Do you use a redstone clock for anything?

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    Redstone clocks are very useful and often are necessary for certain redstone builds.

    Specifics, im not here asking for “yes they are necessary” im specifically asking for exact uses, that are being used.

    Hoppers take up 5% of resources? I have a massive fall trap lined with hoppers at the bottom…. probably about 250-500 hoppers within a couple chunks. :S

    Yeah, I was never aware of the massive effect hoppers have on the server, maybe just poor design of them.


    My other post actually gave specifics…auto farms. My mushroom farm requires a hopper redstone clock to work. And as far as I know, the only way to keep a chunk loaded is through some technique with a nether portal (forget how it works) and then having a hopper system transfer items to another chunk from the spawn chunk. But that chunk I’m assuming is admin claimed so that’s probably not a problem. However it appears barrels can keep a chunk loaded considering they age alcohol automatically when nobody’s in that chunk? I’m unsure though.

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    Cool thanks man. Hilariously after writing my last message, I was like I wonder if someone has snuck in a clock into the spawn, they bloody had! Looks like I’ll have to add a new rule!I hope nobody is using the Portal one…. have you ever seen it being used on the server?

    Guess what we only just found near the end spawn… We’re impressed but were going to have to break the redstone since its always on!! Unfinished project? was this for new players to explore/play? Did you have an end game?

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    I use hopper timers, I have had up to three or four, but currently only one.  They are used for harvesting growing things of all shapes and sizes 😀

    I’ve also used them as pulse extenders and other things as well; however, haven’t had the need on this server yet.  I can’t imagine minecraft without these really… I mean, I’d have to like remember to go push a button or something 🙁

    Why not just ask everyone to limit their own usage of these and see where that goes, but I’d say if these are tasking the server then they are probably doing useful things 😀


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    personally, I use a hopper clock for my sugar cane farm. but the hopper is filled with the max amount of items (5stacks) so the pistons don’t pulse for about 3+- minutes. I do know of 2-3 chunk loaders. one of them being the portal one. I think another needs an end portal (kinda works the same as nether, but unsure if it works or not), another would be simple hoppers placed over chunk borders and have an item constantly passing through. ive never made one in any server, I just know of a few of them. back to clocks…. I don’t use clocks as much. I have a chicken cooker (spigot friendly) that uses a clock, but it isn’t fast at all. it will pulse every 30-40 seconds. then another “clock” under the chickens laying eggs. the comparator hooked up to the dispenser senses an egg and releases a pulse to fire it. it becomes a “clock” if several stacks are filtered into the dispenser, but it isn’t continuous. it stops firing once theres no more items in the dispenser (pardon me, I forget what the name of that particular redstone device is..) clocks are also pretty good for traps. haven’t used any myself; yet.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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