PSA: Lock your ships with a piston now! (By Friday 27th March)

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates PSA: Lock your ships with a piston now! (By Friday 27th March)

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  • #65248
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    Hello everyone! Public service announcement time!

    Sent this on Discord Announcements, but discord sucks, here it is too!

    Please can you make sure you are not relying on double chests to lock your ships in claims, we have a dedicated lock block which is a piston normal or sticky, this means you can easily unlock/lock from a dock too by Friday 27th March.

    I will be upgrading the ship plugin soon, and with the upgrade comes being able to sail with double chests! As well as improved movability, most notable climbing ladders when sailing and also dropped items on ships stay on the ship as it moves! The only problem is, people have not been using Lock blocks to lock their ship and just relying on Double chests, this means as soon as I switch to this new ships version people will be able to steal your ship out of your claim!
    I don’t want people to log in and be upset they have lost their ship for something that is so easily done, so lock your ships now!
    I want to upgrade the ships plugin in a week or two, keep an eye on the forums, I will notify before I do it.

    While I have you, if you haven’t been keeping updated on #⚙changelogs on discord as they happen, I started doing monthly changelog roundups, so please do read the 100’s of changes I have made recently.


    Enter Build of the month competition March 2020!

    • Topics: 794
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    Bump, reminder to lock your ships by Friday 27th March.

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