The templars cheated.

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    My Username: TF2Heavy

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: browe_
    UUID:  194ef87a-ca08-460c-a8e0-e67fa16d075a
    Punishment Tracker URL:

    Reason for Report : cheating the botm

    Detailed Information :

    Do you remember the Citadel? Yes , the main base of the Templars, built by Browe_ and submitted to the BOTM (July 2016).

    Build of the Month competition: July/August 2016

    It is a wonderful structure, rich of details. Sadly I recently discovered from a quick google research that the citadel actually was posted on Planet Minecraft in 2014 under the name or “Water temple Spawn” by RedJohnxS (Two whole years before the Citadel was built in Piratecraft) The structure is identical , the templars just added some cannons and other details. (How is it so close? Maybe browe helped himself with schematica or other mods? I have no proof for that) You can even

    download the “Citadel” here

    This DOES go against the BOTM rules. (Even the ones from 2016)


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    not sure there is much that can be done about a event that happened 3 years ago.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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    Sadly this is true. Many players in the past have used other people’s creations as there own. Why do you think I have never posted anything I have built? Yes because someone made it. Being original and creating an amazing build is harder than you might think. Some take the short way. Tis a shame but what is sone is done. We can only hope to find out about it beforehand.z


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    A shame, but this seems legit. I remember being amazed by that place when I first set foot in it. But Browe is now inactive, and so nothing can be done.

    Aside from that, loving that sneaky attachment promotion. Pewd’s LP’s are surprisingly good, even if he does have one of the worst farm designs I have ever seen.

    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

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    That’s some fine detective work right there 😉 .

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    Yeah i sent that screenshot to cysteen when pewdiepie’s vid came out – I’ve always loved the citadel as a build. I consider myself pretty good when it comes to checking for tutorial builds or not. Biggest give away is the quality of the build and the different style.

    For example, take Pash and Elo’s build style – heavy use of terracotta, ‘deep’ detail (multiple layers), generally not grand (as in, mostly smaller detailed builds as opposed to giant hollow shells), large assortment of different materials giving more vibrant builds. Now, if they were to build something in my style (complete opposite) I’d get sceptical and look into it. The citadel however was very much a style I’d trust Browe to build in.

    Not much we can do, shame shame shame I guess lol

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