Search Results for 'Chailey'

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  • #42484

    In reply to: Enchanted Book Prices

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    @Chailey by any chance do you sell luck of the sea 3?



    In reply to: fair well

    Crazy Pirate
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    Ah you’ll be back, chailey and I have ‘left’ half a dozen times between us over the years. Good luck headhunting!

    • Topics: 63
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    Here at the PirateCraft Trading Company, we pride ourselves on always striving to offer the best value for money that we can! As such, we have compiled a list of prices for our enchanted books for all to see here! Further information as to how to place an order will be provided following the list of prices. We are always striving to lower our costs so that we can provide you with enchanted books at a very fair value!

    Unbreaking III: £82.50

    Mending: £90

    Fortune 3: £82.50

    Power V: £247.50

    Feather Falling IV: £112.50

    Frost Walker I: £150

    Thorns III: £105

    Infinity: £75

    Respiration III: £82.50

    Punch I: £75

    Bane of Arthropods: £180

    Knockback II: £120

    Looting III: £90

    Fire Aspect II: £75

    Protection IV: £150

    Sharpness V: £127.50

    Aqua Affinity: £75

    Depth Strider III: £120

    Efficiency V: £210

    Flame: £75

    Silk Touch: £75

    If you would like to place an order with the PirateCraft Trading Company, please follow the following steps:

    1. Send myself (Chailey) a message over the website stating your order. (Orders provided as comments on this thread will be ignored. Please send me a private message).
    2. If you have order at least £1,000 worth of books, then a bulk-buying discount will be applied. This discount increases with every £1,000 worth of books that you buy, up to a total of £4,000.
    3. I will then send you the final price and an estimated date of order completion.
    4. You may then choose a date to come and collect your order, provided that this date is after the estimated date of completion.
    5. As I gather your order, I will keep you regularly updated as to its status.

    Every order of at least £200 with the PirateCraft Trading Company will result in a ticket to enter a monthly lottery draw of £200. Tickets are at the discretion of the business. Placing many orders of £200 in order to gain many tickets may result in you being forbidden to enter the month’s lottery.

    Any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know!

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    Thank you gods 🙂 it’s rather go big or go home.

    Alvanos AKA Hades_Morvothril took those! He is really good and I told him to apply a while back, hopefully he will think on it. 🙂

    chailey is currently working on a critic sheet as to what the city needs to improve its current form!



    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    • Topics: 13
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    alli, correction… ive told you this before. dag doesn’t play anymore. it is me, jmoo, and arti, along with ae0 and chailey that remain.

    as for bringing CoV back. not gonna happen. the legacy will stay as is. a legacy. though former CoV have tried to tarnish it, but they’ve tarnished themselves also in the process.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 15
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    OMG ITS ALIVE!!! hi dark. Yeah you cysteen, jmoo, Chailey, artificialdemon and ae0 are basically the only former CoV members still here. It would be one hell of an attempt to bring CoV back at this state. Good luck with that

    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14


    In reply to: Buried Treasure!!

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    @Chailey Well, it was recorded only thrice. If a pirate was to bury their treasure, and successfully recover it, would they record it? It could be that the chance of losing this treasure was low, and therefore the recorded incidents are also low. Also, hoards of criminals have been recorded, and this practice would indicate a wise pirate might do so as well.

    We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
    -Benjamin Franklin


    In reply to: Lets set a Guideline

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    *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* @Chailey


    • Topics: 63
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    The Templars (TMPLR) are looking to recruit! Could you be the member we’re looking for? 😀

    What members offer the Templars:

    • Skill
    • Loyalty
    • Dedication
    • Willing
    • Friendliness

    What the Templars offer their members:

    • Support
    • Protection
    • Fun
    • Community
    • To do what they love


    “The Templar crew is great because we all help each other out and support each other.” – Lithvather

    The recruitment process

    Contact either Chailey (@Chailey) or Creepermorderen (@Creepermorderen). You will be asked a few questions to determine whether you are a good fit for our crew. If the Council believe that you would be a good member, then you will be invited as a Squire (untrusted crew member).

    Apply to join the Templars today!

    • Topics: 19
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    • Total: 117
    • ★★★★

    Updated timeline. I have to figure out now how to handle the new expansion for the map project..!

    Ended SPQR and VRE, added Verussian Republic and Children of Lupa.
    Ended GSG9, Khaos.
    Modified the already present TM Templars in TMPL Templars (I have a maximum of four letters in the timeline).
    Added The Tea Party, Eternal Kovaltio Aurorea, East India Company, Vikings, Asylum, The Laughing Coffin, Adult Swim, Wind, Norse, Reich, Hydra, Phoenix Pirates, Vault-Tech, Cubigran, Entarian Alliance, Heart Pirates, Verner Expedition, Ocean Wanderers, Viper.

    ATHF – Adult Swim – Founder: Sir_croc0dile (now Admiral_Sengoku)
    BE    – British Empire – Founder: CrazyPirate1
    CC    – The Defenders – Founder: xElitaa, HaloBearer
    COL – Children of Lupa – Founder: Chasedillon123
    COV – Crusaders of the Void – Founder: Souldin1, Cysteen
    CU – Cubigran – Founder: Haydenfire098
    DL    – Delta
    EE    – Elven Empire – Founder: Reptaria
    EIC – East India Company – Founder: Recoil_
    EKA – Eternal Kovaltio Aurorea – Founder: GrimHolder, CallieMav
    EL    – Elite – Founder: iOdiwanKenobi (now iDerpicon)
    EN   – Ender – Founder: Kanube
    FE    – French Empire – Founder: Texter494
    G9    – GSG9 – Founder: Necromon, Bengtsen
    HRT – Heart Pirates – Founder: Trafalgar_Law
    HW  – Hawatis – Founder: Hawatis brothers (?)
    HY – Hydra – Founder: dpex81
    IE     – Iborian Empire – Founder: Palmerageddon
    KH   – Khaos – Founder: souldin1
    LE    – Luteus Republic – Founder: Icanra
    MB   – Milker Bandits – Founder: TheUdderMilker
    NOR – Norse – Founder: NorthernWolfSoul
    NP    – New Providence – Founder: Lord0Viper
    NRE – New Roman Empire – Founder: Chasedillon123
    NRR – New Roman Republic – Founder: Chasedillon123, xxatu
    OE    – Ottoman Empire – Founder: Dr.Solid
    OE    – Ottoman Empire (Second) – Founder: _Lego_
    OL    – 0utlaws – Founder: HardTimez
    PE    – Polynesian Empire – Founder: KingRS (Now ToxicKingRS)
    PP – Phoenix Pirates – Founder: Elo106
    PR   – Port Royal – Founder: CrazyPirate1
    REI – Reich – Founder: macro26, dpex81
    RL    – Red Lotus – Founder: KingKarim
    SO    – Solis – Founder: Juiceblocks
    SV    – SPQR and VRE – Founder: ToxicKingRS, Chasedillon123, WilsonManzer, xxatu
    TAS – The Asylum – Founder: Cysteen
    TBE – The Batavian empire – Founder: Adzybaba, TimHuisman, CrazyPirate1
    TC    – Thirteen Colonies – Founder: NickyB_123
    TLC – The Laughing Coffin – Founder: Lucky_Vincentius (Now Lucky_Da_Freak)
    TMPL   – Templars – Founder: Browe_, Chailey
    TEE – The Endurian Empire – Founder: xElitaa, Gildor_Stinky
    TO – Tortuga – Founder: Markusi13
    TOW – The Ocean Wanderers – Founder: MrBluBeardedYeti
    TUPE – The United People of the East – Founder: Unic0rnjunk101 (Now JavaInvader)
    TTP – The Tea Party – Founder: Zhenfai
    USE  – United States Empire – Founder: Galaxy219
    VE   – Verussian Empire – Founder: PresidentRS (Now ToxicKingRS)
    VR – Verussian Republic – Founder: ToxicKingRS, WilsonManzer
    VERN – Verner Expedition – Founder: bcbcommish
    VPR – Viper – Founder: chamberlain1 (?)
    VK – Vikings – Founder: Joe_Danger2003
    VT – Vault-Tech – Founder: Rubihube
    WIND – Wind Pirates – Founder: Korotsuki, Prankcalls, Venturathewizard
    XE   – Xenon Empire – Founder: Maximus_Terragon


    In reply to: Ancient Pirate

    • Topics: 12
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    @GodsDead Thanks! I enjoy seeing new faces, and how much piratecraft has grown, damn proud

    Pleased to meet you mate, I’ve as well looked at some forum posts, and Im impressed with the piratecraft timeline graph you made, I really love it

    !! Your name didn’t pop into my head as I made the post, so sorry! Yeah its kinda crazy it’s been so long XD

    Yeah damn XD , when I saw your current skin, I thought it was badass, gj!

    Feels good to be back ^^

    Captain of the Pirate Crew Black Clover

    See ya maties either behind my cannons or in their line of fire

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    @Crazypirate1 Y’all took chailey and pissed me off (i dont know probably you broke a dirt block or something) and i hunted down chailey and made him leave ur crew or something all i know is he mined alot at that point and i took it all. fun times lol

    @allidoisdig1234 I’m going to take a cvrack at guessing and say it was Athenmos12 who was your friend

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    Crazy Pirate
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    That was exciting 😛

    I can pretty much guarantee that if you’d have stayed, I would have created a Piratecrew. The British Empire came about totally by chance; living in Port Royal, I wanted to create the Royal Raiders, as a raiding crew (duh!). I think I took in Chailey at this point, and the idea of a Royal Army sprung up. But again, nothing really happened, although I made the jump from Royal Army, to Royal Navy, to Great Britain, and the onto the BE xD

    Had you remained, well, it would be very different. Without the BE, the EE probably wouldn’t have gotten as far; as the sole real Empire, people would have probably targeted it. That in turn would have probably meant other Empires would struggle to grow, because there would be no existing Empires to support them, or provide them legitimacy.

    So, whenever you guys complain nothing piratey ever happens on here, just blame alli, because if he’d chosen to stay, there wouldn’t be any Empires on here xD

    • Topics: 94
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    Following on from Chailey’s post, I have also decided to say goodbye to the server for an unknown amount of time.

    Its pains me to say but I haven’t been enjoying myself as much as i used to playing on the server. Of course you have good times and bad times while playing, but I haven’t really enjoyed myself since May. I would like to blame it on over-playing but its more complicated than that. Its lost its charm for me, and I hope to rediscover it in the future.

    Another reason, and one I share with Chailey, is what has happened in my life outside of Piratecraft. Things aren’t going well to put it politely, and I don’t see an end to these times anytime soon.

    I doubt you will see me much on the server, let alone on the forums. I’m trying to get a break from everything, and i’m struggling to do so. Once i have time, and i am interested again, I will return but that won’t be anytime soon.

    Farewell, and have fun you lot. You will be missed.



    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: Goodbye… (For now)

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    Guys, We all know this. Chailey will be back in a day or two because no one can ever stop playing this server. Its just too hard to stop. xD Anyway. Good luck ChaileyOffical (Yes I just said your old username)


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