[suggestion] Trial Warp shop as a PVP warp!

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions [suggestion] Trial Warp shop as a PVP warp!

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    This has been discussed so nothing new, but I miss the days of pvp warps. For me the greatest moment of piracy was watching people at warp market battle it out in 10v10 street brawls! I also found it very cool going around and shopping invis/killing people, it really made it seem piracy!

    I think we should test out warp shop as a pvp warp, I mean if players dont want it, just add pvp saftey zones in shops! Youll surely get alot of visitors!


    Heres a nice meme to thank you for reading this!


    A endermite kicked my ass

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    Some people actually want to shop, and this would just be away for players to harass each other. Also I’m sure the admins don’t want to deal with complaints of being killed or demanding their stuff back.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    As fair as I know (I could be wrong) the original plan for /warp shops was for it to be pvp free (Except the main building). I agree with Jammin, this would also stop people from tping away and hiding there whenever they see someone disappear on map. Also RS, if it is clearly marked where the pvp free area ends, and states that items will not be returned this shouldn’t really be an issue.

    Founder of The Vikings
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    I don't know what else to put.

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    PirateCraft marketplace. Doubloon Haven

    November 2016 (Nearly a year ago)

    look at the PVP section I wrote:

    At present the entire market city is PVP free, this won’t be forever, PVP is disabled while we iron out any kinks, a lot of players are helping staff test out shops, we don’t want PVP to interfere with this yet, when we do turn PVP on, the main spawn building will still be entirely PVP free, and we will have PVP free spawn points for when teleporting around the market.

    Well its been a year, people have had a year to post and reports for issues with the renting system or the area, anyone that is craftsman is able to change any of the market at will that isn’t rented for odd block annoyances. Staff can now also set Craftsman.

    Im happy to turn on PVP in non “warp” areas. So anywhere that is a direct warp place will have markings on the floor to show that its a safezone.

    We could turn that shops warp into another trade room if needed.

    I think I will keep all chests properly locked for now, theres too much value lost if someone can get into a chest, as they can Sell items to the store, take the items out (If they gain access to a chest) and rinse a players balance. But PVP should be fine to toggle.

    How about we make it a Poll in-game?

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    what about inside shops? currently, people can just chorus fruit into a shop vsilult/storage and wait invis for the owner to restock it.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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    Then make sure you have some armour on and a sword handy lol

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    what about inside shops? currently, people can just chorus fruit into a shop vsilult/storage and wait invis for the owner to restock it.

    Since each shop is its own region, its entirely possible to disable PVP inside shops, but It sounds like a good way to raid someone to me. If anything thats got to be a pro right? being able to jump someone as there stocking their shop? I mean they cant empty the chests.

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    Im totally up for activating pvp at Shops!

    As for the Chorus fruit, maybe it would be better to make it not usable in the whole warp shop area

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    Poll created with Cysteens option aswell. Log into the server to vote.

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    This has been discussed so nothing new, but I miss the days of pvp warps. For me the greatest moment of piracy was watching people at warp market battle it out in 10v10 street brawls! I also found it very cool going around and shopping invis/killing people, it really made it seem piracy!

    I think we should test out warp shop as a pvp warp, I mean if players dont want it, just add pvp saftey zones in shops! Youll surely get alot of visitors!

    Heres a nice meme to thank you for reading this!


    it sounds good c:

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    I don’t mind pvp, but if it would be possible, I would like status effects disabled. Pirates didn’t use invisibility cloaks – they ambushed.

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