Server Lag and Downtime

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    When i was online the only thing wiped was the inventory, the enderchests and the little item frame maps that u can create had glitched and not showing up.. my whole town was intact tho among other places… i heard nothing about the map being defaulted?


    Founder of Port Hope

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    @ben I don’t think he kicked you to be mean. When the server has issues; the server gets ‘whitelisted’ which means only mods and admins can get on. This is so they can ascertain the damage and try to find out what’s wrong and how to fix it; and also to prevent anyone else losing their inventories or information.


    When I left for work at noon EST, the server was up and working normally. Not sure if you had a timeframe for when the inventory wiping and such started to occur, but it looks like the server glitch happened during the scheduled server reset. (I was late and forgot to log out on my way out the door; and came back to ‘the server will be back in one minute’ so it seems everything shut down normally; but for some reason the world didn’t come back up as it should.

    I hope that info helps with the maintenance today, and sorry again for getting on. I usually check the forums first (still no idea why I was on the whitelist though), that’ll teach me eh? At least I had nothing in my inventory but damaged mob drops and kit junk; so if my inventory is wiped it’s no big deal 😀

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    well, from what I’ve read, it seems like the same sort of glitch as last time. Gods fixed that so I wouldn’t be too worried. It’s most likely that the host turned something off again and will most likely be back on later tonight/ tomorrow.


    my suggestion is either go on creative and build sole new stuff that you can replicate on th server when its fixed or go out side or something.



    I for one am going to go read a book.

    Crazy Pirate
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    @raven That would imply I have a life outside Piratecraft; that is simply impossible.

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    gods just banned me permanently… ;( it was fun piratecraft… waa waaa whhhYYY/ ;(

    jjj u u ust   ttrryiin n ng  g t t to o  he help ;(


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    didnt meen to be annoying please unban me… 🙁


    Crazy Pirate
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    Stop spamming the forums.

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    @Bensterpc Do not lie, Do not be rude, please stop being arrogant and extreamly unhelpful, there is no reason to try and make a server wide issue all about you.

    This is NOT a place to spam, this is not the place to argue over your HOUR ban for being rude and disgraceful, especially as it was PUBLICLY displayed, I will not tolerate such rudeness.

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