Private Message spam (Have a nice Day)

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  • #45297
    Blu Pearson
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    As many of you have noticed someone spammed peoples private message inboxes with

    “Hi, Have A Nice Day, I welcome to establish good relations with you, and shall be glad if you write for me to my email: nedimirma1 @ Hotmail com give you full name, address, more information’s about me, and i will send you my attractive pictures

    Looking forward to hear from you, with my best regards

    Fist off “DO NOT REPLY OR SEND INFO TO THE EMAIL” most everyone knows better but there are younger players who could be mislead.

    Secondly “Delete the message”

    It seems a user created an account spammed as many people as they could then deleted there account. This was a deliberate attack/troll on the community looking to phish information. Don’t be alarmed just delete the message and be done with it.

    This is the internet and these types of things happen all the time to every website/forum/BB/chatroom/social media as long as you don’t reply you’ll be good 🙂 There are no attractive pics waiting for you XD

    It has been looked into by godsdead and will be taken care of.


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    Stalker Creep -.-

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    What this is, is someone that registered with the intention of spamming as many users as they can, we use well known software that is easy for bots to take advantage of, this seems to be an isolated incident where 18 messages were sent in total to 18 people.

    The user was deleted and banned, sadly the messages will still be in your inboxes, just delete and forget, whatever you do don’t reply to the email they have put in there,its usually to steal some information or something worse, a virus or money.

    Remember to always use common sense online, this was picked up very very fast, as I was 1 of the 18 people they sent the PM to, geniuses at work there…

    We do have a multitude of bot blocks in place, this looser manually created the account to spam 18 people! No threat.

    If you do have any queries about PM’s don’t hesitate to contact any staff asap.

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    Thank god I didn’t get this.

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    “Remember to always use common sense online”

    sadly, I know a lot of people that are dumb enough to actually reply to that, or don’t have the common sense to ignore something like this. in regards of the person doping that, it’s sad and disgusting that someone would do that.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
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    Like @captaincrackerz says, common sense isn’t that common anymore 😛

    Founder of the Coalition

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    I won’t lie, I had good chuckle when got the notification from that mail xD

    It might just be the most painfully obvious scam email ever written haha

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
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    ~ Original owner of HMS Sovereign (Phantom Sovereign) ~

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