Greifing, and Unnecessary conduct

Home Forums Server Support Player Reports Greifing, and Unnecessary conduct

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  • #57281
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    My Username: {Nahadoth}

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: {BabeSharky, 4orange, Ic3y}
    UUID: {17add720-a4c6-49c6-ac0f-e75a3bbf0446  ab6f84f9-8ac7-45a8-8566-d8838fcdf930  705b2d22-8489-4e02-b21b-9cb0837d3de3}
    Punishment Tracker URL:



    Reason for Report (greafing and harassing)

    Overview Description of Report
    4orange sieged csyteen after she was helping staff with killing 2 players who refused to listen to Godsdead when he said do not sail ships. 4orange, along with ic3y, and BabeShark greifed her claim for no other reason than to spite her.

    Detailed Information

    These three griefed Cysteen’s dock and broke her ducks just because they wanted to. They were not trying to get into cysteen’s base, knowing from prior attacks on her that there isnt any way in. There is no entrance or exit to her base besides teleportation. Knowing this, these 3 instead broke her pier, which is shown in the screen shot below. Referring to the admin Blue, this greifing was not to get into her base but was to simply harm her. This is not the first time ic3y has been involved with this. He was temp banned for 2 weeks after he personally targeted Cysteen and made fun of her constantly while making real life threats and such. He would constantly try to kill her. Since the ban he has always been out for Cysteen and still tries to kill her every chance he gets and continues to verbally harass her. Screen shots are provided of the griefed pier and walkway where they were, and of BabeShark breaking her ducks for fun. He broke multiple ducks all around her claim. Which on the subject of the ducks, this has been done before and admins have already told players to stop breaking her ducks just to hurt her. This can be found in the post where Blue Person talks about sieges and greifing.


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