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    This is rather embarrassing, but I spent a great deal of cash trying to acquire regular rabbit eggs. I did, but unfortunately they all spawned as killer rabbit eggs and when I tried to breed them they were also killer rabbit eggs. They wrecked havoc and eventually I had to destroy them. I am confused as to why when there are separate eggs for each creature they both still spawn killer rabbits, and it is not merely by chance. Could someone maybe explain this issue and would it be possible for me to get three regular rabbit eggs? Otherwise that feels like an awful waste of 700+ dollars 🙁 Thank you.



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    Those eggs are from the event they will spawn killer rabbits, who did you buy them from maybe ask them next time.

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    This is hilarious

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    Elo and Gods, I appreciate your prompt response to such a ridiculous situation. Elo, I was aware that there were killer eggs floating around from the event. I have sold a couple myself, and they are always marked with the word “killer” when you put your cursor over them. In other words, when you are in possession of one you know it. Furthermore, when I asked BeefisaFruit and bloatedhippo about the eggs they were about to sell me (this was on two separate occasions yesterday) they said that they had possession of regular rabbit eggs and I made it very clear to them that I didn’t want killer eggs. Sure enough, at the meet the eggs they dropped were the simple brown ones, and when I hovered my cursor over them they simply said “rabbit” without the killer attached. Every party agreed that these were in fact regular rabbit eggs. Bloatedhippo did warn me that there is a tiny chance that regulars could spawn as killers, but after the third egg, I knew something was wrong. Could there be a glitch right now that only allows the spawning or killer rabbits at this particular time? The two sellers knew what I was asking for and brought the right things, but for some reason regular rabbits did not spawn. Would there be any way to test this? Thanks again, and please, if anyone else has noticed this or experienced something similar or different, feel free to weigh in.




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    I have a stack of rabbit eggs that were from a different event that had killer rabbits.  The eggs do not indicate that they are killer rabbits yet they are all killers.  I’ll leave them at Cove from time to time just to see who dies from them lol.

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    I cant think of any time when a normal rabbit egg would be on the server, as its only avalible if you /donate and pick that as your free egg.

    Events we have only ever made killer ones, you cant get eggs any other way.

    Depends if a donator has ever picked rabbit eggs, they might be quite rare.


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    Ugh, Brutal, oh well, I realize that this was super careless, but I guess I just figured that eggs that were labelled like simple rabbit eggs would be regular… Could I get half the money I spent for this endeavor back ($350)? If not, it sucks but I guess it is a good learning curve. Appreciate you guys!

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    sorry bud, goods aren’t replenished here. tbh sounds like you were victim of a scam. knowing the players involved, that’s not uncommon. I don’t really have any other advice to give you, other than gl trying to find regular bunny eggs, or finding wild bunnies .-. id suggest looking in a desert actually. its usually a large, open landscape where they do spawn. good luck to ya

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