War Rules

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  • #39700
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    I can see, with Cysteen’s hard work, this will be an interesting war with this new point system 🙂

    Founder of the Coalition

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    the war ends when one side surrenders. the point system was a guideline to determine wins in small battles. the overall war winner is determined by Be and Templars alone. whoever backs out first loses.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
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    So where do we publicise who has which amount of points? Who is to say who has how many points.. there are bound to be conflicts associated with this point system between both our parties, when fight end and each side thinks they came out a winner, no?

    Founder of Port Hope

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    Just keep the system simple like in Cysteen’s first post. 1 point + or – for each action listed there. Otherwise it gets waaaaay too complicated and leads to arguments, which defeats the entire purpose of the system in the first place.

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    well i think its easy to keep points in ur head, like the other day when BE killed 2 templars, and the last ran, u dont need to publicise the points once its clear that one side won the battle. that is easier to say lol



    Crazy Pirate
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    No offence to Templars, they’ve all been great sports ( 🙂 ) but Keemster has found one hell of a loop hole…denying that these battles ever took place! xD

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    Well it would be awkward if we were bad sports, now, wouldn’t it @CrazyPirate1? Seeing how we declared and all 😛

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    well id love to hope that everyone can be good sports and agree on the point awards after a battle, and keep track of the total tallies each side has. it will have to rely on both sides remembering the tallies. im sure when it gets slandered in chat after every battle, itll become common knowledge what the score is. if not, take a pencil or a pen, and a sticky note and tally it up old school style.

    im very pleasantly surprised this idea was taken as well as it was, I was worried people would turn this thread into an argument held by temperamental 5 year olds… (some other threads on the forums get toxic). im happy to see everyone being good sports and contributing to this. (even though it’s still a war, there is absolutely no reason to argue like temperamental 5 year olds.)

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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    Aha! I didn’t get that! I thought you meant at the end of a war overall not in the little fights, thanks for clearing that up!


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    When Piratecraft pvp becomes so boring that the players have to make it into a minigame. Lmao

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    It’s better than the old pvp”hey, let’s kill everyone with our extended uses of gaps!”


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