Excessive griefing with translation
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October 19, 2019 at 7:43 am #63926
My Username: VladDracul
Player(s) RoMich, Dio Tumore,VoldeGio
Username: {username}
UUID: {uuid} (You can get it from https://mcuuid.net/?q=username)
Punishment Tracker URL: http://bans.piratemc.com/Reason for Report
griefingOverview Description of Report
As you may know recently some players decided to mass grief allot of my unclaimed land and just land surrounding my claims.Evidence
Translated this is what was said: DioTumore>> Che tai faciendo.
I am not sure what that one meant sadly google isn’t the best sometimes.
PizzaLover106_02>>distruggo la zona abitate = I destroy the inhabited area
DioTumore>> Se vuoi puoi venire a vedere lo spettacolo= If you want you can come see the show.
DioTumore>> Porta cibo pero= but bring food
VoldeGio>> Si= and
PizzaLover106-02>>fai pure da solo= go ahead alone
VoldeGio>> Che cosa= what?
VoldeGio>>Cose che distruggete?=Things you destroy?
DioTumore>>Vieni gio=Come on
DioTumore>>Divertiamoci= Lets have fun
VoldeGio>>lol= No Translation needed here
VoldeGio>>Fare un cannone?= Make a cannon?
VoldeGio>>Bro mi dai unattimo 2 tnt? E laccending che faccio una cosa?= Bro give me a minute 2 tnt and lacending that I do something. {some words lost in translation}
VoldeGio>> Vediamo se si riesce=Lets see if you can
DioTumore>> Non si riesce=Not if it succeeds
DioTumore>>Dammi lo zippo=Give me the zippo{Probably referring to the lighter for the tnt}
VoldeGio>>Andrebbe fatto piu vicino=It should be done closer{probably referring to tnt spacing}
VoldeGio>>Ma il concetto ce=But the concept is
DioTumore>>no{Translation not needed}
VoldeGio>>ah vero= ah true
VoldeGio>>Madonna={totally random in reference to Virgin mary?}
VoldeGio>> un uova= an egg
VoldeGio>>Io sto qua=Im here
VoldeGio>> XD{No translation needed}
DioTumore>>Porca Madonna ahaaja bla bla ={Foul langage this is sensored for young views sake}
VoldeGio>>Basta che mi dai le cose adatte=Just give me the right things
VoldeGio>>Che io sono povero=that I am poor
PizzaLover106-02>>scava tutto quello che vuoi=Dig all you want
VoldeGio>>dove={lost in translation}
[me-> Xeron>>] destroying roads is considered exesive griefing?
{This is the funny part he actually asked staff it was excessive griefing wow! }
DioTumore>>Il video?= the video?
PizzaLover106-02>> Im doing
DioTumore>>Sto distruggendo tutte le strade= Im destroying all the streets
DioTumore>> Ho troppa fame= Im too hungry
DioTumore>> Non posso andare alter=I cant go any further
DioTumore>>Volge=he turns
Bolan1>> oh nothing
VoldeGio>> Si?=Be{Not sure about context}
VoldeGio>>Ho inv piena XD=I have full inv XD
DioTumore>> Devo raidare un tipo={Um sensored for young viewers look it up yourselves}
PizzaLover106_02>> Chi{Im guess he meant Chill as in chill the heck out?}
DioTumore>>ops=[lost in translation]
Bolan1>> idk who should I hunt for
Bolan1>>mabey Nasher
Bolan1>> Or ScriptX
DioTumore>>Lets raid Nasher
more bla bla bal about going after someone etc…
PizzaLover106_02>> voide vieni nuova zona=Volde come new areas
VoldeGio>>Bro vieni vedere XD=Bro come see
PizzaLover106_02>>Vedo=I see
VoldoGio>>Davanti al suo forte=In front of his fort
Credits bla bla bla bla
Okay well this is the translation for the video and don’t ask me how long it took ha ha.
VoldeGio>>Che io sono povera
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