To be the peace amongst the madness.

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    To VER, to EIE, to LE, to anyone who shall listen and most importantly to those unfortunately involved in the recent events that have taken place…

    I write to bring some remorse for the regretful of the future, and to bring sense to those in the present; minds full of revenge and unreasonable justice.
    Because of the conflict between old friends who have forgotten the good of the past in favor of war, the prospect of reformation for the Eastern Alliance lies in shambles.
    The utopia of active members who construct whatever fits their hearts’ desire that could have been now could not. Peace has left us, and now dark clouds gather along the horizon.

    As I speak, the declarations of war are being written, destruction plotted, and from mind to mind the idea of crushing others has prevailed over ideas containing beauty.
    Troops gather weaponry, marching to the front lines of battle to meet their friends in hopes of murdering those they once loved.
    If diplomacy fails as it did tonight, let it not be forgotten the days we did have together, for the days of the future will surely only hold darkness and regret.

    The blood of brothers shall be shed, homes of the innocent burned and the beauty once created, demolished.
    This is a call for peace among those who share what really matters, so that we may end what should really be opposed.

    May god and all that is right be with you all, for I know in my heart this is not.

    I am a loyal follower of Colrainism and hope to bring prosperity to all who wish to receive it.

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    Joe MAMMA.

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    Bowrilla, I could not agree more.

    What we had was a peace agreement that should have lasted through the ages. Instead, it has led to a fire that seems to never go out… What has happened to peace for all people? That was a founding principal for all the EA, and now it can only be said that we are anything but that… Is there any hope for the Eastern Alliance? I would believe so, but only if we can put aside our differences, make amends, and try to reason in peace what we can’t reason reasonably in war.

    Peace for all! Why do we descend into the chaos of our lives when we could live in harmony, without bloodshed, violence, or death? I will protect and defend my crew, my family, and let them enjoy as much peace as my life can offer.

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    Aye these wars must stop. We have already seen so much war on this server already (especially against the Verussians and the Elves). Evidence of war is everywhere from the city of Verace to the ruins of settlements around spawn. War can be done later but for now we need time to rebuild and breath.

    The Clown (on leave until further notice)

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    ROME just joined the war on the side of the Verussians and the elves are getting supplies from somewhere idk yet

    The Clown (on leave until further notice)

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    Very nicely put. Quite the peacemaker you are.

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    Ohhhh goody there will be no shortage of blood for me to partake of. Well a sad truth to peace is that it has a sad truth to war. I wrote a book in piratecraft it detailed many things but of those many 1 stood out. There will and has to always be conflict even in the real world we see around us countries besieged by terrorists cities devestaed by disasters natural and man made. It is the cycle of life and it is also on here. Just because you escape from the real world and put it aside does not mean it puts you aside. Your life is reflected in the games you play by the players who play it. Poverty escapes none and war is the same. You have fights with your friends in the real world you will have fights with your supposed friends in a virtual one. In the end you truly do not know who is playing with or against you in this game and their lives may be much different from yours along with there ambitions. I ask you to remember this and keep striving for a better world for there will not be one in your life time. There will be moments of peace and prosperity cherish them for they will come and go in a heartbeat, but do not expect them to last.

    I am sorry for what has happened in your lives to cause you to hurt each other so.

    It is a necessary evil of life.

    Sincerely, VladDracul


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    CSN will join the war on side of who will pay better.

    Bid starts from 100$

    Quality raids and kills 100% Italian

    I'm Italian and I hate Pineapple pizza.
    Lego is a good toi.

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    Unfortunately the war persists, both sides bringing in common enemies to help fight each other.
    CSN offered to help EIE fight Verussia, and with EIE having no other options of aid accepted. That’s who is supplying EIE @stewie
    Rome has been aiding Verussia in the fight against EIE, and Verussia grows closer in foreign relations with Rome.

    After careful evaluation of both sides, however mad this whole conflict may be, it would appear the EIE are in the right for what they are fighting for.
    VER started this conflict and offered only a low consolation after it was too late. Prowil was blackmailed into giving EIE back some things, but he never went through and eventually American lost patience.
    EIE began spreading what had happened to 1 or 2 members of VER, telling them they should join him instead, to which they did.
    VER was enraged by this and now neither side will let up.
    At this rate EIE is simply outnumbered and outgunned, whilst they may die with what is right, they will die all the same unless something is done first.

    I am a loyal follower of Colrainism and hope to bring prosperity to all who wish to receive it.

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    ^ fake news no1 paid me for joining war. CSN is just attacking everyone

    I'm Italian and I hate Pineapple pizza.
    Lego is a good toi.

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    CSN is basically at war with every crew tbh. so it really isn’t a surprise. they are basically the new pirates of PMC.

    The Clown (on leave until further notice)

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