PirateCraft Roadmap to Minecraft 1.13-1.17
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- This topic has 12 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by
June 8, 2018 at 7:40 pm #58407
Minecraft 1.13 – Aquatic Update
Minecraft 1.14 – Village and Pillage
Minecraft 1.15 – Buzzy Bees update
Minecraft 1.16 – Nether update
Minecraft 1.17 – Caves & Cliffs update Part 1
Update 9th June 2021
1.17 came out
Update 10 Dec 2020
I have made the decision to jump from 1.12.2 to the latest version of the most stable Minecraft server software when we get the chance to migrate.
I have duplicated the server to /server survival2 and started converting plugins to work with 1.16.5. I did the mass conversion of all plugins back when 1.13 first came out, but back then most of our plugins didnt get the full 1.13 update until an entire year later, the plan is still to upgrade and do a mass performance test with as many people as we can get online at once, to see if its possible to fine tune mob AI to not destroy TPS.
Status as of today (Very early days, not ready for community testing)
- I have a fully working 1.16.4 server but only 10% of plugins are currently working.
- Ships/Cannons need all their data changed to the new item names
- It takes over 24h to convert the world from 1.12.2 to 1.16.4
- We will lose custom programmed plugins entirely unless @Creepermorderen is available to update them for 1.16.4 or someone else can take on the project, one of these being custom siege mechanics for PirateCraft from GriefPrevention.
- I’m planning on swapping to a different automatic ranking system which uses the world statistics files to track statistics. We have the issue where Mojang forgot to convert this data from 1.7 to 1.8, so anyone that joined before 1.7 will have their Statistics greatly reduced due to mojangs mistake. We would have to writ a custom script to take the current Statistics from the MySQL database and update/convert their flatfile statistics files in the world folder.
Update 23rd Sep 2020
I have had everything prepared and ready for over a year or so now, its entirely on performance from Mojang, Every release I’m praying for better server performance from all the mob’s they keep adding in with each update, which means more AI.
the TLDR, we got busy most weekends are 50+ online, and 1.16.3 performance just isn’t good enough, especially with 80+ plugins like we have.
I have found ways around this by nuking mob AI so they don’t wander around etc, but this may be too big of a change for everyday playing.
I just want 20tps at all times with people online for a smooth experience playing, and so far everything 1.13 -> 1.16.3 has degraded performance, hitting low TPS with as little as 30-40 people online.
If Mojangs next update does not fix performance issues, I will have to bodge it and trial it to see how we go.
Update 10 Dec 2019
Mojang drops 1.15 today, stay tuned for news from the server side!
What happened to 1.13-1.14?
1.13 and 1.14 forced every singe plugin to need to update, we have some legacy plugins that will require completely replacing (Still).
Believe it or not we have 83 plugins, and its down to the last thing to move to 1.13+ Autoranking, which is actually 4 plugins to make this work, I have found a solution but that solution comes with bugs & an issue with migrating, i’m still waiting for the developer to recognise a very basic bug he hasn’t recognised yet.
The other major issue with 1.13 and 1.14 was the massive negative impact to server performance to running a server, back on our old host the server just wouldn’t have been able to handle 1.13+, I have since moved the entire server to a new dedicated machine (No small feat) so we have more power now to be ready to move.
1.14 still have absolutely terrible performance, Mojang rushed this update and broke Rendering chunks, AI and Pillaging, there are plugins to solve these but the performance is still about 75% more than 1.12.2.
Our biggest issue was waiting for a version of the ships plugin to be ready for 1.13+ this was a massive feat accomplished by Eirikh1996 (thank you so much big man!)
1.15 is suppose to fix server performance, if this is true we will try and go through the 1.13->1.15 progress as soon as we have a solution for auto ranking (the last hurdle!)
There is no ETA, so don’t ask.
Those of you that know me, you know I don’t do wipes, I don’t do resetting data, we have another issue with moving stats/autoranking data, those stats. The new ranking system I found uses the data in the world folder, the issue with this is that the absolute geniuses at mojang forgot to add a stats converter from 1.7.10-1.8 which means all world stats before 1.8 were lost, Luckily I do have my own stats plugin that records data to a database, but this is dead in 1.13+ so I will have to try and write a script to save this to the flatfile the world stores it in, hence my recent poll to see how many people played before 1.8 that are still here! (Amazing if you are!)
We will have to convert to 1.13 first as the entire world has to “upgrade” so the process will most likely be to temporarily move to 1.13 then to 1.15 (If this is possible).
I will do a test server and notify once this happens.
This is all dependant on if Mojang fixed the server performance in 1.15, then if I can get the bugs fixed in this new autoranking system which I haven’t even tested yet!
I have been in contact with the existing stats/auto ranking devs, but they haven’t given any way to get the data over, or have the plugins work with each other, absolute shambles.
Thats a roundup, best to keep the server stable (not crashing) with a solid 20tps at all times for smooth gameplay than add some basic features, it will just mean we have 3 updates of features all together!
I won’t move until I’m happy.
– GodsDead
Right, sadly for me its that time again where Mojang releases server breaking updates. 1.13 is right around the corner and its a massive update in back-end changes, they have re-named things, changed structures and made some core files data completely different.
I can tell you now, this is going to break a LOT of our plugins and we currently have 71.
My biggest worry is we are using some super Legacy plugins that haven’t been updated in over 3 years, depending on how spigot handles some of these massive changes to data structure will depend on if we loose 1/2 of our plugins.
Mojang just released the pre-release for 1.13, which means the final global release is coming soon. https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-113-pre-release?ref=launcher
As always with updates like this, for those of you that have seen these awful times before you will know the process.
For those that do not understand how this works, you *CAN NOT* “Just update to 1.13”.
The waiting process before we can even start testing 1.13:
- First of all, the main Spigot server software isn’t even near ready as just a vanilla minecraft server! They have a lot of open issues https://github.com/SpigotMC/SpigotCraft/issues
- Once the Spigot server software is close to being stable, we need to wait for our optimized server software to be updated, I use a very optimized version of the server software, this software relies on Spigot to be ready first.
- We then start testing our 71 plugins, this is where the real trouble comes in, this is where things will break, I don’t have high hopes.
The way testing works, will be, I will make a complete server backup to the test server, so we have 2 identical servers, and people will test all aspects of PirateCraft on the test server over the course of a week or two to see if we can find any broken aspects or dupe issues. - Once testing is complete we go live with 1.13.
While we wait for everything to catch up we will stay exactly as we are on 1.12.2.
- I will hopefully be able to use a protocol hack plugin to allow 1.13 clients to connect to the 1.12.2 server, none of the 1.13 features will be available obviously.
This is a time consuming process and may take multiple months, there is no ETA, Do not ask when it will be done, if people do ask, then send them this thread.
If spigot have put in place Legacy functions to cover older plugins everything will go much smoother, it entirely depends how they are deciding to deal with these changes, that’s why we test first.
- DO NOT ask about land re-generation for new terrain, we are nowhere even close to that, we decide on that when we are live.
- Will you expand the border? No, We will regenerate parts of the world and maybe add new worlds for exploration.
- “what are you going to do about XYZ feature that’s going to be introduced in 1.13”, No idea we haven’t talked about any of the 1.13 features, do you have worries about a certain feature that may affect gameplay badly? Then post it in here. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT ask how you will obtain a certain item. This isn’t a forum to request ways to get personal items from 1.13.
July 19, 2018 at 9:23 am #58674Well looks like today is the day of doom https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/update-aquatic-out-java
2 days before the British summer holidays start, good timing Mojang! (plebs).
For my sanity, and so I dont tear off heads, for all the annoying peolpe that spam “can u update teh server!!!” can you please direct them to this thread, if needed I will create a custom command to tell them why its going to take months.
1.13 Update news:
- The server software isn’t even close to ready! Spigot had its first 1.13 pre-release only 4 days ago so developers could start to see the mammoth changes, theres a lot of background stuff you dont see thats changed.
https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/bukkit-craftbukkit-spigot-bungeecord-1-13-pre7-development-builds.328883/ - There are still a ton of game-breaking bugs that crash the client or kill you randomly with their 1.13 server https://github.com/SpigotMC/SpigotCraft/issues
- The plugin I use to allow newer clients to connect to the older server software is out! But there are some known major bugs with it, so im going to wait a week to see if they can be fixed first. Expect me to test it very soon to get those 1.13 clients connecting to 1.12, the downfall is it will break some plugins, Like anti-cheat. Rip.
- People really struggle to understand the amount of backend changes that have happened. This is the biggest minecraft update in history. So much has changed in the backend, all server software and plugins have to adapt. Let alone for our own specific setup. We will be loosing plugins.
- There are so many known issues at present, its not even worth testing yet, we will stay on a stable release as long as we can, my plan will be to add the client hack plugin to allow 1.13 clients connect to 1.12.2 server once its fixed up a bit.
For now just backdate your client to be 1.12.2.
July 19, 2018 at 7:33 pm #58677on top of all this mess, 1.13 still has its own bugs that weren’t fixed in the 10 pre releases ._.
we know youre doing your best gods. if you need help testing shiz, poke my discord
If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*
- Former Leader of CoV -
- A Proud Member of The Asylum-July 19, 2018 at 10:37 pm #58678on top of all this mess, 1.13 still has its own bugs that weren’t fixed in the 10 pre releases ._. we know youre doing your best gods. if you need help testing shiz, poke my discord
Thanks boss.
I feel special, I was chatting to the guy that writes all the main change-logs for minecraft, he writes them as comments on reddit, so its impossible to follow it all. I asked him to create a wiki page for the whole lot and he did for me! So this page isn’t just for my eyes only, here is the best Minecraft 1.13 changelog there is:
July 20, 2018 at 2:18 am #58681Thanks @godsdead
imho, there is no rush. Take your time and -in advance- thank you for the work you put into this !Also, thanks for the wiki link :
This got my attention : “Fixed being unable to turn around fully in fullscreen on Linux”
Wohoo ! Fullscreen here I come ….Baz
Proud Member of the Piratecraft history
July 22, 2018 at 6:43 pm #58693Spigot released a 1.13 build labelled with “Extreme caution” aka irreversible damage to worlds, they have outlined a 3 step process for when it would be a good time to test. So just keeping an eye on the Spigot news will give us a time-frame to when we can start testing.
July 26, 2018 at 11:11 pm #58717test.piratemc.com now has the protocol hack to allow 1.13 clients to connect to the 1.12 server, get testing to make sure there are no major issues, quicker this happens the quicker I can push live.
September 6, 2018 at 12:58 pm #59313I am keeping on top of this, its still just a massive waiting game.
- GriefPrevention our Claims plugin, only updated an alpha today for 1.13, its still full of bugs.
- The actual server software still cant convert existing worlds to the new 1.13, so the main server software isn’t even stable enough to load the world.
- About 20% of our plugins have been updated to 1.13, as far as “core” plugins needed to get the basic server up to 1.13 were still missing Moving ships, Our shop plugin (Making the signs and chests part) Brewing, Cannons, Stats therefor ranking.
Not even ready for testing yet.
December 10, 2019 at 2:49 pm #64318Updated main post.
February 6, 2020 at 4:51 pm #64913Mojang announced 1.16 snapshot today, research and discussion has happened in our #general channel on discord.
I got stuck yet again trying to move from our stats/autoranking plugin to get us on 1.13+, half way testing I noticed that BlocksPlaced is not supported with the new ranking system reee! The developer is avoiding me, been waiting on him for months.
February 7, 2020 at 3:59 am #64920Always love to hear the updates! thank you for putting some fricken hard work into the server. I will always continue to donate and I hope it helps and keeps you going strong. thank you thank you thank you much love
seen it all, ive been here since 06/06/2014
March 5, 2020 at 11:06 am #65168Update on the Ranking/Stats, the Developer has updated it to include the BlocksPlaced, so testing will re-commence for 1.13+ now that I have an alternative to ranking!
March 6, 2020 at 12:43 pm #65180Update on the Ranking/Stats, the Developer has updated it to include the BlocksPlaced, so testing will re-commence for 1.13+ now that I have an alternative to ranking!
Finally! Good news
Don’t get your hopes up, its untested lol and we all know he doesn’t do much testing first!
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