Report: MinecraftDuo10

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    Crazy Pirate
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    This guy is sieging Lazy, and killing a few deckies, so some people on at the time, and myself, tp over to lend a hand. We kill him, and his friend, and relax a bit, and he comes back with captain (using /back) and attacks. Once more, we kill him, and I get annoyed, since /back abuse really ticks me off. He claims that he ‘didn’t know’ as a ‘new player’, and his friend was sticking up for him with the usual ‘we’re new’.

    So, my message made, that using it form PVP is not allowed, whereas using it for PVE is, he comes back again. So, we move to his base…and kill him. So he /backs again. And again. And again. Meanwhile, his mate keeps saying ‘he paid for the rank, he can do it’ and other such crap. I’d say about half the server came and TPed to his base to kill him, yet as soon as our backs were turned, he’d tp back in capt, and throw some potions.

    He didn’t really do any damage (bar wasting a gapple of Glidor’s) but its his attitude, and that of his friend, that he paid for the rank and can abuse it all he likes, and can do what he wants, that annoyed me. I mean, he even called my mum a hoe! (I love my mum!)

    But yeah, here are some of the screenies.

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    Crazy Pirate
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    And more…


    Feel free to share and care!

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    Crazy Pirate
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    Oh, yeah, I admit I used /back in the last pic 😛 seems a bit hypocritical 🙂 But I couldn’t tp to anyone else because he was /backing and keeping them tagged in pvp. Means to an end I guess.

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    I would post my screenshotted evidence, but its the same as the ones above. This is, of course, all true though.


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    I dunno why no one picked up on the fact he declared he uses hacked clients.

    I dunno if his ‘skillaura’ exists or not, but I swear joking about using it is also against the rules, I know some many people who’ve joked about ddos attacks on the server getting banned, so I swear this should also be against the rules (ddos is hacking & therefore people joking about using hacks should be banned).


    This was Trippleclick btw.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Trippleclick was his mate, yeah 😛


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    “its not abuus” “Its not abuus ur so dumb” “Abuus” “Ur so dumb”


    enough said.

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    Crazy Pirate
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    I dunno why no one picked up on the fact he declared he uses hacked clients. I dunno if his ‘skillaura’ exists or not, but I swear joking about using it is also against the rules, I know some many people who’ve joked about ddos attacks on the server getting banned, so I swear this should also be against the rules (ddos is hacking & therefore people joking about using hacks should be banned). This was Trippleclick btw.


    Technically a “DDoS” isn’t hacking.  A DDoS is when thousands of IP addresses flood a server, making it very difficult for the server to function properly, and then as a result, the server crashes. Although of course, like you said it’s no joke.


    Although I would like to say that (have no evidence because I don’t have any sort of decent recording program), MinecraftDuo10 is fully aware that using /back like this is abuse and he even uses his /sethomes in the same manner. I’ve been on TeamSpeak with him before, and both me and Cysteen have explained it to him (he was doing it to simply bother Cysteen) but he didn’t care in the slightest.

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    though I don’t know if this is relavant or not, but I recall duo saying in chat that someone (will no disclose whom) donated for his rank. someone donated for duo, not him… I don’t believe I have a screenshot of this unfortunately. as for duo /backing near my base, yes. he did this multiple times, to the point we lavaed his /back point, which still didn’t stop him. quite irritating. though, I did get a kick when he thought he lost me, when I just tped home and /toped right on top of him 😛

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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    Just a little heads up, it can be used only <b>ONCE</b> for PVP, but that’s it, vape told me when Elex did it. Also, this is a lot of disgusting behaviour of him, it’s not normal, in fact a lot of people have been playing up lately.


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    Ugh, I’m sick of idiots like this, he trying to be Gen_Ben/Bensterpc 2.0?


    Crazy Pirate
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    Yeah, funny that it turns house he used it before 😛

    Just outside lazy’s town, we found a fort of his, claimed, with a sethome inside; its about 100 blocks away, and he was using it to siege and attack. It’s clearly not a main base, he only has about 8 sealed dubs, no portal, enchanting table, etc, and so it’s clear he’s only been using it to attack lazy, as an outpost of sorts, so I’m not sure if it comes under sethome abuse.

    But, regardless, he must have /backed about 30 times in this fight, and it was made clear it was against the rules.

    @vapecloudbear @staff

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    while in teamspeak, elex and I told him multiple times that /backing in pvp wasn’t allowed. also setting a home near a base to annoy/attack/grief/raid wasn’t allowed. he set a home near a friend of mine that lived nearby, and used it to annoy us. we managed to get him to remove it, but he still /backed a ton that night.


    also, just gonna say, he is just as annoying in teamspeak as he is in game… >->

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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    I will be lenient on Minecraftduo10 he did say he would read the rules, Apart from being common sense not to abuse game mechanics, sadly I had to put it in writing a while back #7.


    We remove /back from players that abuse it; its that simple. But I will be giving @Minecraftduo10 a warning for doing this, and a tempmute for their attitude.

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