Bid for Rare Items

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  • #64578
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    I will be opening the doors to Vlads Odds and Ends shop at 0900 on 1/17/2020

    Look for me on the live map No TPs will be taken(you got legs use em) Save the TPs for Lieutenant Dan

    First come first serve rule.

    This shop will have items like the Krampus Kleaver the Feller and a First mate Treasure Chest among many other things.

    This is how it works.

    Any Player may bid on any item and message VladDracul with a offer. This will be for any item.

    At the end of the day all the bids will be made public in forums and also in the shop as to what items were bid on and how much and bye who. Your /Bal will be checked to see if you have the funds. If not you will be scratched from the list of bidders for that particular item. You may bid on other items if you have money to do so. NO I OWE U or pay you latter’s. This is a one time thing.

    Tomorrow 1/17/2020 at 0900 Mountain standard time the first floor will be open to bidding on items. This should go rather shortly. All these items will be open for bidding for 2 days.

    The Top floor will be open on the 3rd day and all items on the top floor will be for bidding. Any items left on the bottom floor will be removed and all bidding on the bottom items will no longer be allowed on the 3rd day.

    Pretty simple yall.

    Oh each floor has valuable items be carful. If the first floor items are not bid on bye the evening of the 2nd day they will be removed from the auction. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BID ON THEM after that.

    That includes side deals that’s a no go.

    Sincerely VladDracul


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    Do you have starting prices/screenshots of items?

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    The first day will set the starting price. From there Players decide. If you try and buy a Feller for 100 bucks and that is the highest. That item will not be sold.

    Buyers discretion is advised.


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    Please place your bids with /mail send VladDracul

    That way we have a way to record your bids and keep them.

    Also this allows us to Post the Bids at the end of each bidding day.

    Thank you






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    I will be off for the rest of the day but the shop will be open.

    Directions: Go to /warp shop

    Look Directly behind the /warp shop portal

    You will see a large castle structure

    Behind the castle near the water front there are  shops

    The bidding house is there.



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    Hello everyone,

    Here are the results for todays bidding and also the stats on the weapons that were bid on.

    GoldenMoneyz $2000 Krampus Kleaver

    Cysteen $500 on Quartermaster Cutlass

    WaterPool $700 for Krampus Kleaver

    Hunter_Jackal 1000 for Krampus Kleaver

    Taylor418 $120 for Quartermaster Cutlass

    Krampus Kleaver stats:

    Sharpness V

    Looting III

    Sweeping Edge III

    Efficiency V

    Unbreaking III

    5 golden star weapon

    1 Attack Speed

    12 Attack Damage

    Quartermaster Cutlass stats:

    Sharpness III

    Looting III

    Sweeping Edge II

    Unbreaking III

    When in main hand

    1.6 Attack Speed

    9 Attack Damage

    100 K-arat Gold Broadsword

    Sharpness V

    Unbreaking III


    Trophy Sword

    1000,000 Pirates

    When in main hand

    1.6 Attack Speed

    7 Attack Damage

    Those are the main Items we also have a Dragon skull and some other swords still for bidding.

    The doors will open at 9:00 am Mountain Standard Time for the last day of bidding on these items.

    At the end of the day all the bids will be posted and then the players who won the bids will be sent a message for the retrieval and payment of their item.

    The Quartermaster Cutlass will need to have higher bid or it will be taken down at the end of the second day and will not be sold at its current bid price.





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    Bidding for 1st floor items is done.

    No other bids were posted for the second day : { very sad very sad.

    Welp looks like we have a winner.

    GoldenMoneyz for the price of 2000 gets the Krampus Kleaver

    Cysteen for the Price of 500 gets the Quartermaster Cutlass



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