[changelog][staff] Please welcome new Housewright (Build team Leader) BGraph.

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates [changelog][staff] Please welcome new Housewright (Build team Leader) BGraph.

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    • Added BGraph 2mo to Housewright


    Everyone please welcome @BGraph to the PirateCraft team! He has been assined the role of Housewright which is a build team leader. Housewright is primarily to keep people on task and have an overall goal for building server projects.

    Features of housewright

    • Can set peoples rank to craftsman (builder)
    • Admin chat
    • Inherits Craftsman
    • Inherits Captain
    • Can use /ptime & /pweather
    • Can use /duty
    • Has /warp housrwright
    • Has coloured username
    • On Test server has full Creative/we/vs & many more commands.
    • On Creative server has full creative/we/vs and more plots

    How to apply for builder and work with BGraph

    This is up to BGraph how he wants to organise and deal with applications, we have a test server to trial builders, and he can also set temporary ranks for Craftsman.

    Projects that need to be built

    In here https://piratemc.com/topic/staff-looking-for-build-leaders-housewright/

    BGraph will assign what project is being worked on and the overall goals for it. I think we may start with /warp shop7 (Blank canvus)

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    Grats Bgraph!

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    Grats BGraph 🙂

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    BIG raph

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