Khanye Unban Request

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    Current Username: Khanye
    Username when banned: Khanye
    UUID: e5d0b2cf-80ea-4e2b-b16d-181b27323f32
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Law

    Unban Appeal: Dear Administrators and fellow players of PirateCraft,

    I am writing again a third and more formal apology to the administrators I disrespected and players that have been harmed by my harassment and disrespect. I would first like to apologize to Law. I do not feel I deserve Laws forgiveness, but I hope we can resolve our past conflicts and mishaps. I admit it was very disrespectful and childish when I cussed out Law on team speak. I continued to be disrespectful and did not take Law’s warnings seriously after being lockered and temp banned multiple times. I would also like to apologize to LEGO for making rude remarks and saying he is not a staff member. I am also sorry to any player I killed repetitively and sieged. I would love to get back to the server and help out players and have  a good time with friends. Thank you for your time.




    TitansHand sha'll never fall!

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    Will you become a better player for certain?

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    of course I will!


    TitansHand sha'll never fall!

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    i made many mistakes in the past, i hope i can redeem myself. i am sorry for not listening and i hope i can be on pmc soon.

    TitansHand sha'll never fall!

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    well khanye, you didn’t learn your lesson the first time you were banned; nor the second even. what would actually change in round 3 if persay you do get unbanned? and also, for the record, trying to insult someone for their place of work is pretty childish 😛 love how you apologize to law and lego directly except me, even though you were quite rude towards me, both with your petty, childish comment and in chat with your petty, childish actions and remarks. not that I care tbh. woulda been nice to see some sort of direct apology for your pitiful behavior and petty remarks, though.

    and so it doesn’t get lost again, the account you are applying for unban has made an unban appeal in the past for an account with a different UUID than the khanye account. if necessary, it can be found for staff if they think it’s worth looking into.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
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    hey, i am very sorry!! that was very rude and you shouldn’t make fun of someone based of the work or just being mean in general. i am sorry for breaking your beautiful ducks in a siege and calling you mean things and disrespecting you 24/7. i am also sorry for trying to get people not to like you. well i hope we can move on and i will be way more respectful towards you. have a good day Cysteen. -Khanye

    TitansHand sha'll never fall!

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    Its a no, sorry.

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