Search Results for 'Cysteen'

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  • #74202

    In reply to: Claim Removal Request

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    You might very well know that Cysteen is one of our veteran players. Being offline for 2 months does not warrant a removal.


    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂


    In reply to: Wassup

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    Ahoy sir,


    im sorry to tell you that the queen Cysteen is not as active as she used to be 🙁 even her shop is gone now.

    Sincerely Tulips

    - Honest, friendly and peaceful Citizen of Piratecraft


    Topic: Wassup

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    Hey guys it’s been a while was running through some old things on my phone saw the pmc website account thought I’d jump on and see if anyone remembered me hope my girl cysteen is still about 😉 but mainly wanted to see how all was doing and too see if my boy God was still alive 🙂

    ¥Leader Of Atlantians¥

    • Topics: 6
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    My Username: Ryd5r<br style=”box-sizing: border-box; color: #696b6e; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: #fafafa;” />Coordinates: 6869, 61, -5237<br style=”box-sizing: border-box; color: #696b6e; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: #fafafa;” />Claim owner: Cysteen<br style=”box-sizing: border-box; color: #696b6e; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: #fafafa;” />Time the Claim owner has been offline: 2 month and 11 days<br style=”box-sizing: border-box; color: #696b6e; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: #fafafa;” />Claim Size: 60×60 3600 blocks<br style=”box-sizing: border-box; color: #696b6e; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: #fafafa;” />Reason: Unmodified sea temple claim by an inactive player

    • Topics: 6
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    My Username: Ryd5r
    Coordinates: 6869, 61, -5237
    Claim owner: Cysteen
    Time the Claim owner has been offline: 1 month and 30 days
    Claim Size: 60×60 3600 blocks
    Reason: Unmodified sea temple claim by an inactive player


    In reply to: Unban Appeal

    • Topics: 2
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    @Cysteen @Atalantaa

    When I was first banned from the server I was pretty depressed I was truly saddened that not only did I get banned from a server that I had a lot of friends on but I could no longer play with my friends and the relationships that I built, I went to the store and spent 25$ on a new account I really don’t know what I was thinking or my rationality behind it but some way I was like hey I can join still play with my friends and start a new. It was a stupid mistake and I have not done it since then. I am sorry for this and it goes against a ton of rules however if you check the playtime of the alt you will see it only played for a few hours when a friend of mine who I told about the alt ordered me to get rid of it because it would just cause more issue and that snapped me out of it and made me realize he was right that I was banned for a reason and should just accept it like everyone else and make a post for staff to debate if I should be unbanned or not.

    Cysteen I do apologize you feel this way but I was a pretty ruthless pvper and some of that involved tricking players to let me in their bases, I however I do not feel this should change if I should be unbanned or not this server is a server for all people builders and pvpers it was build like purposely and it does a amazing job at it. I however did apologize to Emiel, attempted to however this is why Atalantaa said that I called him multiple times and spammed him however this was not the case I called emiel to verbally apologize to him for our friendship falling out this is because I hope to be unbanned from the server and I would like to go back to being allies with him truth is me and him would talk on the phone all the time even when not playing the game. He did not pick up the first time I called but I did see that his icon went from offline to online so I messaged him I said hey emiel I need to talk to you. I saw three bubbles pop up indicated that he was typing then they stopped so I said you there? to which no reply at this time I realized he may not have noticed who my discord name was due to me changing it so I called from my discord named bloatedhippo. At this point I was blocked and realized that emiel has no intentions to talk to me which does hurt but I know its from my own mistake. You can ask emiel if we had a great relationship prior to our crews going against eachother. When I realized emiel had no intrested in talking I messaged @LazyDog11 and asked if she would pass on a message from me which was and I quote

    I just wanted to see if you would say sorry to emiel for me I tried apologizing last night for how I treated him and he blocked me. If you could that would be great thank you.

    I really do feel bad about a ton of things that happened on the server but I did message a few people whom I was the worst to apologizing so that if I am unbanned I can hopefully be friends with those people again. Even if I am not unbanned I would like to speak to them as well.

    @emielreijs if you are reading this I hope we can be on speaking terms again.

    I wish there was a digital scale I could show you guys that measure matureness the best thing I can say is please listen to the people who have kept in touch with me since I have been banned and have talked to me everyday they have seen me mature and above all realized all the bad I did.

    Thank you for reading and your consideration.


    In reply to: Unban Appeal

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    @Cysteen @Atalantaa

    When I was first banned from the server I was pretty depressed I was truly saddened that not only did I get banned from a server that I had a lot of friends on but I could no longer play with my friends and the relationships that I built, I went to the store and spent 25$ on a new account I really don’t know what I was thinking or my rationality behind it but some way I was like hey I can join still play with my friends and start a new. It was a stupid mistake and I have not done it since then. I am sorry for this and it goes against a ton of rules however if you check the playtime of the alt you will see it only played for a few hours when a friend of mine who I told about the alt ordered me to get rid of it because it would just cause more issue and that snapped me out of it and made me realize he was right that I was banned for a reason and should just accept it like everyone else and make a post for staff to debate if I should be unbanned or not.

    Cysteen I do apologize you feel this way but I was a pretty ruthless pvper and some of that involved tricking players to let me in their bases, I however I do not feel this should change if I should be unbanned or not this server is a server for all people builders and pvpers it was build like purposely and it does a amazing job at it. I however did apologize to Emiel, attempted to however this is why Atalantaa said that I called him multiple times and spammed him however this was not the case I called emiel to verbally apologize to him for our friendship falling out this is because I hope to be unbanned from the server and I would like to go back to being allies with him truth is me and him would talk on the phone all the time even when not playing the game. He did not pick up the first time I called but I did see that his icon went from offline to online so I messaged him I said hey emiel I need to talk to you. I saw three bubbles pop up indicated that he was typing then they stopped so I said you there? to which no reply at this time I realized he may not have noticed who my discord name was due to me changing it so I called from my discord named bloatedhippo. At this point I was blocked and realized that emiel has no intentions to talk to me which does hurt but I know its from my own mistake. You can ask emiel if we had a great relationship prior to our crews going against eachother. When I realized emiel had no intrested in talking I messaged @LazyDog11 and asked if she would pass on a message from me which was and I quote

    I just wanted to see if you would say sorry to emiel for me I tried apologizing last night for how I treated him and he blocked me. If you could that would be great thank you.

    I really do feel bad about a ton of things that happened on the server but I did message a few people whom I was the worst to apologizing so that if I am unbanned I can hopefully be friends with those people again. Even if I am not unbanned I would like to speak to them as well.

    @emielreijs if you are reading this I hope we can be on speaking terms again.

    I wish there was a digital scale I could show you guys that measure matureness the best thing I can say is please listen to the people who have kept in touch with me since I have been banned and have talked to me everyday they have seen me mature and above all realized all the bad I did.

    Thank you for reading and your considering.


    In reply to: Unban Appeal

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    @Cysteen @Atalantaa

    When I was first banned from the server I was pretty depressed I was truly saddened that not only did I get banned from a server that I had a lot of friends on but I could no longer play with my friends and the relationships that I built, I went to the store and spent 25$ on a new account I really don’t know what I was thinking or my rationality behind it but some way I was like hey I can join still play with my friends and start a new. It was a stupid mistake and I have not done it since then. I am sorry for this and it goes against a ton of rules however if you check the playtime of the alt you will see it only played for a few hours when a friend of mine who I told about the alt ordered me to get rid of it because it would just cause more issue and that snapped me out of it and made me realize he was right that I was banned for a reason and should just accept it like everyone else and make a post for staff to debate if I should be unbanned or not.

    Cysteen I do apologize you feel this way but I was a pretty ruthless pvper and some of that involved tricking players to let me in their bases, I however I do not feel this should change if I should be unbanned or not this server is a server for all people builders and pvpers it was build like purposely and it does a amazing job at it. I however did apologize to Emiel, attempted to however this is why Atalantaa said that I called him multiple times and spammed him however this was not the case I called emiel to verbally apologize to him for our friendship falling out this is because I hope to be unbanned from the server and I would like to go back to being allies with him truth is me and him would talk on the phone all the time even when not playing the game. He did not pick up the first time I called but I did see that his icon went from offline to online so I messaged him I said hey emiel I need to talk to you. I saw three bubbles pop up indicated that he was typing then they stopped so I said you there? to which no reply at this time I realized he may not have noticed who my discord name was due to me changing it so I called from my discord named bloatedhippo. At this point I was blocked and realized that emiel has no intentions to talk to me which does hurt but I know its from my own mistake. You can ask emiel if we had a great relationship prior to our crews going against eachother. When I realized emiel had no intrested in talking I messaged @LazyDog11 and asked if she would pass on a message from me which was and I quote

    I just wanted to see if you would say sorry to emiel for me I tried apologizing last night for how I treated him and he blocked me. If you could that would be great thank you.

    I really do feel bad about a ton of things that happened on the server but I did message a few people whom I was the worst to apologizing so that if I am unbanned I can hopefully be friends with those people again. Even if I am not unbanned I would like to speak to them as well.

    @emielreijs if you are reading this I hope we can be on speaking terms again.

    I wish there was a digital scale I could show you guys that measure matureness the best thing I can say is please listen to the people who have kept in touch with me since I have been banned and have talked to me everyday they have seen me mature and above all realized all the bad I did.

    Thank you for reading and considering.

    • Topics: 5
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    Personally, I believe most of these “toxic” players are incited by certain people (people like you!). They get annoyed at people who mini-mod, people who are self-absorbed and condescending, and people who like to suck up.

    Listen, making these posts don’t do anything, sure the issue needs to be addressed, but I think you should consider the factors that go into these players being the way they are in the first place. Let’s take a look at you (stewie).

    For the past month or so, you have been acting like you are above all others by pretending to be the “perfect player”. You used to be very toxic yourself, and you are still very annoying. If the server got rid of the source of all these problems (mostly loud, annoying Rome kids), the toxic people you are pointing out wouldn’t exist.

    Summing up, all these problems can be pointed to Cysteen.

    I'm Back!

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    Cysteen covered it all, the donator island is legacy, and without claims its going to be near impossible to prove a statue is yours, I understand you have a home in there, but anyone could glitch into a statue set a home and claim it as their own, I know you most likely didn’t do this, but its technically possible which means anyone reading this post would get the same idea and try it on, so unless your skin matches the statue still or I put a sign on the statue with your name on it, the only other way is to describe to me whats in the chests?

    Cant do anything without coords.


    In reply to: MoistP unban appeal

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    Although I have practically no room to talk, as I was just banned for toxicity as well, I would like to offer my input on the situation. Of course what moist did was wrong, rude, and sexist, but acting like this is the type of person he is isn’t really right. The people he was like this to were Romerrit, Cysteen, and Decsain, and none were any better to him. Of course being sexist took it too far, but he was just talking shit and being toxic, he didn’t go around talking to everyone like this. And not to mention, he has had various mutes for the same exact reason so he should have learned his lesson, and should have stopped after the first mute. But, he continued so that is on him, although I do not believe he did too much other than being toxic, and didn’t reach the extreme that often. This brings me onto the next thing I would like to bring up. The part that I believe tipped him over the edge, well im sure of it as it was said in the reasons for his ban was the video he posted of killing xFTB. People said he was hacking in this video, which really made no sense :/. There was nothing in it that would make it seem as if he were hacking, and this being pointed out originally by Murubutu doesn’t help either. Muru may own almost all the clients out there, including vape, but he doesn’t really know what he is talking about. He hardly knows how the mechanics of the game work, especially when fighting with lag, as he accused me of using misplace on another server, which I will not name as to not advertise. Not to mention muru and moist could both be considered one another’s “rivals”, muru would most likely have tried accusing him of something like this to put Moist deeper in a hole, and succeeded. I know my opinion doesn’t mean shit to anyone as I was recently banned, but I just wanted to give you guys my input and what I thought of the situation. Thank you for taking the time to read this, as it was quite lengthy for a reply lol.

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    Hi all, as you might know, PirateCraft switched hosts from North America to Europe. Since that change, us Americans have had quite a bit of trouble trying to log in to the server. From having around 15-70 ping, we now currently have 120-180 ping on our best days. However, bad days seem to be a reoccurring trend. Whenever I am able to connect to the server (which is extremely rare now), I get around 1000-7000 ping. Some may call this ping “unplayable,” and I would have to agree. Today, January 22nd, 2020, some of the other American players including myself are having an extremely difficult time connecting to the server. From 4:30 PM EST to 9:10 PM EST, I have been checking every now and then to see if I’m able to log on. So far, on my best tries, I am able to load in a few chunks and my items inside of my inventory, then get disconnected.

    What I’ve seen and what other Americans have seen when they log on:

    First, the icon to click on the PirateCraft server for me has either an X on the connection symbol or after some refreshes, it’ll say the usual description it always has. After I click on it, I would very slowly start to have a few things around me load in. I would check tab and my ign, “MinisterMoo” wouldn’t be there and there would only be 3 names and a blank space and an empty inventory. Then, I would wait a bit longer, and my first chunk would load in. I would check the tab again, and my name is still white and my skin hasn’t loaded. Throughout this time, I check #gamechat in the discord, and the bot will say that I’ve joined the server. Later, I would sometimes see the items inside my inventory and the armor I was wearing. Then, about 20-30 seconds later, I would be disconnected without being able to say anything in chat or type any commands. Additionally, the only messages I see in the chat is the crew bulletin-board and the lottery message. The disconnect message is either “Timed Out” or “Internal Exception: Connection reset by peer.”


    I’ve tried lots of different ways to troubleshoot this issue. First, I tried resetting my launcher. Then, I tried refreshing my servers list many times. I’ve also tried having a staff jail me so I can load into a chunk with fewer entities. All of these ways have failed, and I still am unable to connect properly to the server. I am still looking for the appropriate solution, and I’d like to see your feedback down below. If you live in the Americas and are experiencing the same issues, please inform us all down below. Thanks for your time and for reading this.


    Some people experiencing the same issue:





    im a kau


    In reply to: Bid for Rare Items

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    Bidding for 1st floor items is done.

    No other bids were posted for the second day : { very sad very sad.

    Welp looks like we have a winner.

    GoldenMoneyz for the price of 2000 gets the Krampus Kleaver

    Cysteen for the Price of 500 gets the Quartermaster Cutlass




    In reply to: Bid for Rare Items

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    Hello everyone,

    Here are the results for todays bidding and also the stats on the weapons that were bid on.

    GoldenMoneyz $2000 Krampus Kleaver

    Cysteen $500 on Quartermaster Cutlass

    WaterPool $700 for Krampus Kleaver

    Hunter_Jackal 1000 for Krampus Kleaver

    Taylor418 $120 for Quartermaster Cutlass

    Krampus Kleaver stats:

    Sharpness V

    Looting III

    Sweeping Edge III

    Efficiency V

    Unbreaking III

    5 golden star weapon

    1 Attack Speed

    12 Attack Damage

    Quartermaster Cutlass stats:

    Sharpness III

    Looting III

    Sweeping Edge II

    Unbreaking III

    When in main hand

    1.6 Attack Speed

    9 Attack Damage

    100 K-arat Gold Broadsword

    Sharpness V

    Unbreaking III


    Trophy Sword

    1000,000 Pirates

    When in main hand

    1.6 Attack Speed

    7 Attack Damage

    Those are the main Items we also have a Dragon skull and some other swords still for bidding.

    The doors will open at 9:00 am Mountain Standard Time for the last day of bidding on these items.

    At the end of the day all the bids will be posted and then the players who won the bids will be sent a message for the retrieval and payment of their item.

    The Quartermaster Cutlass will need to have higher bid or it will be taken down at the end of the second day and will not be sold at its current bid price.






    In reply to: Pirate-Themed Event

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    Great idea! @Cysteen nailed it with her replys, I cant add much only parrot “Build it!”

    Remember the Contributor ranks have all sorts of World manipulation tools available on creative.

Viewing 15 results - 1 through 15 (of 289 total)

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