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    @Jon What if players are afk using minechat? Being in afk does not add claimblocks or playtime to a players account and everyone buy donators are kicked after idling 15 minutes… I have checked. Being afk does not give a player playtime or claimblocks. Did this change after the 1.8 update?

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    If you read Azures response, she has pretty much nailed my point.


    Its not Being AFK that gets you your claimblocks, its the staying on until your afk, then coming back then gstaying on unitl you go afk, then coming back etc.

    Eg: Log on, say hi,then do nothing, this then leaves you with 14 minutes of not going afk, getting those vital claimblocks and playtime.

    Our Captain rank doesnt even go AFK so not sure if thats effected by minechat but could potentially be logged in all day without going AFK.

    Meaning that you could not actaully play for a week and still get a weeks worth of claim blocks via your phone.


    Further Unaimed Note:(read below to understand why i had to say that)

    I worry how common sense seems to avert so many people, when any comment is made by a member of staff, everybody trys to find a loophole around it. Thinking that they can justify their own reasons to cheat, we have such a large audience nowadays that its becoming hard work to remain tolerable to ignorance, especially that towards the rules. the amount of times people tell me they didnt know AFK machines were against the rules amazes me, one of the stats is Gametime,  rigging up a machine to give you gametime is rigging up a machine that gives you better statistics. things like this will now be promptly met with a full stats reset.

    My tolerance is getting even lower to the disrespect of players that are Asking one member of staff to deal with an issue, and as soon as another logs on, moving the issue over to another member of staff, causing Staff members to be treading on eachothers toes, and wasting precious time.


    Please guys, think before you speak, take up your issues with the relevant person, in person, and just respect that our staff do this completely voluntarily and in their own time. making it hard work for them is just rude.



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