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    Current Username: Matthelders
    Username when banned: gfregrttt
    UUID: UUID (You can get it from https://mcuuid.net/?q=username)
    Your punishment tracker link: http://bans.piratemc.com/
    Banned By: Staff Name/Automated Console

    Unban Appeal


    Hi is there any chance i could be unbanned as 2 years ago i was banned and id like to come back on the server and play



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    What were you banned for? Can you explain?


    ~ Wanderer of the Realms ~

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    yeah uh, if people could actually say WHY they were banned instead of just filling out the form and saying “hay, I was banned like, xtime ago, can I be unbanned please thaaaanks!! <3”, try explaining what you did. that’d help a lot.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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    Seems like every ban appeal is like this nowadays..


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    Right…. Ummmmm… Okay, here we go..

    1. What’s your UUID? The link is clearly provided, so… Yeah… Let’s get that done.
    2. Great punishment tracker link. Totally not the same link that was in the default that you so clearly just copied and pasted…
    3. Check your punishment tracker. As it so happens, I’ve taken the liberty of doing this for you. You have 2 bans on record, both of which are by the console, which means we can only assume that @godsdead is responsible.
      1. GodsDead may not be able to deal with this issue immediately (https://piratemc.com/topic/on-holidays/)
    4. Literally what everyone else said.

    So… Yeah… People should really learn how to appeal bans properly… Instead of just ‘Unban me pls I’ll be a good [boy/girl] now. I pwomise.’

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    Sorry UUID a21f18c3-b8b2-4484-8a58-6ca876815b3f

    I had already checked my punishment tracker link Charlie, which is how i know i was still banned, and i was banned for being rude.

    Is there a chance i could come back on the server?

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    Holy crap 1st may 2015


    Got to respect the dedicated!

    Since the only ban record is “rude” I assume that was a chat based ban, so 2 years ban is a little over the top… I have unbanned you!

    Welcome back gfregrttt/Matthelders.

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