★★★★★

    This has been taken too far. I originally started this group as a joke and. Eating rice is violent cause it just is and leafy greens just have more vitamins etcetera. I have argued and countered many of the Ricy Ricefields posts. And now Wadsworth has called me a bigoted communist. I am offended and will not stand these posts insulting me directly. I will still keep the Leafy Greens Movement group active and post topics. I have nothing against people who eat rice but against the consumption of rice and rice itself. I apologize if I have offended you somehow.

    I know that not all rice comes from China, it’s just that most of it does.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 72
    • Total: 93
    • ★★★

    ok guys stop the leafy greens and rice stuff your clogging up the fourm
    you can do this stuff in game plz can you guys just drop it

    I eat crayons with my eyes...
    Never put marbles in ur nose it hurts
    King of Scoryenthea
    Mayor of Crythus

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 1
    • Total: 2

    I’ve left this brief, but to rid any confusion discord is a gamer friendly voice/text chat platform for communication, and inter-player coordination.

    I’ve decide to add some channels to the top of my discord server for the community. I’ve also gone and added all of the player ranks so far. I’ll be giving administrative rights to CallieMav McShovel, and GodsDead. Once they come on of course. They will have full control to make channels for crews, and make it so only the crew members may join said channels. I hope everyone will at least give the server a shot. Discord is only getting more popular, and for good reason.

    See you there everyone!

    • Topics: 50
    • Replies: 354
    • Total: 404
    • ★★★★★

    FNA LoN Comms have gone dark


    Recently, after a structure for honorable warfare was suggested (which @InventorJohn did first, btw) the FNA LoN commons have gone dark, my anonymous admin-level source gives me the scoop on what he has heard on this topic.

    Everyone I’ve talked to has said “they probably just got bored” but that could not be right, could it? My source says otherwise, according to my anonymouse source, our server overlords wish to insite violence between these two groups, hoping to cause a war to weaken all nations involved. Evidence towards this include the EE VRE scare earlier last month, according to VRE and EE, plans to invade VRE were planned, were scrapped, yet the “green scare” as sources call it, has seemingly cropped up, sources also confirm due to the risk of the situation, the FNA has made plans for a Cross-country military transport tunnel. Due to this information the following countries are at DEFCON III: NRR, VRE, EA

    Thats not all my sources have told me, however. My very special anonymous source has given me the final piece to the puzzle: why the admin elite would want to do this. According to extensive research, head admin and server owner GodsDead has a small nation proclaimed Novapangaea (Latin word “novus” meaning new, and, however misspelled, Pangea, the original super-massive continent that was the origin of the 7 continents) and has claimed that one day he wishes for this place to rise again. My source explains to me that this is the purpose of weakening the FNA and LoN, they want to destroy all competition to ensure the steady rise of the elite, god-like nation of admins named Novapangaea, much like the book Red Rising, this elite group of God-Like warriors would slowly invade the weakened neighboring nations, until eventually the server would be drove back to what it was like at the begining of the server’s infancy: Chaos. But thats just a theory.

    ~Chasedillon123, the M-files

    Daily dose of Latin: Panem et circenses,

    Bread and Circuses

    NOTE: shortly after writing this, the commons once again became active, howevr my source tells me the elite was monitoring me while I wrote this, and wanted to alieve suspicion, please still watch where you tread.

    Special thanks to Kinda-sorta-editor Koi0001 (informed me of my grammar and spelling mistakes),%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

    • Topics: 39
    • Replies: 414
    • Total: 453
    • ★★★★★

    The British people would like to renew a previous pact with Solis, the Solis – British Empire Non-Aggression Pact from January 14th 2015.

    British Empire – Solis

    “The Sun Never Sets – Again”

    We, the great people of the  British Empire (BE), agree to live in a state of peace and mutual respect with the great people of  Solis.
    With this pact, all parties, individually and collectively, ensure and assure one another that:

    1. No member of either crew will, at any time or for any reason, unlawfully attack a member city or member under the protections of this treaty.
    2. Trade between the crews will be conducted in a fair and open manner. Each crew will stand responsible for any failure of good faith on the part of its members, and will certify all goods and services promised by its members are delivered as promised.
    3. Conditions and limitations of this treaty include but may not be limited as follows: (a) The protections of this treaty are limited to the signatories of this pact, and do not extend to further allies of either party. (b) Neither ally is expected nor required to come to the aid of an ally acting as a willing aggressor. (c) Either party may select to act according to its own laws and policies, but the other is not obligated to join any conflict initiated by the free will of the other party to this agreement.

    Let this document serve as a bond between our people for as long as the sun rises above the seas of piratecraft. We agree to the terms of this treaty  and will strive to honor it fully. We also recognize that the leaders of each crew has the power to officially cancel this treaty with a three day notice, should time or circumstances require it

    Earnestly and with Full Good Intent,


    (British Empire)

    @bislo1 (Prime Minister)

    @lawzoneon (Vice Prime Minister)



    Date: May 5th 2016

    Leader of either crew, please reply below with your signature. Once all have been collected a proper format of the treaty will be posted to be archived in the great libraries of London.

    ( Just in case anyone got multiple notifications; this is the seconds post. The first one was consumed by the forum’s editor without further warnings. I apologize.)



    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂


    In reply to: Flags

    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 98
    • Total: 117
    • ★★★★

    @nickmatttombros Thanks, done!

    Thank you! A good topic, but it’s difficult to make flags out of microicons. Sadly that topic seemed to stop growing at some point. Maybe it should be given some life again. I found the Ottoman and Raven’s symbols though. As you said on the map topic, the plan is to fill the livemap with crew icons. The locations I’m gathering on the map are not enough if we don’t have icons to put!


    In reply to: Flags

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    Topic: Flags

    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 98
    • Total: 117
    • ★★★★


    I imagine a flag is very important for a pirate or an empire citizen as it carries his values, his believes and his spirit. You don’t necessarily need to have a flag, but if you do, would you like to post it here? I started to add them in the crew list in the Piratecraft Map topic for the sake of history and organization. I have the British, Verussian, Dark and Woodland Elven ones, found on the wiki or provided by their leaders. Do you also have the equivalent banner in-game? Thank you.

    British Empire:

    Woodland Elven Empire:

    Dark Elven Empire:

    Delta (?) – Group Image



    Raven Pirates
    An Eagle, probably.


    Verussian Empire

    Thirteen Colonies

    Tokugawa (?) – Group image


    League of Nations

    Last Alliance:

    Federated Nations (?)




    Ottoman Empire

    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 98
    • Total: 117
    • ★★★★

    @Souldin Thank you, I’ll fix your position. A mate of yours said in this topic that the island signed as “Jmoo” is empty. Is that true?


    I’ll be waiting!

    • Topics: 19
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    I am waiting for the Thirteen Colonies, the Luteus Empire, The Elite (OdiwanKenobi), Iborian Empire, Vault 121 to give me their coordinates. I have sent them some messages. Meanwhile, I decided to create a V3, just to keep the map alive. I need to know one thing: why the Delta Tower is in the same place of Elven’s Lothlorien and Chorley is in the same location of Lorien? Compare PaulOnFire’s British Map with mine to see the issue.
    After the completion of this general map I’ll create one of League of Nations and Federated Nations.
    Also, I would like to ask if every crew of the server has his own flag/banner. And maybe an instrumental theme? This last question is my own curiosity. Should I start a new topic and make a flag archive?

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