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  • #43185
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    This topic contains unnecessary drama. Feel free to stay out. You have been warned.

    I put this topic in Crew Discussions because it mostly has to do with that.

    In this topic, if you see incorrect information, have information to add, or want a clarification, please post!

    Before I get to the actual topic, let’s go over some recent history first:

    – I started a movement in the Elven Empire for a new leader (not necessarily me, I also recommended Alvanos or others)

    @Reptaria would not step down peacefully, so I sabotaged the crew to motivate Rep to leave

    – Rep decides to request the deletion of the entire crew, which happens, leaving the EE split and scattered

    – Rep commits several fraudulent set-ups against me, most involving things that could get me banned

    The first set-up:Β Rep tried to frame me as changing his name to offensive things. This was proven, Rep is guilty. See the reporting topic, page nine.


    The second set-up:Β Rep tried to make me seem like a thief and a scammer by saying I stole a valuable item instead of trading fairly. Rep was proven guilty.

    The Legend of a Dragon Egg and a Felchion

    – And finally, what this topic is about, the third set-up:Β Rep destroyed Avalor on his own, claims it was me. No evidence either way has been presented as of yet, anything you’ve got would help here.

    Rep is obviously not a fan of me right now. Given that, with the addition of previous set-ups and lies to get his way, and speaking from a neutral perspective, it is highly possible that Rep set me up. Personally, I could blather on and on about how I didn’t do it, but I have no evidence to back myself up. However, Rep does not have any evidence either. So, if Rep raises a fuss about griefing, please only listen if evidence that could not have been faked is presented. Thank you. Also, there was another person who had trust in the claim at the time.

    Also, Rep, I don’t appreciate being set up so many times, especially in such quick succession and also given the fact that two could have gotten me banned. Is that what you wish for? I am suitably irked.

    - Solo player -

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    Kit we get the point, these forum topics are getting stupid and repetitive, and as for getting scammed…I’m pretty sure all of us have been scammed in the past, GEET OVER IT DAWG!


    A endermite kicked my ass

    The Queen
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    See all of this is right, OLD UNESSASARY DRAMA your TRYING to revive that everyone knows about.

    Good god this is madness… I came online to. City in god damn flames and you and one other was trusted FULLY to the city and then when I check map I see you have a home above it and all of a sudden oh no rep did it … Β Okay sure. “I unclaimed a 1 month project that took up all my time” like, really!? I just I can’t.

    The third set up…?! Get gods himself to see who truly broke all those blocks and grocer the city. I just don’t get how I myself would do somthing to my own work.. This is nothing but started up drama revived from the dead and now I’m all of a sudden burning my own city to the ground after had planned to work on it even more! Yeah I lied but this “third setup” is just a load of crap!

    /warp drama

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    @Jammin_Mas: I warned you. :p

    : Who was the other person?

    - Solo player -

    The Queen
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    It was you and Riverwood and I planned to UNTRUST you but I never got to it.

    Nodways I have been asked to drop this convo by someone so I’ll just drop it but understand river is not a backstabbing traitor. Unlike you if you get what I mean..

    okay I’m dropping it now. See you soon kitsune


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Interesting, thanks.

    - Solo player -

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    I just don’t get how I myself would do somthing to my own work..

    tbh Β you have done it before

    Get gods himself to see who truly broke all those blocks and grocer the city.

    remember the last time you said this it was actually you… console does not Β adjust to your lies

    Lucky you will be missed πŸ™

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    Guys, what the heck! This is the 3rd or 4th forum topic made over a stinkin crew breakup. Godsy gave you permission to issue a punishment you see fit, and you dropped out. Please for god sakes move on.

    As for you Rep -_- i thought you were leaving? What happened to that?

    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
    - Vice President of The Thirteen Colonies
    - Master Librarian at Covetown

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    Sorry for the repeated topics, I just don’t appreciate the hate for something Rep can’t prove I did. Heck, I logged on today to a death threat. πŸ˜› I think people forget it’s a block game.

    “Like you? You keep bringing this drama up.” Yes, I do. Because I don’t think it’s too much to ask to be able to play a gameΒ without the now-constant targeting and even death threats. Like really? Come on, people.

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    Get gods himself to see who truly broke all those blocks and grocer the city.

    Is that possible?

    - Solo player -

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