Nether Portal Glitch/Raid

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    So I wake up this afternoon, and check the map… to see the players Nbiwe and Sky_Walker_99 inside my base. I thought they were in the courtyard area. I was wrong. they were in a much more private area of my base- inside my basement areas. it is not possible to get into those areas from the outside without either glitching, sieging, or tping inside. none of my teammates (crewmates) were online at the time, and nobody would have tped them into the basement areas. it is off-limits to everyone not in my crew. so I wonder how they got in? @Witcher_Geralt had /mailed me asking if either Nbiwe or Sky_Walker_99 is trusted in my claims. they are not.


    so how did they get in? Nether portal. they had used my nether portal from the nether side to create a portal overworld side and gained access to the parts of my base that are otherwise inaccessible without outside help, as mentioned before. ill be tagging screenshots as proof of this. I also have chat logs I can search through with time stamps if necessary.


    I go into the portal I found in my basement, and come out into the nether where my portal was.. and Sky_Walker_99 claimed it. so now I cant delete the nether side portal and sever the link between the nether and my base, meaning anyone could have gotten in… including another glitcher to get through the iron doors protecting the rest of my base. -_-”


    I will admit, being raided so easily is at the fault of me and my crew for not covering chests. that faulty is our own. but these 2 players had used a nether portal to get inside my base to raid. which, please correct me if I am wrong, is against the rules. I have heard from many players, and staff members that using a portal to raid players isn’t allowed.


    I would like to request that the claim that Sky_Walker_99 made in the nether to protect my portal be removed, and that proper action against both Nbiwe and Sky_Walker_99 is taken for glitching into my base with a nether portal and raiding with it. (fully aware that raiding is allowed, but abusing a glitch to do so isn’t)


    will provide any additional info if requested, I believe I covered everything relevant. also, if I made a mistake, please feel free to correct me (no grammar police, please).



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    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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    So it wasn’t a glitch, they just used your nether portal? Funny enough I was checking out Nbiwe and Sky_Walker_99 who had setup about 30 chests in the nether outside a portal, and every chest was full of Armour and goodies, I was confused why they had this many chests out in the open in the nether, now it makes sense! They were rinsing your base! I also followed Nbiwe who must have set a home in the nether side as he was TPing between your bunker and the nether spot with all the chests, and the room he was raiding was completely unprotected chests, just a bunch of chests in the middle of a room all stacked on top of each other unlocked.

    I was treating this as suspicious as I got a previous report until I read this post.

    • They used an old portal of yours you left unclaimed and stranded in the nether.
    • This hilariously led into your vault that had..
    • Unprotected chests
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    As much as it hurts me to do so, I will vouch for Sky_Walker and Nbiwe. I know them personally in-game as honest and friendly long-term players who live in the same (RL) city as I do.

    As a player who has played on vanilla servers, I can say that nether portals should NEVER, ever be built inside your base!!

    Also, why do players NOT protect their chests?! Nothing can be lost if a chest is properly secured with a stone brick. I have “stolen” from quite a few unprotected chests myself in the past, especially when I first joined, but shhhhh. 😉

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    it wasn’t my vault. that’s protected. was our fault for not protecting the chests, yes. still sucks they managed to glitch the portal into my basement area to raid.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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    id like to request that at least the claim made on the portal in the nether by Sky_Walker_99 be removed. since that claim prevents me from removing the link between the nether and my base, anyone could use it.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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    Or just make a wall around the portal on your side.

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    I did. but id rather not chance that portal glitching on me again, so id like to have the claim removed if possible… >_>

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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    Hilariously I got stuck in your portal the other end and had to use the console to get myself out! I came on yesteerday to re-test these crew homes spawned next to the portal and was like, Oooo I wonder where this goes.. Oh its a trap…

    PM me the coords of the portal again and Ill remove the claim.

    While were on the topic, does that mean people can strategically place portals in the nether to get into bases? Is that possible?

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    Hilariously I got stuck in your portal the other end and had to use the console to get myself out! I came on yesteerday to re-test these crew homes spawned next to the portal and was like, Oooo I wonder where this goes.. Oh its a trap… @Cysteen PM me the coords of the portal again and Ill remove the claim. While were on the topic, does that mean people can strategically place portals in the nether to get into bases? Is that possible?


    Yes, placing portals in the nether at the right coordinates will allow you to get into certain bases, under specific requirements: There needs to be enough space in the Overworld to be created and there needs to be no other portal in the area (or they will connect.) The tactic is rather easy to counter and honestly isn’t that big of a deal. I thought this was banned though? This way of raiding is neither harmful (besides a few missing blocks at the location of the newly created portal) or overpowered. It can be countered by creating a blocked off portal or simply making sure there’s no spot in your base that would allow a default size portal. (The tactic is rather underpowered to be honest. You also need the exact coordinates of the inside of the target’s base and then you need to go to the Nether world’s counterpart’s coordinates…divide the Overworld coordinates by eight?)

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    Hilariously I got stuck in your portal the other end and had to use the console to get myself out! I came on yesteerday to re-test these crew homes spawned next to the portal and was like, Oooo I wonder where this goes.. Oh its a trap… @Cysteen PM me the coords of the portal again and Ill remove the claim. While were on the topic, does that mean people can strategically place portals in the nether to get into bases? Is that possible?

    Yes, placing portals in the nether at the right coordinates will allow you to get into certain bases, under specific requirements: There needs to be enough space in the Overworld to be created and there needs to be no other portal in the area (or they will connect.) The tactic is rather easy to counter and honestly isn’t that big of a deal. I thought this was banned though? This way of raiding is neither harmful (besides a few missing blocks at the location of the newly created portal) or overpowered. It can be countered by creating a blocked off portal or simply making sure there’s no spot in your base that would allow a default size portal. (The tactic is rather underpowered to be honest. You also need the exact coordinates of the inside of the target’s base and then you need to go to the Nether world’s counterpart’s coordinates…divide the Overworld coordinates by eight?)

    also @Godsdead there is a way to fix this if someone does this to u, @michty knows how to, i forget 😛


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    Yeah, there is one location in nether, at which if you place the portal, only that portal should be linked. This happens if you align your portals perfectly.

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    I gotta try this!


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    It’s a bit more complicated than that.  Two portals placed at the correct coordinates will be linked so that they only teleport to each other.  Other portals can still teleport to the linked portals, but not vice versa.

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