[changelog] Keeping EliteMobs, disabled the "boss" spawns & passive spawns

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates [changelog] Keeping EliteMobs, disabled the "boss" spawns & passive spawns

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  • #60550
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    I’m going to keep the Elite mobs for a while, but I have reduced the “event” style mobs that drop the custom weapons.

    • Disabled “boss” events from elite mobs
    • Disabled passive mobs becoming elite mobs
    • Disabled “scoreboard” for Elitemobs, I don’t think this worked anyway

    This will keep harder mobs around, its nice having people actually have to survive in a survival!

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    would you be able to disable hostile mobs from fusing together to form lvl ## mob? regular hostile mobs fuse and form lvl ## elite of that mob. it breaks all farms. they don’t even drop anything worth the effort. they’ll drop what a normal mob of that type will drop, not a combined or multiplied amount (a lvl 30 skeleton that had 30 regular skellys fuse will drop what a normal skelly would drop).

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
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    • Topics: 794
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    would you be able to disable hostile mobs from fusing together to form lvl ## mob? regular hostile mobs fuse and form lvl ## elite of that mob. it breaks all farms. they don’t even drop anything worth the effort. they’ll drop what a normal mob of that type will drop, not a combined or multiplied amount (a lvl 30 skeleton that had 30 regular skellys fuse will drop what a normal skelly would drop).

    Farms? as in people farming the hostile elite mobs? the Passive mobs have been disabled completely from becoming elite.

    I think iv’e had a change of mind and may just fully remove the plugin.

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    Farms? as in people farming the hostile elite mobs? the Passive mobs have been disabled completely from becoming elite. I think iv’e had a change of mind and may just fully remove the plugin.

    Yah some people are using enderman farms for that

    sUbScRiBe To ShOcKErBoY686

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